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HYMN 2. С. М.

The Excellence of Scripture. Tim. iii. 16. Rom. xv. 4.

FATHER of mercies, in thy word,
What endless glory shines !

For ever be thy name ador'd
For these celestial lines.

2 Here may the wretched sons of want
Exhaustless riches find;

Riches, above what earth can grant;
And lasting as the mind.

3 Here, the fair tree of knowledge grows,
And yields a free repast;
Sublimer sweets than nature knows,
Invite the longing taste.

4 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice
Spreads heavenly peace around;
And life and everlasting joys
Attend the blissful sound.

5 Oh may these heavenly pages be
My ever dear delight;
And still new beauties may I see,
And still increasing light.

6 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord!
Be thou for ever near;
Teach me to love thy sacred word,
And view my Saviour there.

HYMN 3. С. М.


Praise for the Gospel. Ps. xcvi. 1. Luke iii. 5, 6.

To our almighty Maker, God,

New honours be address'd; His great salvation shines abroad, And makes the nations blest.

2 He spake the word to Abr'am first,
His truth fulfils his grace;
The Gentiles make his name their trust,
And learn his righteousness.

3 Let the whole earth his love proclaim,
With all her diff'rent tongues ;
And spread the honours of his name,
In melody and songs.

HYMN 4. L. M.


First and Second Adam. Rom. v. 14. 1 Cor. xv. 21, 22.

Oi.D, what was man when made at first,
Adam, the offspring of the dust,
That thou should'st set him and his race,
But just below an angel's place!

2 That thou should'st raise his nature so,
And make him lord of all below;
Make ev'ry beast and bird submit,
And lay the fishes at his feet.

3 But, O! what brighter glories wait
To crown the second Adam's state!
What honours shall thy Son adorn,
Who condescended to be born!

4 See him below his angels made:
See him in dust among the dead,
To save a ruin'd world from sin ;
But He shall reign, with pow'r divine.

5 The world to come, redeem'd from all
The miseries that attend the fall,
New made and glorious, shall submit
At our exalted Saviour's feet.


Christ and the Church. Psa. xlviii. 10. xlvii. 9. c. 4, 5.

THE King

of saints, how fair his face,

Adorn'd with majesty and grace!

He comes with blessings from above,
And wins the nations to his love.

2 At his right hand, our eyes behold
The queen array'd in purest gold;
The world admires her heav'nly dress,
Her robe of joy and righteousness.

3 He forms her beauties like his own,
He calls and seats her near his throne;
Fair stranger, let thine heart forget
The idols of thy native state.

4 So shall the King the more rejoice
In thee, the fav'rite of his choice;
Let hiın be lov'd, and yet ador'd,
For he's thy Maker and thy Lord.

5 O happy hour, when thou shalt rise
To his fair palace in the skies!
And all thy sons (a num'rous train)
Each like a prince in glory reign.

6 Let endless honours crown his head;
Let every age his praises spread;
While we with cheerful songs approve
The condescension of his love.


HYMN 6. Eights and Sevens Metre.

Consolation of Israel. Isa. xlix. 13. xl. 1, 2. Luke ii. 25, 26.

COME, thou long expected Jesus,
Born to set thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us,
Let us find our rest in Thee.

2 Israel's strength and consolation,
Hope of all the saints thou art;
Dear desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

3 Born thy people to deliver;
Born a child, and yet a king:
Born to reign in us for ever,
Now thy gracious kingdom bring:

4 By thine own eternal spirit,
Rule in all our hearts alone;
By thine all-sufficient merit,
Raise us to thy glorious throne.

HYMN 7. С. М.


Desire of all nations. Hag. ii. 7. Job. xiv. 15. Isa. xxvi. 8.

INFINITE excellence is thine,

Thou lovely Prince of Grace;

Thine uncreated beauties shine

With never-fading rays.

2 Sinners, from earth's remotest end,
Come bending at thy feet;

To Thee their pray'rs and vows ascend,
In Thee their wishes meet.

3 Thy name, as precious ointment shed,
Delights the church around;
Sweetly the sacred odour's spread
Through all Immanuel's ground.

4 Millions of happy spirits live
On thine exhaustless store;
From Thee they all their bliss receive,
And still Thou givest more.

5 Thou art their triumph, and their joy;
They find their all in Thee:
Thy glories will their tongues employ
Through all eternity.



HYMN 8. L. M.

Universal Praise. Ps. lxvi. 4. Rev. v. 13.

ROM all that dwell below the skies
Let the Creator's praise arise:
Let the Redeemer's name be sung
Through ev'ry land, by ev'ry tongue.

2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord;
Eternal truth attends thy word :
Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore,
Till suns shall rise to set no more.

HYMN 9. С. М.


Fountain opened. Zec. xiii. 1. Psa. xxxvi. 9. Isa. xii. 18.

THERE is a fountain fill'd with blood,
Drawn from Immanuel's veins;

And sinners plung'd beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.

2 The dying thief rejoic'd to see
That fountain in bis day;
O may I there, though vile as he,
Wash all my sins away!

3 Dear, dying Lamb, thy precious blood
Shall never lose its power,
Till all the ransom'd church of God
Be sav'd, to sin no more.

4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream,
Thy flowing wounds supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme,
And shall be till I die.

5 But when this lisping, stamm'ring tongue

Lies silent in the grave,

Then, in a nobler, sweeter song,

I'll sing thy pow'r to save.


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