Travels in Scotland, by an unusual route, with a trip to the Orkneys and Hebrides, Հատոր 1

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Էջ 94 - The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field : which indeed is the least of all seeds ; but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in thq branches thereof.
Էջ 52 - I will, that as soon as I shall be dead, you take my heart from my body, and have it well embalmed; you will also take as much money from my treasury as...
Էջ 52 - My dear friend, Lord James Douglas, you know that I have had much to do, and have suffered many troubles, during life, to support the rights of my crown. At the time that I was most occupied, I made a vow, the non-accomplishment of which gives me much uneasiness : I vowed that, if I could finish my wars in such a manner that I might have quiet to govern peaceably, I would go and make war against the enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ and the adversaries of the Christian faith. To this point my heart...
Էջ 53 - Gallant knight, I thank you. — You promise it me then?' ' Certainly, Sir, most willingly,' answered the knight. He then gave his promise upon his knighthood. " The king said, ' Thanks be to God ! for I shall now die in peace, since I know that the most valiant and accomplished knight of my kingdom will perform that for me, which I am unable to do for myself.
Էջ 53 - You will not be sparing of expense — and provide yourself with such company, and such things, as may be suitable to your rank — and wherever you pass, you will let it be known, that you bear the heart of king Robert of Scotland, which you are carrying beyond seas, by his command, since his body cannot go thither!
Էջ 161 - How sweet to stand, when tempests tear the main, On the firm cliff, and mark the seaman's toil ! Not that another's danger soothes the soul, But from such toil how sweet to feel secure...
Էջ 53 - All those present began bewailing bitterly; and when the Lord James could speak, he said, 'Gallant and noble king, I return you a hundred thousand thanks for the high honour you do me, and for the valuable and dear treasure with which you...
Էջ 106 - Happy art thou, O Israel : who is like unto thee, O people saved by the Lord, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency ! and thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee ; and thou shalt tread upon their high places.
Էջ 205 - Seceders split into two parties. The burgess oath in some of the royal burghs of Scotland contains the following clause : " I profess and allow, with my heart, the true religion presently professed within this realm, and authorized by the laws thereof. I will abide and defend the same to my life's ^end, renouncing the Romish religion called Papistry.
Էջ 19 - ... of luxury, and debauch them from doing good: whereas the offices of these lesser governments extending only over a moderate number of people, will be duly executed, and many men have occasions put into their hands of doing good to their fellow citizens. So many different seats of government will highly tend to the improvement of all arts and sciences; and afford great variety of entertainment to all foreigners and others of a curious and inquisitive genius, as the ancient cities of Greece did.

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