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endearing a manner-it was such that according to their own confession, it made their hearts to burn within them, while he talked with them by the way -and surely I need not say this was not the glow of shame, lest they should be found in his companyNo, brethren, they would not have cared who of all the great men of the land had met them in company with this most intelligent stranger-they felt themselves highly honoured by his company, even before Nor was this the heat of they knew his name. anger, or of any bad passion excited by any thing that he delivered-his communications were sweet, and soothing. Had they been so disposed, they could find nothing in them that was improper, untrue, or provoking-he talked with them as a man talks with his friend-the communion was sweet, and the intercourse highly gratifying; hence, though their hearts burned within them, it was neither with shame, nor anger. But this, brethren, permit me to say, was the glow of fixed surprise of grateful feeling of humble love, and-of holy animation of soul. Observe, it was the glow

(1) of fixed surprise.

They wondered much that he who appeared a stranger, not only to them, but also to the place where they were, should know so much about them

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Jerusalem and Jesus; they were astonished at his wisdom-at his eloquence. I almost fancy that they exclaimed "Never man spake like this man.' With emotions of amazement, they perceived that his word was quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow; and that it is a discoverer of the thoughts and intents of the heart." With what prying eyes must they have looked upon him; and yet not so as to behold him who he was, because himself had prevented it; yet their hearts burned within them-sentiments of unutterable admiration were hid in their breasts whilst he opened to them the scriptures. Again-it was the glow

(2) of grateful feeling.

They must have discovered that they were greatly indebted to this benevolent stranger, who had so effectually enlightened their judgments, and alleviated their sorrows. Their hearts burned within them with the sensation of thankfulness-they saw that he was a praise-worthy character, and, methinks, were devising some acknowledgments for his attention to them, little thinking that it was the Lord. Did your hearts ever glow in this way with a sense of your utter incapability of making any suitable returns to him that loved you, and revealed to you his will? For your fellowship with him, have you ever said-what shall I render to the Lord ? Did you ever feel the high honour of being with Jesus-admitted into his presence, and being made partakers of his grace? All your hearts, Christians, should glow with gratitude, and burn with love. Hence, we remark again, their hearts burned within them with the sensation

(3) of humble love.

Finding as they did, that his words" were found of them, and they did eat them," and they were to them the joy and the rejoicing of their hearts, they manifested a strong attachment to him whom they supposed to be a new friend. He engaged their affections, hence they desired more of his company, and said, when their fears were excited lest he should depart from them-" Abide with us, for it is toward evening." So do the hearts of the people of God burn within them to the present day, with like sensations, under similar enjoyments-the flame of divine love is kindled in their souls-the words of his mouth appear to them sweeter than the honey or the honeycomb ;-his doctrine drops like the rain, and distils like the dew, and sensible that none teacheth like him, they admire and love him before all others. Oh! how excellent a thing it is thus to love the Saviour.-Let it be our happiness to sit at his feet; and with meekness receive the

ingrafted word of truth, which is able to save the soul, so shall its admirable Author rise daily more and more in our esteem. Finally, it was the glow (4) of holy animation of soul.

Divine light broke in upon their minds, and dispersed their remaining unbelief-they were elevated above the world to the contemplation of their adorable Redeemer. He touched their finest feelingshe filled their souls with the sublime joys of his salvation-he inspired them with pure devotion, and fixedness of heart-and while he led them to the consideration of Him who endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, he prevented them from being weary and fainting in their minds. And oh ! Christians, what sweet moments-rich in blessing— have you enjoyed, when in converse with Immanuel. "Whether in the body, or out of the body," you have hardly been able to tell ;-drops of heaven have been bestowed upon you here below-the light of the Divine countenance has caused you to take your harp from the willows, and make every string speak to the praise of love divine. Did not your hearts burn within you ? Were you not like Peter on the mount, who, in an extacy of joy said, "Lord it is good to be here ?" You anticipated the joys of the blessed, you drank of the brook by the way, and seemed ready to depart and to be with Christ, to drink wine new with him, in the kingdom of his Father. This holy delight in God is real, and not enthusiastic-it is bestowed only on the new born heirs of grace, and it is given them as a pledge of joys to come-their hearts burn within them while he talks with them by the way.

In reflecting on this subject we are struck with the idea that

We often have to blame ourselves for not suf ficiently estimating our mercies during the time of their continuance.

These disciples, notwithstanding the pleasure they had found in his society, did not, till just as he left

them, discover him to be their Lord-to the present day Joseph often knows his brethren, whilst they know him not. And then afterwards they say-did not our hearts burn within us? True, they did. But why did not we value the blessing while we enjoyed it? Why did we not say, as the words of wisdom dropped from his mouth, it is the Lord?

Again, a review of past favours greatly supports the mind under present bereavements.

When we seem forsaken-when our affections towards Christ appear but cold, oh! what a privilego it is to be enabled to revert to a period when our hearts did burn within us, while he talked with us

by the way. This thought cheers the drooping spirits, and raises the fainting head; it excites our hope too, that he will be with us again, and hold converse with us, even till the hour of death-yea, it makes us argue, that if the Lord had intended to destroy us, he would not have made our hearts burn within us by his divine communications.

It is the duty and interest of us all earnestly to pray for the society and conversation of Christ.

The blessing itself is so desirable, for it is to have the honour of dwelling and walking with Christand the sensations which he, by his discourse, excites in the mind, are so pleasing, and delightful, that we ought earnestly to beseech him to tarry with us-if he is an instructer and companion, how short will the distance to heaven appear, and how light and momentary the trials of the way-Lastly,

If those who travel with the Saviour, are thus blessed, how miserable are they who are altogether alienated from him.

Sinners, you never yet enjoyed the society of Christ, nor do you wish it. You are loading him with reproaches, and will have none of his counsel, and he will never say of you "they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy;" the fever of lust, and the torment of envy shall be your curse, while you live in the pains of hell, your portion after death,

when you will burn in "the fire that never can be quenched, and the smoke of your torments shall ascend up forever and ever." Õh! may we, instead of this awful doom, be honoured and glorified with his constant presence in a better world-so shall the chosen of Nazareth be praised and adored by us forever and ever.

No. IV.


ACTS xx. 24. 'But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God."

THIS is not the language of stoical apathy; the man who uttered these words, my hearers, was a man possessed of the keenest sensibility-a man of real, honest, and exquisite feeling;-in his heart, cold indifference, and unfeeling stubbornness, had no place; nor do the words express philosophical heroism; a foolish bravado; for our apostle derives his support from sources far different from these: he was animated by principles; he was delighted with prospects which the natural man never possesses the power of which principles, and the view of which prospects, produce an effect which is mighty beyond all conception. The passage I have read you, introduces to our view Paul the preacher at the time of his departure from his friends, when his mind was led to expect, and prepared to meet, bonds and afflictions in every place; and the words of the text do most strikingly shew us the way in which the principles of the gospel discover themselves, and prove their power to strengthen and support. Viewing this passage as not unsuitable to the present opportunity, I shall exhibit it to your view, as shewing us

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