Chronicles of Wesleyan Methodism, Հատոր 1

Գրքի շապիկի երեսը
J. Stephens, 1827 - 667 էջ

From inside the book

Common terms and phrases

Սիրված հատվածներ

Էջ vii - Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.
Էջ xi - He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses : of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the Blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace...
Էջ x - For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
Էջ xi - If we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin; but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
Էջ vii - And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other ; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also.
Էջ vii - To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.
Էջ 153 - Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof...
Էջ 114 - Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ ; not with eye-service, as men-pleasers ; but as the servants of Christ ; doing the will of God from the heart...
Էջ vii - I am rich, and increased in goods, and have need of nothing ; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked ; 18.
Էջ 153 - By doing good; by being in every kind merciful after their power ; as they have opportunity, doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possible, to all men.

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