SUFFICIENT information respecting the general history of Wesleyan Methodism, and the principal incidents which marked the character and progress of its venerable Founder, and his Coadjutors, is already before the Public. All the DOCTRINES which characterize the Body, have also been so fully and repeatedly brought before the world by its numerous publications, both in the form of direct statements, and in the vindication of them against all those opponents whose writings were thought considerable enough to deserve reply, and they continue to occupy so prominent a place in the Public Ministry of the Word by its authorized Preachers, that no further information than what is within the reach of every sincere enquirer is necessary. The space therefore allotted to the Doctrinal Department of this work is small, as well for the reasons just assigned, as for others which will be found in their proper place. THE DISCIPLINE by which the Body has from the beginning been governed, and by which it continues to flourish, occupies a large place in its Constitution. The particular Laws and Regulations, however, which are necessary, not only to the good |