tendent is distinctly to enter, according to the directions given in the said Rule, all his Receipts and Payments of every kind on account of this Fund, and such other particulars as are therein required. 2. The Committees of our Schools are directed, from year to year, to appoint Auditors, resident in the neighbouring Circuits, to examine their respective accounts, preparatory to their being laid before the Conference. 1821. XIV. In future, the same person shall not be appointed to the office of Governor of the Kingswood or WoodhouseGrove School, for more than six successive years. 1822. XV. Q. WHAT further measure can be adopted, in order to render the Fund for the support of the Schools, and for the Education of the Preachers' Children in general, more adequate to the great additional expenditure, which has been occasioned by the enlargement of the Connexion, and the increase of the number of Preachers? A. Let there be a suitable interchange of Preachers, in all the Circuits in which it shall be found practicable, at the time when the Public Collections are made. 1824. XVI. Q. As the Fund for the support of the Schools, and for the Education of the Preachers' Children in general, is still inadequate to the great additional expenditure which has resulted form the enlargement of the Connexion, and the increase of the number of Preachers,-what Plan can we adopt to meet the deficiency? A. 1. The sum to be claimed from the Mission-Fund, towards the maintenance, clothing, and education of every Boy, at our Schools, who is the Son of a Preacher, actually employed in our Foreign Missions, or of a deceased Mis sionary, shall in future be Twenty-Five Pounds per annum And the Missionaries themselves shall be required to pay the Annual Subscription of Four Guineas, for each of their Boys, at the Schools, in common with the Preachers stationed in this country. 2. The General Treasurers shall immediately address a Circular Letter to the Quarterly Meetings of all those Circuits which have lately applied for, and received additional Preachers; reminding them of the unavoidable increase of expenditure, which is eventually entailed on the School-Fund, as well as on the other General Funds of the Connexion, by every increase in the number of Preachers; and urging upon them the necessity and duty of making proper exertions to augment, in their several Circuits, in a proportion corresponding to the augmentation of claims, the Subscriptions and Collections for that Fund. 1825. XVII. FURTHER Regulations to meet the great deficiency of the School-Fund. 1. Every Preacher who has a Son at the Schools, shall subscribe Two Guineas per annum towards the support of the Schools;-every Preacher who receives the allowance of Twelve Pounds for the education of a son at home, shall subscribe One Guinea per annum for the like purpose ;and every other Travelling Preacher shall be required to subscribe, at least, Half-a-Guinea per annum, in aid of the School-Fund. 2. In conformity to the liberal and judicious recommendations of the Circuit-Stewards, in several respectable Districts, it is agreed, that the usual Allowance of Six Quineas per annum, heretofore made from the Children's Fund for those Sons of Preachers who are educated at home, shall henceforth be made also, out of the the same Fund, for those Boys who are educated at the Schools;-the gross amount of such last mentioned Allowances being considered as due on the 24th June, annually, from the General Treasurers of the Children's Fund to the General Treasurers of the School Fund. 3. At every District-Meeting, in the month of May, on the day in which the Circuit-Stewards are in attendance, during the transaction of the financial business of the District, the Chairman is directed to inquire particularly into the amount of the Subscriptions and Collections raised for the School Fund in each Circuit, and to compare them with the lists of the preceding year. Where any material deficiency, or want of due exertion, shall appear, the case shall be specially reported in the District-Minutes, and brought by the Chairman before the ensuing Conference. N. B. 1. The Private Subscriptions and Public Collections for the Schools, &c. are to be made, as usual, in the month of October. All money belonging to this Fund is to be remitted to the General Treasurers, and to no other persons.—And it is expressly required, that the Collections, &c., received in October, shall be transmitted to the General Treasurers not later than the 15th of November.. 2. The Treasurers' Accounts will be closed on the 24th of June, that they may bring with them to the Conference a complete Report of the state of the Fund; in order to which every Superintendent is required to transmit to the Treasurers a correct List of his Subscriptions and Collections, on or before the 20th of June.-Each Chairman shall extract from his District-Minutes every thing which relates to the School-Fund, which extract he shall send to the Treasurers prior to the above-mentioned day.-And, further, every Superintendent shall pay to the Chairman of his District, at the time of the Annual District-Meeting, at latest, all additional Subscriptions or Collections which he may have received after the 15th of November. 1826. IV. THE CHILDREN'S FUND. I. Q. WHAT Regulations shall be made in respect to those Preachers, who marry Widows that have Children by former Husbands? A. Such Preachers shall have no assistance either from the public Funds, or from the Circuits in which they labour, for the Children which their Wives have had by former Husbands. 1798. II. Q. WHAT is the result of the inquiries which were made, by order of the last Conference, of the Preachers and Stewards assembled in the late District-Meetings throughout the kingdom, concerning the Plan, often recommended by several respectable Friends, for stationing the the Preachers' Children on the Circuits, (as it respects the payment of their usual allowance,) in a fair and equitable manner, according to the numbers and other circumstances of the Societies? ༄། ༣༈ A. It appears from the Minutes of the District-Meetings, nów read, that the principle and outline of that Plan are very generally approved. The Conference, therefore, relves as follows: viz.: 1. That every District shall be considered to be responsible for providing within itself, and by its own local resources, the usual quarterly allowances for such a number of Preachers' Children, as shall be found, on annual examination and calculation, to be fairly chargeable on the Circuits belonging to that District, according to the principle of proportion to numbers in Society. 2. That when the Number of Children's Allowances, to be provided in each District collectively has been ascertained, those-Allowances shall afterwards be annually divided among the several Circuits of that District; and every Cireuit shall be responsible for the sum so allotted to it, as its equitable share of this part of the General Expenditure of our Connexion, and shall be expected to furnish that sum by quarterly instalments, either out of its own regular Income, or if necessary, by means of extraordinary local exertions. 3. That although in ascertaining the number of Childrens' Allowances to be charged on every District, the Number of Members is to be the sole principle of calculation, it is recommended, that in the partition of those Allowances among the several Circuits which compose that District, while the number of Members in each Circuit is still to be considered as the leading principle on which the division shall be made, the comparative circumstances of the Circuits, in other respects, shall also be taken into the account, and allowed to modify in particular cases the application of the general principle of Numbers; so that the more burdened Circuits may, as much as possible, be relieved by others in the same District, and the whole quota for each District be always raised within itself. 4. That the Sums thus charged on the Districts, and divided among the Circuits, shall be. considered as constituting a separate Fund, to be called The Children's Fund; |