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BOOK I. tain better conditions for themselves, by remaining in arms. The city of London continued doubtful which fovereign they should own, but much more inclined to the king than to Matilda, for near two months; at the end of which time, that princefs having advanced as far as St. Albans, a body of the chief citizens waited on her there, and, after fome treaty with her, confented to receive her within their walls. A few days before Midsummer she entered into that city, with a great train of fpiritual and temporal lords, and with her uncle, the King of Scotland, who came to affift, as a feudatory, at her coronation. She then took up her refidence at the palace of Westminster, built by William Rufus; and remained there fome time, to order and compose the state of the kingdom. The earl of Glocefter ferved her well in this neceffary work. He negociated with the barons of the oppofite faction, allured the haughty by careffes, and the mercenary by promifes, was full of humanity, moderation, and courtesy, in all his de portment. Nor did he merely employ fair appearances, or fmooth words, to reconcile the inclinations of the people to that change which his fword had effected; but, in thofe parts of the country which had efpoufed his fifter's cause, or fubmitted to her power, he tried to reform the adminiftration of juftice, and restore the good ancient laws; being thoroughly fenfible, that more stability would be given to government, by thefe acts of beneficence, than by force and fear, to which, he knew, the fpirit of

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. the people could not long be fubjected. Hadв OOK I. the been guided by his wifdom, the whole kingdom would foon have acknowledged her fovereignty, without further oppofition: but all his endeavours were defeated by the perverfenefs of her conduct. The pride and haughtiness of her temper were fo fwelled by this fudden gale of profperity, that they bore her far from the course which his prudence defired to make her fteer. From the day, in which the king was delivered to her a prifoner, her looks, her mien, her language, were abfolutely changed. She affumed an air fo imperious, that one would have thought her another Semiramis, giving laws to a nation long accustomed to fervitude; rather than a princess of England, making her way, through many obftacles, to the limited government of a free people, not fufficiently convinced of her right to their fealty. Her Grandfather, William the Conqueror, was Vid. auctores hardly more defpotick at the end of his reign, citat. utfuprà than the at the beginning of a yet unaffured and unfettled authority, even before the crown, fo lately worn by her valiant antagonist, was placed on her head. Some of the party of Stephen, who came to offer their allegiance and fervices to her, fhe received with great coldness, others fhe drove from her prefence with upbraidings and threats. All the grants made by that prince, even those to the church, The precipitately revoked, to give them to her favorites. From those who had fubmitted to B 2


BOOK I her he often took a part of their lands and poffeffions, as fines for their past conduct; and thus left them, at the beft, but half reconciled to her, or rather fecret enemies, who naturally felt more refentment for what they had loft, than gratitude for what they retained. But all the barons who, from a fenfe of honor or fidelity, delayed to abandon their ; late mafter, she wholly deprived of their honors and eftates, and conferred them on others; thus rendering them implacable, and keeping up a head of oppofition against her, which no time could remove. The citizens of London, whom he ought to have particularly courted, were treated with great feverity for the not only denied them the indulgence they afked, of being governed by the laws of King Edward the Confeffor, but oppreffed them by arbitrary and grievous exactions. They reprefented to her how much they had loft of that opulence they formerly had enjoyed, by the decay of their trade and other public calamities attending the war, befides the high demands which the late government had often made upon them, and which they durft not refuse. They more especially pleaded the extraordinary expences they had lately fuftained, in making provifion for the relief of their poor, againtt an imminent danger of famine, which, they apprehended, was not yet entirely removed. And therefore they humbly implored her, in the most pathetic terms, to moderate her de


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mand, or, at leaft, to grant them, out of BOOK I. compaffion to their prefent great distress, a longer time for the payment; promifing her, that, when peace fhould be perfectly establifhed, as their riches would increafe, fo fhould alfo their zeal for the fupport of her government. But, before they had ended their remonstrance, with rage in her eyes, frowns on her brow, and fuch a diforder of paffion as equally deftroyed the majefty of the queen and the foftness of the woman, fhe told them, that they had frequently and lavishly granted their money to Stephen, for his fupport, and to her detriment, having been long combined with her enemies, as the had felt to her coft; and therefore they must not expect that he would fhew any lenity to them, or remit the leaft part of the fum she had demanded. So ill did fhe understand the art of converting fubdued enemies into friends, which, fo far as it can be done without alienating thofe by whofe affiftance they were fubdued, is of all arts the most neceffary in revolutions of government!

Nor was her behaviour more gracious to her friends themselves. When the bishop of Winchester and the earl of Glocefter were fuitors to her for any of the king's party, fhe frequently rejected their interceffions with great rudenefs, fuffering them to kneel to her, without rifing up; a pride, which, contrafted with the familiar and obliging beha viour of Stephen, appeared the more offen

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BOOK I. five and infupportable to a free people. In vain did her brother, to whom the owed her fuccefs, fuggeft to her right measures, and a conduct more agreeable to that state she was in, and to the temper of the nation. Neither his counfels, nor thofe of the king of Scotland, her uncle, could prevail against the dictates of her impetuous paffions, to which the now gave fo abfolute a sway, that fhe made little ufe even of her own understanding, which, in the former tranfactions of her life, had appeared to be much stronger and fitter for government, than could be imagined from her prefent behaviour. She was indeed quite intoxicated with her good for tune, and confidered England as a conquered country, upon which the might trample, at pleafure; forgetting that most of those by whom he had conquered had fought for freedom, and that even the vanquished party was not fo difpirited, or reduced to fuch weakness, as that a galling and defperate refentment might not yet render them dangerous to her, efpecially if they were ftrengthened by a coalition with those whom intereft alone had made her friends. But while fhe was lulled Vid. auctores in all the fecurity of infolent folly, and incitat, ut fuprà tent upon nothing but her approaching coronation, for the ceremonies of which the now prepared, with all the impatience and pleasure of a woman who loved the pomp of royalty no less than the substance, there arofe a fudden ftorm, which burft upon her head

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