Cumberland's British Theatre: With Remarks, Biographical and Critical, Том 35George Daniel J. Cumberland, 1875 |
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В этой книге найдено 54 стр., соответствующих запросу "Wilford"
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Agnes Aldwinkle Aloud Andalusia Barbara better Blanch Brag brother Capias captain Charles Cockney Corset CUMBERLAND TERRACE dear devil door dost Drury Lane Easy Emily Enter Exeunt Exit father fellow Floranthe Foreright gentleman Gilks girl give heart Heaven honour Ireton Jeffery JOHN CUMBERLAND Kilmallock lady Lappet Laughing look Lope Lovegold madam Maria marriage marry master Miss Prissy Musket never night Octavian on't Orson poor pray Rawbold Re-enter Roque Sadi SCENE Septimus servant Sir E Sir Edward Mortimer Sir H Sir John sirrah sure Susan sweet tell THEATRES ROYAL thee there's thou thousand guineas thousand pounds TOMBOY uncle Virolet Watty Wilford window Winterton woman Wormwood young Zarah Zorayda Zounds