PHARMACEUTICAL LATIN GRAMMAR; BEING AN EASY INTRODUCTION ΤΟ MEDICAL LATIN, THE LONDON PHARMACOPŒIA, AND THE PERUSAL OF PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS. BY ARNOLD JAMES COOLEY, AUTHOR OF THE "CYCLOPEDIA OF PRACTICAL RECEIPTS AND COLLATERAL ETC. ETC. LONDON: R. GROOMBRIDGE AND SONS, 5, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1845. PREFACE. THIS little book was written some time ago, at the earnest solicitation of a friend of the author's whose education had been neglected in his youth, and who was extremely desirous of instructing himself in the rudiments of Medical Latin. The benefit which this individual derived from it, induced the author to show the manuscript to several persons among his connections to whom he thought it was likely to prove useful, as well as to others more qualified to judge of its value as an elementary work. In every case it has met with the approval of the parties who have seen it, and in numerous instances copies have been solicited. At length, at the particular recommendation of several friends, the author has consented to print it in a cheap form for general circulation, and he trusts that the printed copy will prove as useful as the manuscript. It is hoped that the present work will be found to supply a deficiency which has hitherto existed in the department to which it belongs; viz. a SHORT and SELF-EXPLANATORY introduction to Latin Grammar and construing, adapted more immediately to the wants of dispensing Chemists and Druggists, and others connected with the preparation or administration of medicine. For this purpose it has been illustrated with copious examples and exercises taken from the London Pharmacopoeia, followed by others of purer Latinity from the Roman classics. An appendix has been added, fully exemplifying the construction of Physicians' prescriptions, together with numerous examples of medical formulæ, a very copious list of abbreviations, and comparative tables of the weights and measures employed in commerce and medicine. Though more especially addressed to persons employed in the departments above mentioned, it is confidently believed that the present work will be found one of the most easy and concise, yet comprehensive introductions to the Latin tongue yet published, suitable to all classes, and particularly adapted to adult and self-tuition. LONDON: July 1st, 1845. Just published, in one thick volume, price 14s. The SECOND EDITION of the CYCLOPEDIA OF PRACTICAL RECEIPTS And collateral Information in the ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND TRADES, Including MEDICINE, PHARMACY, AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY. Designed as a compendious book of reference for the Manufacturer, Tradesman, Amateur, and Heads of Families. BY ARNOLD JAMES COOLEY. "An extremely useful compendium, meriting a place in every library. The Editor, Mr. Cooley, who is well known to our readers, has bestowed much care on the work. It is altogether highly creditable to him, and we hope that this second edition will meet with the support it so well deserves."-Extract from THE CHEMIST, for July, 1845. *This work contains 816 pages of small type, and upwards of 20,000 valuable formulæ, facts, cautions, &c. &c. It includes the latest and most accurate information on the subjects of which it treats, as well as copious remarks (historical, explanatory, and instructive), and numerous engravings, and tables constructed or rearranged on purpose for this edition. Many of the formulæ contained in this volume have individually realised considerable fortunes for the parties who originally employed them in their manufactories. |