Jesus wept. Then said the Jews, Behold how He loved him! mf WHAT a Friend we have in Jesus, mp cr our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry mf cr mp 2 Have we trials and temptations? mp 3 Are we weak and heavy-laden, mp mf JOSEPH SCRIVEN. cr Jesus wept. Then said the Jews, Behold how He loved him! mp 2 Have we trials and temptations? mp 3 Are we weak and heavy-laden, mp cr mf JOSEPH SCRIVEN. mp To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenesses, though we have rebelled against Him. LORD, Thy mercy now entreating, mp4 Precious moments idly wasted, Precious hours in folly spent; Christian vow and fight unheeded, Scarce a thought to wisdom lent. Low before Thy throne we fall, Our misdeeds to Thee confessing, On Thy name we humbly call. mp2 Sinful thoughts, and words unloving Rise against us one by one; p 5 Lord, Thy mercy still entreating Acts unworthy, deeds unthinking, Good that we have left undone. cr We with shame our sins would own; From henceforth, the time redeeming, May we live to Thee alone. mp3 Hearts that far from Thee were straying, mp6 Heavenly Father, bless Thy children, While in prayer we bowed the knee, Lips that, while Thy praises sounding, Lifted not the soul to Thee: Hearken from Thy throne on high; cr Loving Saviour, Holy Spirit, Hear and heed our humble cry. Amen. A. Ν. 406 INTERCESSION. D.8.8. W. H. CALLCOTT. 00 A men. What prayer and supplication soever be made by any man, which shall know his own plague and his own sorrow, mp W HEN the weary, seeking rest, When the heavy-laden cast All their load on Thee; When the troubled, seeking peace, On Thy name shall call; When the sinner seeking life, At Thy feet shall fall : mf Hear then in love, O Lord, the cry, dim In heaven Thy dwelling-place on high. mp 2 When the worldling, sick at heart, When the burdened brings his guilt To Thy throne of grace: mf Hear then in love, O Lord, the cry, dim In heaven Thy dwelling-place on high. mf 3 When the stranger asks a home, ... ... hear Thou in heaven Thy dwelling-place. mf 4 When the man of toil and care, In the city crowd; cr When the shepherd on the moor, Name the blessed name: Hear then in love, O Lord, the cry, dim In heaven Thy dwelling-place on high. dim mp 5 When the child, with grave fresh lip, mp 6 When creation in her pangs, mf Hear then in love, O Lord, the cry, dim In heaven Thy dwelling-place on high. Amen. HORATIUS BONAR. |