561 SALEM. GERMAN MELODY. A But Jesus was displeased, and said, Let the little children come to Me, mp W HEN mothers cr mf mp of Salem their children brought to Jesus, The stern disciples drove them back, and bade them depart; But Jesus saw them ere they fled, and sweetly smiled and kindly said, 'Suffer little children to come unto Me. 2 'For I will receive them and fold them to My bosom: I'll be a shepherd to these lambs, O, drive them not away; For if their hearts to Me they give, they shall with Me in glory live: 3 How kind was our Saviour to bid these children welcome! But there are many thousands who have never heard His name; mf 4 0, soon may the heathen of every tribe and nation Fulfil Thy blessed Word and cast their idols all away! W. M. HUTCHINGS. mf W Show forth His salvation, declare His glory among the heathen. a joyful sound, E have heard 2 Waft it on the rolling tide; |