The Presbyterian Book of Praise, Approved and Commended by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. With Tunes. Part I. Selections from the Psalter. Part II. The Hymnal, Revised and Enlargedat the University Press, 1897 |
From inside the book
Արդյունքներ 83–ի 1-ից 5-ը:
... light forth and thy truth . 31 XLIII ( 1 ) Invocation , ( 2 ) St. Paul . O set ye open unto me 89 CXVII Sawley . O sing a new song to the LORD , Sing all 69 XCVI ( 1 ) Irish , ( 2 ) Christos . O sing a new song to the LORD , For wonders ...
... light forth and thy truth . 31 XLIII ( 1 ) Invocation , ( 2 ) St. Paul . O set ye open unto me 89 CXVII Sawley . O sing a new song to the LORD , Sing all 69 XCVI ( 1 ) Irish , ( 2 ) Christos . O sing a new song to the LORD , For wonders ...
Էջ 29
... light of thine We clearly light shall see . FROM G. F. HANDEL . م م TTOO DO 100 00_ TO DO 001 mf FOR OR evil - doers fret thou not Thyself unquietly ; Nor do thou envy bear to those That work iniquity . mp 2 For , even like the fading ...
... light of thine We clearly light shall see . FROM G. F. HANDEL . م م TTOO DO 100 00_ TO DO 001 mf FOR OR evil - doers fret thou not Thyself unquietly ; Nor do thou envy bear to those That work iniquity . mp 2 For , even like the fading ...
Էջ 32
... light forth and thy Let them be guides to me , [ truth ; er And bring me to thy holy hill , Even where thy dwellings be . p 3 Whyartthou then cast down , my soul ? What should discourage thee ? And why with vexing thoughts art ...
... light forth and thy Let them be guides to me , [ truth ; er And bring me to thy holy hill , Even where thy dwellings be . p 3 Whyartthou then cast down , my soul ? What should discourage thee ? And why with vexing thoughts art ...
Էջ 66
... light ; And to declare thy faithfulness With pleasure every night , mf 3 Upon a ten - stringed instrument , And on the psaltery , Upon the harp with solemn sound , And grave sweet melody . 5 Like to the palm - tree flourishing Shall be ...
... light ; And to declare thy faithfulness With pleasure every night , mf 3 Upon a ten - stringed instrument , And on the psaltery , Upon the harp with solemn sound , And grave sweet melody . 5 Like to the palm - tree flourishing Shall be ...
Էջ 95
... light , Makes wise who simple are . mp6 O let my footsteps in thy word Aright still ordered be : Let no iniquity obtain Dominion over me . ' SCOTTISH PSALTER , 1615 . 100 OA 00 95 HUDDERSFIELD . C. M. MARTIN MADAN . mp Ο Psalms.
... light , Makes wise who simple are . mp6 O let my footsteps in thy word Aright still ordered be : Let no iniquity obtain Dominion over me . ' SCOTTISH PSALTER , 1615 . 100 OA 00 95 HUDDERSFIELD . C. M. MARTIN MADAN . mp Ο Psalms.
Common terms and phrases
A-men adore altd Amen angels ANNE ROSS COUSIN bless blessèd blest blood bright bring CHARLES WESLEY Christ cr cr cr dim cr f cr mf cr mp crown darkness death divine doth dwell earth eternal evermore f mf faith Father fear forever FRANCES RIDLEY HAVERGAL give glad glorious glory GODFREY THRING Hallelujah hand hath HAVERGAL hear heart heaven heavenly HENRY SMART holy HORATIUS BONAR Hymns ISAAC WATTS Jehovah Jesus JOHN JOHN NEWTON joyful King Lamb light live Lord LOWELL MASON mf cr mf f mighty mp cr night o'er peace PHILIP DODDRIDGE praise Thee pray prayer PSALM PSALTER refrain reign rejoice rest righteousness saints salvation Saviour Scottish Paraphrase SECOND TUNE shine sing sinners sins song sorrow soul Spirit sweet Tell Thine Thou art Thou hast Thy face Thy love Thy mercy Thy name trust TTOO unto voice weary WESLEY word
Սիրված հատվածներ
Էջ 521 - BY cool Siloam's shady rill How sweet the lily grows ; How sweet the breath, beneath the hill, Of Sharon's dewy rose ! 2 Lo ! such the child whose early feet The paths of peace have trod, Whose secret heart, with influence sweet, Is upward drawn to God.
Էջ 41 - Lord, by thee. 2 Thou art the Truth, thy word alone True wisdom can impart ; Thou only canst inform the mind And purify the heart. 3 Thou art the Life, the rending tomb Proclaims thy conquering arm, And those who put their trust in thee Nor death nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the Way, the Truth, the Life ; Grant us that way to know, That truth to keep, that life to win, Whose *joys eternal flow.
Էջ 329 - Thus star by star declines Till all are passed away, As morning high and higher shines To pure and perfect day : Nor sink those stars in empty night ; They hide themselves in heaven's own light.
Էջ 12 - WHEN all Thy mercies, O my God ! ' ' My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise.
Էջ 161 - Thou, O Christ, art all I want, More than all in thee I find ! Raise the fallen, cheer the faint, Heal the sick, and lead the blind...
Էջ 225 - One family we dwell in Him, One Church above, beneath, Though now divided by the stream, The narrow stream, of death...
Էջ 151 - Just as I am — and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come...
Էջ 34 - Say, shall we yield him, in costly devotion, Odors of Edom, and offerings divine ? Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest...
Էջ 425 - The captive to release, To God the lost to bring, To teach the way of life and peace, It is a Christ-like thing.