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to herself, of the privilege she enjoyed of living among a people of God, of her ardent desire, that her own brother and sister, and all her country-people, should experience the same; and entreated, that they might not be forgotten. She was afraid, "that perhaps the teachers might leave off praying for them." She had, however, found a text of Scripture which revived her hopes : "I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not." Is. xlii. 16. She would therefore yet hope that our Saviour would send to them His word, and call them to partake of His salvation." I answered, that I could assure her, that her countrymen were not forgotten by the Fathers and Brethren in Europe, and that I had been particularly commissioned to make inquiry about the practicability of establishing a Mission in her country; but having spoken with the Governor and other persons in office, I was given to understand, that just now, it would not be safe, while the war lasted. She replied, that the boors were in fault, but she hoped that the war would soon cease, and then that something would be done for them. She thought "that the best way to begin a Mission would be, to send one or more Caffres to king T'Geika, and inform him of the aim of such an institution, and though she believed, that just now the Caffres might kill the boors for robbing them of their land, they would protect missionaries coming from Gnadenthal; that a settlement might be formed, by the Caffre part of this congregation becoming the first settlers in any part of their country, suitable for the purpose, and that, if a mission were begun, and succeeded, there would be an end of all Caffre wars with the English." The name of this woman is Wilhelmina, a communicant, and in her person, manner, and neatness of apparel, superior to any of the Hottentots. I was much pleased and edified by her conversation.'

At length, after various consultations and minor journeys, on the 5th of March, the caravan of discovery set off on its tour. It comprised Mr. Latrobe, Mr. and Mrs. Schmitt, and Mr. Stein; Mr. Melville, government surveyor, a gentleman of pleasing manners and professional skill, joined the party, and proved a very useful auxiliary. The waggons were under the care and direction of six trusty Hottentots. To follow the party through the various stages of its journey, would by no means answer any useful or gratifying purpose; those details which are by no means uninteresting in Mr L.'s journal, are not always sufficiently important for extract or analysis, and we must therefore satisfy ourselves with briefly adverting to the main incidens of the journey. The attention of the travellers had been especially directed eastward to the Chamtoos and Kierbooms rivers, on the banks of which they were assured of finding eligible and unclaimed tracts of land; they consequently moved in that direction, journeying first between the Zwarte Bergen and the sea, and afterwards along the Lange Kloof. Very early in their route, they had a specimen of the equity of the Boors. One of these gentry, a great part of whom descendants of the Dutch

colonists, live in filth and idleness, indulging themselves in the grossest sensuality, and maltreating their slaves at pleasure, rode up to the waggons, and claimed, by virtue of a contract, the services of one of the Gnadenthal Hottentots. His rage, on meeting with a repulse, was terrific, though it appeared, on investigation, that he had on his part violated every condition of the bond, while exacting its rigid performance from the poor native. These wretches seem indeed to have thought themselves quite justified in exercising the most atrocious cruelties towards the natives; and their anger against the British Government for its protection of the Hottentot, and its impartial distribution of justice, has been checked only by its impotence. One of these barbarians stated it to Mr. Latrobe, as his deliberate opinion, that the Hottentots and Kaffers were the Canaanites of the land, and that white men were the Israelites commissioned to destroy them. On some occasions, however, their bloody 'instructions' have returned to plague the inventor,' for the natives, especially the Kaffers, an active and intrepid race, have exercised, in several instances, fierce and sanguinary reprisals. The Boors have lately received an awful lesson, which we should hope would have the effect of repressing their violence for the future, and preserving the peace of the Colony. From causes, not distinctly explained, they have been recently in a state of rebellion, and Government felt itself under the necessity of making a severe example. For this purpose, five wretches were selected, and while Mr. Latrobe and his companions were on the journey, suffered the penalty awarded by the law.

After dinner, the reverend Mr. Herold, minister of George, having returned from Uitenhagen, called on the landdrost, to make a report of his attendance on the five rebellious boors, who were executed last Saturday in that district. He gave a most melancholy account of that event. The hangman was a black. The halters were too weak, or rather, as some suspected, intentionally cut; but no sooner had the delinquents been turned off, and the platform removed, than four of the five fell from the gallows. Having unfortunately been persuaded to believe, that by English custom, a man thus falling down is free, the poor wretches cried for mercy, and one, addressing the by-standers, exclaimed, that by this accident it was made manifest, that God would not permit them to be put to death. The landdrost, Colonel Cuyler, was, however, obliged to let justice take its course, and other halters being procured, they were launched into eternity. The clergyman described them all as well prepared to die, acknowledging the justice of their sentence, and appearing truly penitent. Not many spectators attended; but their wives and relatives were present, which is hardly to be explained by the standard of English feeling. No disturbance whatever took place, a party of dragoons and the Cape regiment keeping guard. This is said to be the first time, that any African's descendants from

Europeans, have suffered death for crimes deemed capital in Europe. Government has often extended mercy to such as deserved condign punishment, but it seems only to have had that effect, that the rebels believed no Government to have the courage to take away their lives, for crimes committed against the state. It was, therefore, necessary to make an example, and out of twenty-four condemned to die, five of the most notorious offenders had been selected for the purpose. The rest were punished with imprisonment, forfeiture, or banishment. The reverend Mr. Herold seemed greatly agitated, and declared, that the impression made on his mind by so dreadful a catastrophe, would not soon be effaced.'

After quitting Mossel Bay, of which a very indifferent view is given, the travellers visited Hoogte Kraal, a settlement under the superintendency of Mr. Pacalt, sent out by the Missionary society in London. Both here and at Bethelsdorf, Mr. Latrobe points out certain particulars of arrangement and management, which might, perhaps, be advantageously altered; but we think that he attaches a little too much importance to external circumstances. We are disposed, however, to think that Mr. Pacalt should have a companion in his work, and that on all accounts, it is advisable that every station should have at least two missionaries. It should seem to be of far less consequence to multiply settlements, than to do the work effectually at a smaller number. The utmost care and forecast should also be exercised in the choice of situations; and we conceive that the occasional visits of properly qualified deputies from the respective parent societies, should have special regard to the inspection of the local of all proposed establishments At the town of George, the party was hospitably welcomed by the Landdrost Mr. Van Kerval. On the sabbath, Mr. L. seems to have been greatly annoyed by a sermon on Election and Reprobation.' We do not notice this by way of reproving the expression of his regret, in which we heartily concur, but for the purpose of hinting our doubts as to the perfect correctness of this statement. Nothing certainly can be further from our intention than to question, in the smallest degree, the general accuracy of Mr. L.'s representations, but we are at the same time aware of a prevailing disposition in theologians of his way of thinking, to charge upon the advocates of Election, the disavowed doctrine of Reprobation. We cannot, indeed, take upon ourselves to affirm that the state of opinions on this subject may not differ in Africa from the sentiments prevalent in England, but if this be not the case, we must enter our decided protest against a mode of inference which is destructive of all fair controversy.

The travellers were now approaching passes of considerable difficulty. The first of these was the Kayman's Gat or Crocodile's Cove, a scene of great magnificence and variety, but hazardous,

rather from the unevenness of the road, than from its steepness. In this passage the skill of the Hottentot drivers, the strength of the cattle, and the tenacity and elasticity of the strong ironwood of which the waggons are partly constructed, were all put to the utmost proof.

How those African waggons can bear such thumping, bouncing, twisting, and screwing between rocks, and large masses of broken stones, irregularly piled upon each other, is almost beyond belief. But the Creator has mercifully provided for the wants of men in all countries. Here grows that valuable wood called Eysterhout, or ironwood, so hard, and likewise so tough, than an axle-tree made of it will bear more than an iron one of twice its thickness.'

Soon afterwards they reached the defile of Trekata'kou, which is thus described.

After crossing a rapid mountain stream at the bottom of the glen, rushing through the dark recesses of a wild wood, over a stony bed, and forming, to the left of the road, a large pool under some hori zontal strata of overhanging rock, crowned with beautiful trees and shrubs, we beheld the eastern bank with some degree of dismay. The road ascended with a steepness, which seemed to baffle the attempt of any beasts to draw up the lightest weight. The travellingwaggon, however, reached the top after great exertion, but the other required both spanns to be yoked to it. The poor exhausted oxen made more objections to put forth their remaining strength at this place, than at Kayman's Gat, and shouts and lashes seemed to have lost their effect. They turned round, entangled themselves with the tackle, and more than once, ten or twelve of them were obliged to be unyoked, to bring them again into order. We were above an hour working the waggon up the cliffs.

This afforded time for some examination of the stone of which tre mountain is formed. Towards the bottom of the defile, huge blacks of granite lie dispersed upon the surface, but higher up, the chief stone is sand-stone, with iron and quartz, as usual. The grawrite is beautiful, with a great quantity of bright, silver-coloured mica, in large flakes, and in some instances crystallized. The feldspath and quartz are much decomposed. Iron has inserted itself, and seems to be the cause both of speedy decomposition, and of the division of some of the blocks into irregular strata. When protected within the bowels of the earth, this species of granite may be of a more durable quality, and some of the larger blocks at the bottom of the glen were so hard, that my hammer and cold chissels made but little impression upon them. Of what the strata of rocks beyond the pool might consist, I was not able to discover, their surface being covered with red lichen, moss, creepers and ivy.'

An inspection of Jackal's Kraal, formerly rejected by Dr. Vander Kemp as a station, satisfied the travellers of its eligibility; though it appears to us that the two objections, namely, the want of sweet grass, and its limited extent, were sufficient

motives for the Doctor's determination. The passage over the Paerdekop mountain into the Lange Kloof was difficult and dangerous, but they were providentially favoured, and performed it in perfect safety. At Kliphübel the estate of Mr. Fereira, they were entertained with venison, and with the following history.

The Fereiras are of Portuguese origin. His (Mr. F.'s) great grandfather (or one above him, I forget which) was the only person saved from a Portuguese ship, which foundered at sea, off the Cape. He got upon a plank, which supported him for three days, and rowing with his hands in a direction, in which he expected to find land, by God's mercy, he succeeded, and reached the Cape shore. though nearly exhausted, and perishing with hunger. Here, by industry, he and his successors raised themselves into creditable situ. tions. Of his father, a singular instance of courage and good fortune is told. A large tiger, having long infested his premises and the neighbourhood, and killed many sheep, belonging to him and other boors, a party assembled to endeavour to destroy the monster. His haunt being discovered, Mr. Fereira was foremost in the attack, when the tiger instantly made a spring at him, as he sat on horseback, the rest of the party not having come up, and only one slave being with him. The horse taking fright, ran off with his rider, who was but slightly wounded. The tiger was meanwhile attacked by all the dogs, and a furious contest ensued. Mr. Fereira, not intimidated, as soon as be could again command his horse, returned to the charge, and encouraged the dogs by the usual cry of Zaza, Zaza. The enraged animal, hearing this cry, quitted the dogs, and flew a second time at Mr. Fereira's head, when with one gripe he tore off his scalp, and threw him upon the ground, where he was proceeding, with teeth and claws, to put an end to his existence. (life.) The faithful slave, seeing his master in such imminent danger, ran to his assistance, and attempted to stab the tiger with a knife. The infuriated beast, however, was too quick for him, seized his hand with his teeth, and flung him upon his master, doing his best to kill them both, which, by his strength and swiftness of motion, he probably would have accomplished, had not the other huntsmen, coming up, shot him through the heart, and thus delivered the sufferers. Though Mr. Fereira was dreadfully hurt, and his life for some time despaired of, he completely recovered '

While they were travelling in the night, after leaving Kliphübel, the leader of the baggage waggon, by suffering his oxen to quit the road, and turning them short into it again, overset the vehicle in which Mr. Stein lay asleep. He was much hurt, but without fracture; and he bore his misfortune even with cheerfulness, though their situation was such as not to admit of effectual remedies. The waggon was not injured, and no loss was sustained, but that of their stock of wild honey, and the demolition of their crockery. After halting till the morning, when they found themselves in a valley without water or verdure, they set forward. At Jagersbosch, they were civilly treated by the pro

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