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Cincinnati College.



A Convention of the Friends of Common Schools, in Washington County, Ohio, was held at Marietta, on the 7th and 8th of November last, at which an address was delivered by Mr William Slocomb, the chairman, On the Defects of Common Schools'; another by the Rev. Hiram Gear, ' On the Importance of the Co-operation of Parents with Teachers ;' and another by President Lindsley of Tennessee, 'On the relation of Colleges and Common Schools.'

Reports were also presented by committees appointed for the purpose, on the following subjects. 1. On the best Method of Teaching the Elements of Reading; 2. On Teaching Grammar; 8. On the expediency of forming a County Association, for promoting the Interests of Common School Education; 4. On the Introduction of Vocal Music into Common Schools; 5. On the Construction of School Houses. These reports were all read and accepted; and, in pursuance of a resolution to that effect, and the spirit of the third report, a constitution for a Washington County School Association,' was formed and adopted. Mr Slocomb is the president of this Association, and Thoinas W. Ewart the secretary.

Two interesting questions were also discussed during the progress of the Convention, the first of which was decided in the negative, and the other postponed indefinitely. They were these, Ought our Common Schools to be supported wholly by Public Funds?' and 'Ought the Legislature now to raise the standard for the Qualification of Teachers?'

Several interesting and spirited resolutions were also passed, the most important of which, in our view, was the following.

• Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Convention, the introduction of vocal music into our common schools, would be highly conducive to the intellectual advancement, the moral elevation, and the individual and social happiness of the pupils.'

This looks like a business doing Convention, and reflects much credit on our Western brethren. Let these Conventions be continued, and conducted in a proper spirit, and Ohio and the whole WEST will soon reap the appropriate fruits.


We have received a circular, including the requisites for admission, the officers, the course of studies, the discipline, and the internal regulations of Cincinnati College. The course seems to us thorough, and the regulations tolerable. The following are the principles adopted in regard to discipline, in the department properly called the college.

The students of the College proper will be subject to admonition, rebuke, suspension, or expulsion, according to their offences. Corporal


Education Convention at Keene, N. H.

punishment as a means of excitement to study, is prohibited in every department of the institution. But in cases of continued and wilful disobedience of orders, where the student is evidently mocking at the authority of the professor, and a crisis occurs where the professor or pupil must yield; the instructer (unless special directions to the contrary have been received from the parent) may at his discretion use the rod as an alternative for dismission — always having due regard to the age, character, and circumstances of the pupil.?

SCHOOL APPARATUS, and School Libraries.

At a Convention on common education, lately held in Dedham, in this State, a committee was appointed to prepare an address to the people of Norfolk county, one of the members of which committee was the Hon. Alexander H. Everett; by whom the address is supposed to have been drawn up. In this address the subject of furnishing apparatus and libraries for the use of schools is made quite prominent, and urged upon the attention of every town or county; reminding them, by the way, of the recent act of the Legislature, by which each district is authorized to raise by tax, thirty dollars the first year, and ten dollars a year afterward, as long as they shall see fit, for such a purpose. They are also reminded and we are exceedingly glad of it-that school houses, as at present constructed, are in most cases but ill adapted to the display and use of apparatus; and that their walls are even too low and too contracted for the exhibition of maps. Much is also said in the address on the importance of a better acquaintance and more sympathy of parents with teachers. The former should encourage the visits of the latter to their houses, it is thought, and try to encourage him ; and to elevate, through him, the character of the profession. The sentiments of the address were not by any means new; but they should be repeated in the ears of this busy generation till they are believed and acted upon.

EDUCATION CONvention at Keene, N. H.

At a late Annual Convention of the Cheshire County Association of Common School Teachers and other friends of education at Keene, N. H. the following important question was fully and ably discussed we hope not without good effect.

'Is it expedient that the state should appoint an officer who should have the general superintendence and supervision of common schools ?" The association also discussed, at considerable length, the subjects of 'Seminaries for Teachers,'' Study of Agriculture in common schools,' and District School Apparatus and Libraries.' On the last mentioned subject, a committee was appointed to memorialize the State Legislatur. A committee of one person from each town in the county was

New Female Seminary for Teachers.


appointed to recommend a suitable list of school books for the county. Seven or eight important resolutions prepared by the board of directors were also passed, enforcing the importance of improving the condition of common schools, on every individual in the county, especially on every member of the association; recommending the appointment of an agent or agents to have a general supervision over the schools of the state; recommending also a seminary for the instruction and improvement of teachers to be established in every county in the state; and lastly, urging more attention in schools to the definition of words. — An Address to the Association, by the Hon. Salma Hall, president of the Convention, is, we understand, to be shortly published.


We have just seen a model of a Writing Desk, invented by Mr Seth Luther of this city, which, as we conceive, promises to be one of the most useful and important inventions of the day. It is called the Alleviating Writing Desk.' It may be used every where, not only in counting houses, but in families, schools, academies and colleges. give a particular description of it in our next number.


We shall

We learn from the Boston Recorder that this new Teachers' Seminary is making quite a figure' in the granite state;' that it has numbered, during the past year, 200 students; 110 of which were in the male, and 90 in the female departinent. The seminary, as we suppose is well known, is under the care of Rev S. R. Hall, late of Andover, principal; Mr T. D. P. Stone, assistant principal; and six assistants. The course of study in the male department, embraces four years; that in the female department, three years.


The Uxbridge Female Seminary, under the charge of Miss L. A. Washburn, and a suitable number of competent assistants, is designed as we learn from a printed circular of the institution, to prepare young ladies to become teachers and educators of youth, and to fill other useful stations in life.' The institution will be governed, so we are assured by the trustees, by principles similar to those of Ipswich and Hartford seminaries. A complete course of study embraces two years.

If the institution is to be governed by principles similar to those of Ipswich seminary, every body will, as we trust, approve of them at once, and wish the school success. Of Hartford female seminary, as a place of special preparation for teaching, less we presume' is known in the community; and wherein the public are ignorant on the subject, we have


Boston Academy of Music.

it not in our power to enlighten them. We scarcely need repeat what we have so frequently said already that while we have our objections against the 'convent system' in the abstract, for males or females, we are yet fully assured of its necessity, as the world now is; and therefore we hail every effort to create schools on the model, but especially in the spirit, of those at Ipswich and Andover.

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On the subject of that form of the system' just mentioned, usually designated by the name Teacher's Seminaries' we have a few thoughts to present ere long-perhaps in our next number.


We understand that the very general and very unreasonable public prejudice in this city against the introduction of vocal music into the public schools has so far subsided that the school committee have consented to permit gratuitous instruction, in one of the large or grammar schools, for a year, by way of experiment; and that in order to make a fair experiment, one of the professors in the Boston Academy of Music has volunteered his services for the purpose.


The following letter, was recently received, in this city, addressed to a person who was supposed to be the Corresponding Secretary of the Association.

'Being informed that you are the present Corresponding Secretary of the Boston Academy of Music, and having never seen any statement of the probable expense of a course of instruction in that Institution, I wish to ascertain the probable cost of three or six months' instruction; also, what the common price of board is in the city.'

This is not the first time a mistake of this kind has been made, and we think it would be well to give, for once, a brief statement of the


The Boston Academy of Music consists of a number of the friends of vocal music, (as taught on the improved or Pestalozzian plan, introduced into this country some few years since, by Rev. William C. Woodbridge, the former editor of this journal,) associated for the purpose of extending, by such means as they can, what they deem so valuable and important a science. As a means of accomplishing their purpose they have assumed the name abovementioned, and appointed two or three highly distinguished teachers of music, whom they call professors in the academy. These professors teach various choirs, as well as several schools, in the city and elsewhere; but have no institution properly their own, and never have had any. Persons wishing to receive instruction on the system which it is the object of this Association to

Education in Geneva.


extend, might, however, be gratified, in one way or another, should they visit the city, either in connection with a choir or some of the schools.


During the year ending June 1, 1836, the mission at the Sandwich Islands printed 157,929 books, and 11,606,429 pages. More than 900,000 of these were octavo, 675,000 quarto, and nearly all the rest duodecimo. The whole amount of printing at the islands from the beginning, 1,136,457 books, and 54,138,485 pages.-Of the Kumu Hawaii, a semi-monthly paper, 3,000 copies are circulated. At the station of Wailuku there were 600 subscribers for this paper. The natives write more and more for its pages. A monthly publication of 12 pages, designed chiefly for children, was commenced a year ago. And yet it is only sixteen years since the language was reduced to writing.


It is with no little pleasure that we hear, from time to time, of attempts to improve the condition of the public or common schoolsthose institutions, in which, after all, the mass of our citizens receive all the instruction they ever obtain beyond the family circle; and in which, consequently, the national mind and character must substantially be formed.

Efforts have been made, during the past year, to improve the Common School System of Providence, R. I.; but we fear, so far as we can learn, without much success. The public mind, in some of our own nursery states, elevated as it is by these very institutions- the common schools seems completely paralyzed in regard to every thing which savors of improvement and elevation, Touch but this subject, whether in city, town, or state councils, and the cry is, or seems to be, 'A little more sleep, a little more slumber.' Don't awake us.


We have received a speech by Pres. Lindsley, in behalf of the University of Nashville, Tennessee, delivered Oct. 4, 1887, from which we collect the following facts, incidentally stated, in relation to the condition of Education in Geneva. - The 'speech' itself - one of Pres. Lindsley's most masterly productions we have not room to notice at


The system of education which prevails at Geneva, is perhaps not surpassed by that of any other city in Europe. It relates to the studies of childhood, to those of adolescence, and to those of the learned professions of divinity, law and physic.

'The first or lowest of these departments, (the preparatory school,)

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