: ES AMBROSE PHILLIPS. 1735. Incorrupta fides Nudaque veritas. Engrard by Cook after the Original D'iture by Ashton in the Collection of D. Wall. of GREAT CHAUCER to COMPLETE FROM CHURCHILL. A.PHILIPS come my Lovel nor think th'employment mean The Dams to milk and little Lambkins wean, P. c. Esterca ditem F. Bartolozet Scrap London Printed for John Bell British Library 13. March 1782 POETICAL WORKS OF AMBROSE PHILIPS. WITH THE LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. Studious of case, and fond of humble things, And pleas'd with things which in my level lie, EPIST. FROM HOLLAND. LONDON: PRINTED FOR, AND UNDER THE DIRECTION OF, 6. CAWTHORN, BRITISH LIBRARY, STRAND. |