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United States proved recreant to their trusts, false to their oaths, and treasonable to their government. The nation for a

EDUCATIONAL MONTHLY. time stood aghast at the spectacle of their


APRIL, 1864.


HE war for the Union has thoroughly awakened the nation from its fascinating dream of eternal peace. Its advent found us thoroughly unprepared for its stern realities, save in the possession of unbounded resources of crude and undeveloped material. We had millions of brave men, but they were untrained to the discipline of arms. We had inexhaustible supplies of iron, but it must be forged into swords and guns. Our granaries were groaning under the weight of food for man and beast. Our forests were dark with the shade of the oak and pine, but these must be turned into ships. In short, we were almost paralyzed with the consciousness of our utter unreadiness for the clash of contending hosts on the field of mortal combat.

But we have learned a lesson which we shall not soon forget. We have been taught that the surest guarantee for the reign of peace, is a state of perpetual readiness for the unrest of war. We are admonished that here, too, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

In no one respect was our utter unreadiness for the great struggle more apparent than in that of trained soldiers-men competent to command the hosts marshalled for the defense of liberty and union-men whose military skill, penetration, and forcsight, qualified them to transform peaceful citizens into disciplined soldiers, and lead them against the enemies of public law and human freedom. We had but one national military school. That had been for years under the insidious influence of the plotters against national life, and hence a large proportion of its graduates in the Army of the

wholesale perfidy and their monstrous crimes. Several of the rebellious States, who had long meditated and been preparing for the disruption of the Union, had established and were liberally supporting military schools; and hence, at the outbreak of the war, they enjoyed a vast advantage in the number and superiority of their officers for the various branches of their military service.

The experience of the last three years, however, seems likely to be instructive to us. We are arousing to the consciousness of our great needs, and providing for the more than possible exigencies of our still greater future. The subject of military instruction is already engaging a liberal share of public attention. We need no greater evidence of this, than is afforded by the numerous attempts to organize private military schools, and to teach a smattering of military tactics in our existing institutions of various grades. These efforts are praiseworthy, as indicating the right intention, and they may serve a temporarily useful purpose as far as they go. But they are totally inadequate to produce the results desired. A knowledge of tac-、 tics is but a small part of the needful acquirements of a true soldier, and these semimilitary schools can impart only a limited and comparatively superficial amount of this particular kind of information. In numerous experiments which have come under our observation, it has been proved, that while only a superficial training in tactics is secured, the pseudo cadets soon lose all interest in the dull repetition of the mere routine-drill of the squad and the company. In these cases, too, the showy uniforms, the dress-parades, and, in general, the holiday soldiering practice of the classes, without the checks and balances of actual military discipline, generated a spirit of insubordination and imper

tinence, for which the skill im maneuvering furnished no adequate compensating advantages. We do not want such soldiers. We have enough of that sort already; and these half-way military schools and exercises are calculated to increase rather than to abate the evil. This subject will be further discussed hereafter.


HE recent action of Congress, looking


to the establishment in the several

States of institutions for instruction in Agriculture, and the applications of science to the mechanic arts, will result in bringing the question of industrial education prominently before the American people, and eventually in supplying a great want in the material enterprises of the country. This want is that of highly educated men as specialists, to lead in the development of our resources as a producing, manufacturing, and commercial people. Sixteen States having accepted the Congressional grants, and hence incurred the accompanying obligation to organize the institutions contemplated by the act, the subject has already assumed a degree of importance that justifies the earnest and enlightened attention of the thoughtful friends of educational progress in the United States.

The problem of the hour in reference to this matter, is, as to what shall be the plan of organization and course of instruction in the proposed institutions. The entire question of their success or failure, turns upon the solution to be given to this problem. But the plan of organization and course of study, must somewhat depend upon the particular form which the institution shall take. If it be an appendage to some other establishment, whose aims are different, its organization and curriculum must be modified to suit these circumstances. If, on the contrary, it is to be established upon an independent basis, and with special reference only to its peculiar objects, secondary to no other aims, the

problem referred to is comparatively simple, and the conditions of its proper solution are direct and easy of fulfillment.

A very able and timely discussion of this subject, is presented in " A Report upon a Plan for the organization of Colleges for Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, with especial reference to the organization of the Agricultural College of Pennsylvania,” in view of the endowment of this Institution by the land grant fund donated by Congress.

This Report is from the pen of the President of the Faculty of that Institution, and is addressed to its Board of Trustees. We certainly commend it to the careful consideration of all who are interested in the organization of these institutions about to be established in so many different States.

The Report sets out with a statistical table, showing the educational resources of eighteen of the more prominent American literary colleges, with a view to demonstrate that very liberal endowments are indispensable to the production of great educational advantages. For example: New York University requires an endowment of $250,000, to afford the services of 36 Professors, and the aid of 10,000 volumes, to 488 students; its annual income being $14,011. Columbia College, with an endowment of $1,650,666, affords the services of 48 Professors, and the use of 18,000 volumes, to 689 students, at an annual expense of $79,269. Harvard University requires an endowment of $1,613,884, with an annual expenditure of $153,431, to give to 833 students the benefit of 56 Professors and 149,000 volumes. The bearing of these facts upon the necessity of preserving the unity and integrity of the land-grant fund, is too obvious to require comment. To those who are not familiar with expenses involved in carrying on first-class institutions, these figures will be surprising. And they will be still more surprised to learn that some of these seats of learning are actually running into debt annually, by reason of the excess of their expenses over their incomes.

We regret that our space will not permit us to give, at this time, an intelligible synopsis of this valuable Report. We shall endeavor to do so hereafter. It proceeds to consider "the resources required to sustain Agricultural and Industrial Colleges," arriving at the conclusion that an extensive system of industrial education, "embracing the entire range of the Natural and Physical Sciences, can be efficiently carried out only on a large and liberal plan, supported by endowments equal to those of the best Educational Colleges in the country." An elaborate plan for the organization of this class of colleges is then presented, including the college-buildings, apparatus, museums, library, etc., and a consideration of the Course of Study, Professorships, Assistants, and other officers, with detailed estimates of the expenses attending the administration of an Institution of 400 Students, 16 Professors, 10 Assistants, and a Farm-superintendent. It is estimated that the entire grant to Pennsylvania, amounting to 720,000 acres, will not realize an annual income of more than from $10,000 to $20,000. The Report closes with a consideration of the preposterous claims put forth by some of the literary colleges of the country for this grant, or portions of it. It takes the most decided ground against this pretension, arguing that such a diversion of the fund would be destruc

tive to all the interests involved.



E have seen conspicuously posted in some of our counting-houses, a card, bearing the following inscription, or something akin to it:

"Call upon a man of business in hours of business, only upon business; transact your business and go about your business, leaving him time to attend to his business."

This is a business maxim, put in a decidedly business-like way. There is no mistaking its import. It evidently owes its origin to the pressure of a great necessity. It

recognizes the existence of a class of beings belonging to the genus homo, which, in common parlance, are denominated bores; and it was especially designed to operate as a gentle check upon their remorseless depredations. Business men know and feel the value of time. They are MADE to know and feel it, through the stern teachings of experience, and they are compelled per force to act upon their convictions. A fortune may be lost or won through the negligence or diligence of one brief hour. A credit, which it has required years of earnest effort and unremitting toil to establish, may be ruined by the loss of a single minute on the way to the bankinghouse. A policy of insurance expires. Its renewal is postponed until to-morrow. The devouring flames of the intervening night swallow up the hard-earned treasures of a laborious lifetime. Hence the value of time; and hence, too, the keen appreciation of it by men of business.

But again. Men of business work for material results. Their reward, their gains or losses, are made to appear in palpable forms from day to day, from hour to hour. And these results bear a strikingly appreciable ratio to the effort put forth during the time employed. It is thus that business becomes so efficient as an educating power. It is thus that the men of business become the men of action, of energy, and of resource.

We wish that teachers and professional educators, as a class, could by some means be brought up to the requirements of the terse maxim which we have quoted above. We wish that teachers could be made to feel more keenly the value of time, not only in their professional labors, but in their intercourse with their fellow-men. We wish that they would learn to call on men of business only in hours of business, and that they would learn to transact their business in a business-like way, and then go about their business. It is no mean accomplishment for one to know how to put his case, how to bring it to a point, and how to desist when the point is

reached and decided. In other words, it is a great thing to know when one's business is done, and how to act accordingly. It is a great thing to know when business ends and boring begins.

Whoever will impart this sublime power of discernment to the masses of the people, will be a benefactor of the race. It can be done only through the educators of the people. To this end, teachers must themselves learn and practice it. They must learn to do business in a business-like manner. They must respect business maxims in practice as well as in theory. They must refrain from the boring process. They must not be loungers, and gossipers, and busybodies, in hours and places of business, or at other times and places. Thus will they demonstrate their disposition and capacity to impress upon the minds and hearts of the generations to come, those rules of conduct which regulate the life of an enterprising and truly civilized society.

THE AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL MONTHLY: For the School and Family. 32 pages, double column, medium size, 8vo. Issued on the first of each month, at $1.00 per annum, in advance. Editor not named. Published at New York by Schermerhorn, Bancroft & Co., 130 Grand-street.

The January or first number of this new magazine has reached us, and it seems to have more promise of permanence and usefulness than its predecessors of the same class. For years, book publishers have been in the habit of starting periodicals of this kind, with just enough of general educational matter in them to attract the attention of teachers, but with the main purpose of noticing and advertising their own publications, and those connected with them. This is the best specimen of the kind we have seen. There are some really good articles in it, and it is worth a dollar.

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ble editor of that periodical, upon his own literary performances.

If "book publishers did not start” the Journal, it is obvious that one or two of them contrive to run the best part of the machine, if there be such a dubious fraction, now that it is "started.”

For example, the leading editorial, on the first page, is an advertisement of a forthcoming book. The third article in the editorial columns, is a personal puff of sundry individuals, including "we." Turning over exactly two leaves, we come to the "Book Notices," introduced by a piteous appeal to "book publishers" to send in "standard works on general science and literature," and not "confine their advertisements and books sent for notice, merely to the school-room class!" The book notices thus paraded in the most prominent part of the Journal, occupy three pages, all but one column of which being monopolized by two "book publishing" houses.

In view of these facts, we think the foregoing notice is as rich a specimen of the pharisaical style of literature as can be found. When our leading articles or editorials are "devoted to noticing and advertising our own publications, and those connected with them," or when we literally thrust our book notices into the faces of our readers, "giving just enough of educational matter to attract the attention of teachers" at the caudal extremity of the monthly, we will meekly confess, that in respect to literary taste, professional devotion, and mechanical skill, we are in danger of competing with our neighbor.

However, we always receive even small favors thankfully. The Journal finally comes to the conclusion that "this is really the best specimen of the kind that it has seen; that there are some good articles in it, and that it is worth a dollar." We wish we could say as much for the Journal We hope our Keystone neighbor will take notice that we give from forty-eight to sixty-four pages for that same dollar, and that we do not mean to offend good taste

by tolerating a slip-shod mechanical execution of our work, nor impose upon our readers by displaying "Book Notices," personal compliments, and showy advertisements, where they have a right to look for something more instructive and useful.


HE number of Normal Schools recognized as State institutions in Pennsylvania, is three, instead of one, as reported in a recent article upon that subject. There are so many schools bearing this title in that State, that it is not easy always to distinguish between the State and private institutions. The article referred to, stated that there was one, and not but one. It told the truth, but not the whole truth. The private Normal School at Westchester, is one of the best in the State. We are under the impression that no appropriations are made to any of these schools, but that they are sustained by private enterprise alone. If this be so, they

are only nominally State schools. We should like to see the Keystone State appropriate liberally to her Normal Schools, as being the most efficient instrumentalities in the whole scheme of popular education.



E publish in the present number, an article on the "Old and the New in Education," from the pen of a gentleman who has had a long and successful experience as an educator. It well deserves the attention of the thoughtful reader. Although there may be some difference of opinion respecting the theory of our correspondent in regard to the subject-matter of our popular reading-books, there will be found in this paper much food for profitable reflection. We shall be glad to see the subject thoroughly discussed, and our columns will be open for the presentation of brief and well-digested papers upon both sides of this question.


LANSING, MICH., Feb. 22d, 1864. To the Editor of the American Educational Monthly:

I perceive that a writer in your journal, for the present month, "believes" Pennsylvania the only State in the Union that has an Agricultural College "open at this time." Permit me to correct this error, as far as our State is concerned.

In the spring of 1857, the State Agricultural College of Michigan, opened with one hundred students; many others being unable to gain admission for want of accommodations. The location is three miles from the Capital, upon a farm of 600 acres. At the outset, this was nearly all heavily timbered with beech, maple, oak, &c. Now it is about half under cultivation; and if you know any thing of the labor of clearing up our forests of the West, you will believe that the College has not been without students; for all this work has been performed by them.

For the land and buildings, the State has

expended over one hundred thousand dollars; and the current expenses are met, from year to year, by appropriations directly from the State treasury. This the State will continue to do, until an endowment shall be realized from the sale of lands granted by Congress. The amount granted to Michigan, is 240,000 acres; which eventually must produce a fund of over half a million dollars.

We therefore consider our Agricultural College a fixed fact for all coming time; perhaps destined to rival in importance our State University, with its half million fund and eight hundred students.


Since the Rebellion culminated, the number of students has diminished about onehalf; many having left for the army. goodly number from this Institution are in the Regiment of Engineers, which, for two years, has made itself famous for bridgebuilding in Kentucky and Tennessee. But the school is constantly growing in favor with the farmers of the State, and as soon as the war is over, many will be refused

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