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Third Edition. A Popular and Practical Introduction to Law Studies. By SAMUEL WARREN, Q.C., D.C.L., &c. &c. Opinion of the Lord Chancellor on the Third Edition. "I must express my sincere admiration of this work. "For the improvement of the education of Students at law, and the direction of their studies, it is admirably planned, and, so far as I have been able to examine it, equally well executed." WILLIAM MAXWELL, 32, Bell Yard, Lincoln's Inn. Sacred and Profane History, from the death of Joshua to the decline of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. New edition, revised, with Notes and Analyses, by J. TALBOYS WHEELER, F.R.G.S. The Series comprises Prideaux, Shuckford, London: WILLIAM TEGG, Pancras Lane, Cheapside. HY YMNS AND SACRED SONGS; a Book for Public Use, or for "Sunday Evening Recreation." On January 1st, 1865, will be commenced a REISSUE OF THE ABOVE WORK IN TEN SHILLING NUMBERS, (each post free for 13 Stamps,) to be continued monthly. It will comprise no fewer than 105 Hymns and other pieces. With the last number will be given, gratis, AN ORIGINAL PART-SONG, BY AN EMINENT LIVING COMPOSER, with an Illustration. The work is edited by. F. WEST LAKE, R.A.M., assisted by our best ComposersBenedict, Molique, Macfarren, Barnett, Dr. Monk, &c. &c., and is by far the cheapest first class publition ever issued. Full Prospectuses on applicacation. London: LAMBERT & Co., 18, Portman Street, and 63, Paternoster Row, and of all Book and Music Sellers. Comprising a great variety of Popular Modern Books, including that elegant volume (of which he has just bought the entire Remainder), THE VICTORIA REGIA. Also, Dr. Cumming's "Sabbath Readings on the New Testament," with others of his Works; Captain Mayne Reid's Popular Books; and many other attractive and saleable Remainders, in General Literature, Children's Books, Railway Volumes, &c. All offered to the Trade at exceedingly Low Prices for Cash. London: W. 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