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were slightly attacked by the same fungus, during the period of the attack on the peach leaves.

The young peach shoots were first attacked about the 15th of June. The plants produced by them were mostly sterile.

The fungus was first noticed on the peach fruit when it was about onethird grown, causing a great share of the crop to wilt, decay, and fall. The portion of the peach crop which survived, was again attacked at the period of its ripening, producing rapid decay in much of the mature and maturing fruit.


Among these may be classed sulphur, sulphurous acid, sulphites, sulphuric acid, and sulphates. These bodies are all more or less destructive to mucedinous growths, and have the power of stopping fermentation. Especially is this the case with sulphur, sulphurous acid, the sulphites, and sulphuric acid. The influence of the sulphates is not so marked.

The wine-grower controls the vegetation of his yeast plants (fermentation) by burning a little sulphur or a few matches in the casks. The sugar manufacturer checks mucedinous cellular development in the juice of the cane (preventing the formation of glucose, which would interfere with granulation) by adding a few drops of sulphuric or sulphurous acid, or a small quantity of some soluble sulphite to the freshly expressed juice.

The experiments which I have performed in this department, were commenced late in May, after the young leaves were completely filled with the mycelium of the peach fungus. The results, therefore, could not be as satisfactory as if commenced when the buds were unfolding into leaves. The sporidia are mostly in the circulating juices of the tree, and in their passage become fixed, and vegetate in the tender developing leaf tissues, which afford them a matrix, with abundant nutrient supplies. The preventative should therefore be applied, so as to enter the sap of the tree in its early circulation in spring, as soon as the flower buds begin to open, that they may reach the sporidia before they begin to vegetate. To this end I would suggest the digging away of the sod around the trees, and the application of a compost containing either sulphur, sulphurous acid, sulphites, or sulphuric acid. The refuse gas lime from the purifying vats of gas establishments, either alone or mixed with coal ashes, cinders from foundries, iron furnaces, and blacksmith shops, or the pitch from coal oil refineries boiled down to asphalt and pulverized, furnish cheap and appropriate materials for the purpose, containing the desired bodies for checking mucedinous growths. These should be mixed with good soil (half

and half) before being applied. These bodies all contain valuable nourishment for the trees. They will also guard against many depredations from insects. Care should be taken not to use the gas lime too liberally. When all of these materials can not be obtained, any one two or more may be used. There may also be an advantage derived from scattering a little flour of sulphur over the leaves in their early development. The vir tues of this body probably lie in its gradual oxydation, forming sulphurous acid.


Since the foregoing was prepared for the press, we have made the following examinations:

March 3d, 1863.-Examined the swelling buds, and the sprouts of last year's growth of peach trees. The outside bark of the twigs is filled with the spores and mycelium of the peach fungus, and the surface of the twigs is marked by numerous patches of a whitish-gray color, and having a crisped appearance. These patches cover from one-fourth to one-half their surface. Wherever these patches extend, the leaf buds are small and appear shrunken, and many of the flower buds have a dark, dead speck in the centre. Fig. 25, (Lig. Y) presents the appearance of the mycelium and fertile threads, running into lines and branches of spores in the patches of fungus, on the surface of the sprouts and twigs of last year's growth.


Cicada Septemdecem.-Seventeen Year Locust-Red Eyed Locust

The locusts commenced making their appearance in Fairfield county, Ohio, in 1863, about May 25th. On May 31st, after some slight thunder showers, they began to make their appearance in multitudes; and on June 1st, 2d, and 3d, they multiplied greatly, so that there was scarcely a square foot of ground which did not contain several pupa cases, and holes from which they had escaped from the soil. On the trunk of a single apple tree, attached to the bark, I have counted as high as sixty-three pupa cases, from which the insects had escaped; while the limbs of the tree, and the ground beneath, were covered with them. This was general throughout the forests and orchards, while they were less numerous in cultivated fields. On June 2d and 3d, they began to fly in large numbers` from tree to tree.

June 15th.-The forests and orchards are alive with locusts. A single

tree often contains over a hundred of these insects. Dead locusts begin to appear quite abundantly under the trees in the forests.

June 18th.-Locusts appear to be increasing in number, notwithstanding many are dying. The ends of branches and twigs of fruit and forest trees begin to wilt and die quite extensively, from the borings of locusts (locusts depositing their eggs).

June 26th.-Locusts disappearing slowly; many are dying. Fruit and forest trees are considerably injured by them. Weather has been very dry. Last night a drizzling rain commenced, continuing through the night and most of the day. The soil is wet about six inches below the surface. Wheat harvest will commence here about July 1st.



The blight attacked the apple, pear, and quince trees, in central Ohio, in 1863, on the 31st of May. There had been some three weeks of very warm, dry weather, quite free from dews and night vapors. The soil had become very dry, and the grass had begun to wither. On the 31st of May there were several small, warm showers, with thunder, followed by fogs and night vapor. On the morning of June 1st, the apple leaves began to wilt, and numerous dead patches were noticed on the small twigs and limbs. This was the first perceptible indication of the disease in this region. From this the disease slowly progressed, invading the apple more than the pear and quince trees.

June 18th.-The blight is progressing but slowly. Has done yet but little injury. The whole of the month of May, and to this date in June, the weather has been unusually dry. The grass has quite ceased growing, and is now drying up; and pastures and meadows are deadening.

Fruit trees have made but very little new wood so far. On account of the dry weather the growth has been unusually slow, there being a deficiency of juices, apparently, in the trees. This slow growth and deficiency of sap, appears to be the cause of the slow progress of the disease, the new layer of wood not being soft and juicy enough to enable the apple blight fungus to grow with its usual luxuriance.*

June 26th.-Disease quite at a stand. Has attacked yet but comparatively few trees. Invasion slight, and has done but little injury. Weather has been very dry up to last night, when a drizzling rain set in, which has wet the soil about six inches deep.

* The extended deadening of the ends of the branches and twigs of fruit and forest trees, since June 18th, produced by locusts depositing their eggs, should not be confounded with the apple blight.


The peach fungus commenced its ravages in 1863, in central Ohio, in the buds during the warm weather in the month of March. It attacked the flower buds, producing in their centre a dark, dead spot, destroying much of the fruit in its embryonic state; so that usually the trees produced but few flowers. As early as the leaf-buds began to be developed into leaves, the fungus was noticed in them, causing them to curl and blister as they opened. The fungus is more destructive to the fruit and less to the leaves this year than last.

June 3d.—The majority of peach trees in central Ohio are suffering more or less from the ravages of the peach fungus. Many of the older trees are losing their leaves, while on others many of the leaves are blistered, curled, overgrown, and twisted, so that they imperfectly perform their normal functions.

June 18th. The peach fungus is beginning to attack the young peach fruit. The leaves are not so universally attacked as they were last year. This is probably owing to the extreme dry weather, on which account the trees have made but little new wood, and the leaves are less tender and succulent than usual. This firmness of the tissues renders the trees less susceptible to invasion, and to the rapid growth and progress of the peach fungus, after it has once gained a foothold.


In writing out careful investigations upon subjects of this kind, it is necessary to use so many terms that are not expected to be generally understood by the mass of readers-to whom the results of such labors are the most valuable-that their usefulness is much limited, unless connected with the descriptions are explanations that render the terms used readily comprehended. The following definitions of the terms employed, we trust, will enable every farmer and fruit grower to peruse these examinations with interest and profit:


Asci-Vessels that contain the reproductive bodies of flowerless plants. These reproductive bodies when produced in asci, are called sporidia, to distinguish them from reproductive bodies not produced in asci, which are called spores.

Astomous-Mouthless, or without openings.

Anastomosing-Uniting or inosculating of vessels.
Antherozoid-Sperm cells of cryptogamic plants.
Ascigerous-Producing asci.

Algology-The science of sea-weeds

Blight-A vague term, signifying a pestilence among plants, caused by the attack of insects or
of parasitic fungi, or some endemical affection of the atmosphere, not fully understood.
Cambium-The soft matter that is to form the new annual layers of wood and bark.
Carbonized-Burned to a coal, or having the appearance of being charred.

Cellular-Composed of cells.

Cilice-Hairs like those of the eyelashes..

Cortical-Belonging to the bark.

Oryptogams-Flowerless plants.

Deciduous-Falling off.

Dehiscent-Bursting open.

Epidermis-The outside skin of the bark.

Epyphytes or Epiphytal—Plants that grow upon other plants, or upon their leaves.

Evanescent-Quickly vanishing.

Endochrome or Protoplasm-The unimpregnated sporules of a spore cell.

Epispore-The outer membrane of a spore, where the membranes are double.

Excipulum-A perithecium that is never closed.

Fertile Threads-Those that produce fruit.

Fungus-Having the substance of fungi or mushrooms.


Hyaline-Pure white, or bright and pure tints.

Hymenium-A layer or mass of cells, from which are developed fertile threads or spores.

Inarticulate-Not jointed.

Matrix-A place where any thing is generated or formed.

Meshes-The openings in any tissue.

Moniliform-Like a necklace or string of beads; that is to say, with alternate swellings and


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