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pofed with accustomed rites, it was depofited, with every mark of respect, in a vault, on one fide of the shrine of SAINT BENEDICT,-bedewed with tears of the moft heart-felt forrow, dropped from the eyes of all the Sifterhood.

When time and reflection had fomewhat calmed her affliction, FRANCES failed not to tranfmit, by the hands of her Confeffor, (her uncle, the ABBOт, having been fometime Аввот,

dead *) her intended offering to the Virgin


*This circumftance feems fully to decide the point of JOHN DE SAINT CLAIR being the ABBOT, whofe family name loft in all the Chronicles of SAINT AuGUSTIN'S monaftery.-Mr. BATTELY tells us, that JOHN THE ABBOT died in 14973 L 3 and

Virgin of BROAD-STAIRS;-accompanied by a donation of twelve maffes, to be faid for the repofe of IsaBELLA's foul.-And foon after, to perpetuate the memory of her Sifter,as well as to direct mariners in their course, that they might efcape the fad calamity herself had fo fatally experienced, the caused a very ancient church, that stood on a rifing ground just above the village of RECULver, and which was greatly fallen into decay, to be restored, and much enlarged, —and at one end thereof erected two

Towers with lofty Spires upon them,— the which she directed should be called

and the connexion this ftory has with the battle of BOSWORTH FIELD, which was fought in 1485, fixes the prefent period to be in fome part of the year 1500.


THE SISTERS;-and to this day it retains the name, and is a sea-mark of great utility.

In less than seven years, the whole church was completed; which the endowed very liberally, by a grant out of her own fortune;-and ordained, that there fhould be celebrated one folemn mafs, on the first day of every month (the wreck having happened on the first of May); and that a perpetual litany should be fung, for the eternal peace of the departed ISA




She lived to fee this her Will executed, as well as to bestow many other charitable donations,-not only on the convent over which fhe prefided, but on feveral other religious inftitutions; and was, from her ami

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able character, and pious example, be loved, and refpected to the last hour. of her life.

She furvived ISABELLA eleven years, and died moft fincerely, and defervedly lamented, towards the end of the year 1512.

Her Remains, purfuant to her own defire, were depofited by the fide of thofe of her Sifter, with all that folemnity due to her high rank and office. A monument was erected near to the place, where they were interred, with their figures kneeling, hand in hand, before a cross,-and beneath it, a plate of brafs, recording their unshaken friendship.—

-Faithful,-congenial spirits!-in whatsoever world ye refide, peace be your lot!-as virtue was your por


tion here!-Long, long may this memorial of your love remain !-to guide the dubious veffel in its course, and make your names bleft by the wanderers of the deep!


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