Tiderable fortune, had folicited her, and her mother (who were his neareft relations) to come over, and fettle near him, that the mother was ever efteemed a fenfible, difcreet lady,and as this appeared to me, to be a moft injurious afperfion, I affured her, that I would, for our mutual fatisfaction, endeavour to trace it to its fource. -There being a fhip on the point of failing, which was deftined immediately to MADRASS, there was a chance of its reaching that place nearly as foon as the INGOT; whose voyage thither, muft have been retarded by her ftay at the island of MADEIRA. -I wrote therefore, to Captain STERLING; and in the most delicate manner I could, told him the infinuations that had been poured into MARI ANNE'S that the high opinion we both entertained of his honour, forbade us to give credit to them;but that I judged it proper to apprize him of the afperfion, that he might make my friend, who was the most interested about it, perfectly easy. My letter reached him at MADRASS; and fortunately came to hand just as an exprefs was about fetting out, to come over-land to the Company, -by which he answered me in those ingenuous terms, which ever characterize innocence. He told me, that the infinuations I alluded to, were fo unjuft, that he had forbore communicating them to Mifs DANVERS, whom he had conducted in fafety to her coufin, who had made him the moft generous acknowledgments ;that he doubted not but that this maE licious VOL. II. licious artifice, originated from fore one, who wished to fow diffention between him, and the object of his happinefs;-in confirmation of which, he-enclofed me a letter, under the fignature of A True Friend, which had reached him just as he was failing from MADEIRA, reflecting on MARIANNE, as being fond of every new admirer; and counselling him not to preferve his heart for a woman, whofe vanity fought for conqueft over many.— But I have written, added he, to affure her, that my reliance on her affection, remains the fame; and that this work of fome malevolent fpirit, would, I truft, as little influence her's - as love can only live where confidence reigns; and it were impoffible that confidence and jealoufy could exift together. -Shocking -Shocking as the idea was, MARIANNE and myself, after duly weighing every circumftance, had now no doubt, but that this intended mischief was the laft unhappy ftratagem of EDMUND; nor did we long wait an opportunity, to tax him as the author of a defign, which ftruck at the peace of fo many hearts. However the practice of wellftudied hypocrify may enable a man to look a falfhood to the world, yet events unprepared for, may, by their fuddennefs, often furprife him into >conviction! there is a language of nature impreffed on the human countenance, far more powerful than words! and when I produced him the anonymous letter fent to MADEIRA, his features all bore witness against a tongue, that faltered in his own de her fenfibility makes her feel for his loft honour. The picture, Madam, faid I, which you have drawn, presents a character totally unworthy of dif quieting the thoughts of your amiable friend-I wish I could have fufficient influence to efface the recollection of it. Her fentiments, however, do credit to her humanity-but it is in vain that we are folicitous for the honour of those, who have not virtue enough themselves to be the guardians of their own reputation! PLAIN |