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HOLD it expedient for our happinefs, fays CLERMONT (throwing the news-paper from his hand) that we should fix our eyes, as we journey forward, on fuch characters as fpread a fun-fhine over human life, and not on thofe dark ones that throw a gloom over it. We had better, I think, fifter, confign the hero of your ftory to oblivion-or to the unenviable fociety of fome of the dramatis perfone, who have furnished paragraphs in the paper I have been reading.

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"A married gentleman, with a large family, gone off to France with "bis young ward."

-"Two capital forgeries in the

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-"Three divorces litigating in Doetors Commons.”.

"And an elderly lady of fashion found in bed with her poftilion."

Scandal enough in confcience for one Evening-poft!

-I would not willingly, continued CLERMONT, believe the world to be one jot lefs virtuous, than it was thirty years ago,—but I am confident people formerly took greater pains. to conceal their vices; and had at least the merit of standing more in awe of public cenfure, which, by what I learn fince my return to ENGLAND, hath now far lefs. influence over their actions.

Your obfervation, brother, replied AMELIA, is but too juft,-the indifference fhewn to it, and the countenance given to thofe, who have violated


the decorums of fociety, muft andoubtedly more forcibly ftrike you, who have been fo many years abfent, than it does us, who may have remarked the progrefs of this evil.— The lady who helped the news-writer to the last paragraph, will not probably at her next rout, have one cardtable the lefs on the poftillion's account; -nay, what will startle you more,those who cenfure her moft, will be of her party-great dinners-great affemblies or that happy innovation,, a Sunday's night's concert-though given by people whofe conduct every one condemns-will draw together many, who one fhould think would blush to be seen at them ;-and I much fear, that the fashionable careleffness which is fhewn in matters of this nature, while it reflects but little credit

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on the prefent age, may, by its example, be feverely felt in that which is to fucceed it.

Faith, Madam, refumed CLERMONT, with fome warmth, in my opinion, the countenancing those who are capable of ill actions, is but one remove from committing them; - fociety is equally infulted.-I cannot, however, compliment you on the refinement of your manners, which feem more calculated to take off every reftraint, than to awaken any emulation ; -the next generation will owe you nothing for it.-If meritorious characters are, without difcrimination, levelled with fuch, as have deviated from the paths of honour, in God's name what becomes of virtue ?—

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-That, returned AMELIA, is but

too often left to be its own reward,—


and I truft, it will never want arguments to maintain its own confequence, whilft the reward it offers, is that fenfe of confcious rectitude, which the mind of man, however buoyed up by flattery and fashion, can never long difpenfe with the want of.

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As it is much easier to find fault with the world, than to mend it, I put an end to the converfation, by ordering the backgammon-table into the room;-though I thought that my friend's ideas on the fubject, were replete with good fenfe and plain truth.


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