THE BALL-ROOM. WHAT the deuce had I in my thoughts, when I popped my head into the ball-room?-I, who have fo many things more effential to dance after than a fiddle?-But I hate to pass a door, where every one is carrying their best spirits-befides, all the world was at MITCHENER'S,-fo, paying my half crown, I took a fweat, on one of the fnug, fuperannuated benches. -Now of all the chapters I have ever wrote, or ever fhall write,-either in the prefent,—or in any other work,this, is that which must be handled with the greatest nicety.-Some good angel guide my pen!--for a drop of ink too much, may blot out the interest I wifh wish to maintain in my reader's af fection. -I am well aware, that this is the chapter which will be the most looked into, be the most thumbed,and after all, be that which will please the least, in the whole book.-Even while I am this moment mufing over it, my fancy anticipates the great demands that will be made for it, at the circulating library.--I hear Mr. HALL, in the most obliging manner, affert, that it is out." But it is the fecond volume I am dying for,-and my coufin Peggy will be quite distracted, if she cannot have it this evening." If you will believe me, Madam, returns Mr. HALL (with the moft feeling concern for the fad events of Death and Distraction predicted to arife from this this difappointment) I have no lefs than fix fets, and not one of either of the volumes at home.-Lady FANNY in the ROPE-WALK, has been down twice herself after the fecond,-and two ladies on the PARADE, are, I fear, affronted at sending fo often, without obtaining it :-In the mean time, Madam, I have the TOYSHOP at your fervice, or I can fend you home -I wish from my heart, that this eager curiofity after the present chapter, be not fomewhat ftimulated by a little tincture, compounded of a finall portion of felf-fufficiency, and ill-nature, which, however unwilling we are to own it, I fear most of us carry about; and which prompts us but but too often, to divert ourselves at another's expence.— por I am confident, that many will expect to fee here a collection of traits drawn from real life-to find fome awkward minuet recorded,-or fome mistaken graces they may themfelves have recollected, and condemned.-But whoever thou art, who turneft over this page, if fuch be thy expectations, thou knoweft but little of his difpofition who now is writing it-My pen may ftigmatize vice and folly; it may blame the facrifice-but never fhall mark the votary.- -Was not I ingenuous enough to tell you beforehand, that this chapter would prove but an unfatisfactory one? -It could not be otherwife.-The fubject was in truth totally out of my way. -Be |