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ENTERED according to Act of Congress, in the year 1843,


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York.


THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM, OR Hand Book of Plants and Fruits,"


Published by JEROME LOTT, 156 Fulton Street, N. Y.

Illustrated by 140 Engravings, Maps, Copious Glossaries, &c.

Heads and Divisions of Subjects.

PREFACE, p. 4. INTRODUCTION. p. 5.-linportance of a knowledge of veg.
etable products-want of acquaintance with their nutritive and medicinal
properties, uses in the arts and domestic economy-condition of the world
without them-the food of man and animals-source of life, civilization
and happiness—a glance at their various uses in life and special properties—
important examples-explanations of the objects and character of the work.
divisions and history of Plants-variety and classification-progress of dis-
covery-knowledge of the ancients-arrangement of Linnæus-numbers and
characters-results of commerce-fruits and garden plants. Physiology of
Plants-structure and composition-definition of terms-fluids-circulation-
evolution-odor-color- - secretions—excretions — existence and growth-
changes-reproduction-sexes-substances, etc.


Principles of Plants, p. 20.-Proximate principles-acids-gums-wax-
resins-fixed oils-volatile oils-sugar-modes of procuring and preparation
-2d class of principles-ultimate elements-examples, &c.-composition of
sap-powers of plants-nourishment-sponglets-sap vessels--forms and
variety-existence of plants—age of plants-examples, etc.

Comparative Physiology of Plants, p. 23.-Relations between plants and
animals-opinions-designs of Supreme Wisdom-instinct-reason-exam-
ples-feeling-physical causes-phenomena-structure, etc.

Microscopic Vegetables, p. 27.—Appearance-location-species- develop-
ment-diffusion of seeds-remarkable examples, etc.

Animal Plants-marine products-radiated animals-powers of volition—
sensation-germination-infusoria-zoophytes-senses-principles of life, etc.
Laws and vital principles, p. 29.-Organic and inorganic matter-seeds-de-
velopement of life-light-decomposition-death. Diseases of plants, p. 31.
-sources of nourishment-quantity and quality-causes of diseases—reme-
dies-deformities-insects-extraordinary cases-larvæ-reinarkable exam-
ples-economy of plants-location-forms-germs-uses-important kinds.
Differences in species of plants,-p. 34.-Anomolous character-transforma-
tions-signs of the weather. Periodical opening of flowers-times-remarka-
ble examples-singular facts-superstitious notions-dedications, etc.


Carbon a constituent of vegetables, p. 37-Elements of the world--the dia.
mond-assimilation of carbon-a constituent of the body-quantities con-
sumed and expired by man-combinations in plants-Bread made of trees-
preparation-sugar and starch.

Charcoal, p. 39-Uses in the arts-methods of making.

Organs of Plants-Necessary to nutrition-necessary to reproduction—

VEGETABLE ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, p. 40.—Elementary parts of plants—

Requirements of plants-particular kinds require particular manures, soil, etc.

-vitality of organs-dependence on the atmosphere-nature of the air-

decay and final products of plants-quantities of carbonic acid-soils-humus

-production and use-life of plants-provisions of the atmosphere-quanti-

ties and use of oxygen-primeval vegetation-nutriment of plants-effects

of light-of darkness-plants yield oxygen-functions of seeds and leaves-

size and development of organs-extraction of food from soils-transform-

ation of nutriment-decomposition of water-appropriation of food-form-

ation of acids-nitrogen and amonia-uses as food of plants-earthy salts

-kinds and uses-juices of plants-remarkable properties-elements for the

growth of plants-generation of plants-peculiar wants and supplies-peren-

nial and annual plants-causes-properties of seeds-sugar of the maple-

formation-processes-plants improve or deteriorate soils-their different

requirements-change of forest trees-causes-matter expelled from roots-

- kinds and properties in vegetation— appropriation-nitrogen-

hydrogen-uses, etc.

ORGANS OF PLANTS, p. 53.-Seeds-Their importance to all existences-

structure-seed-lobes-phenomena of growth-embryo--gemlet-size, num-
ber and forms of seeds-illustrative cuts-membranes of seeds-germination-
air-light-growth of one lobe-of two lobes-leaflets-radical-time of ger-
mination-cut of structure of seed lobe-elements of seeds-heat-develop-
ment of parts-selection of seeds-new mode of preparing seeds-effects of
the discovery-guano-remarkable products.

Roots, p. 58.-Their character-form-powers-selection of food-habits
-parts of roots-offices of each-spindle-shaped, with cut-abrupt, with cut
-branched, with cut-fibrous, with cut-tuberous, with cut-necklace, with
cut-hand-shaped, with cut-bulbous, with cut-truncated, with cut-scaly bulb,
with cut-creepiny, with cut-bulb-bearing, with cut-general character-
uses, with cut-duck-meat, with cut, etc.

Stems of Plants, p. 63.-Origin and growth-membranes-vascular texture
-spiral and annular vessels-glands- bark-various functions-fluids of
plants-circulation of sap-interesting phenomena—cuticle-cellular integu-
ment and cortex-their functions - perfect wood-sap-wood-divisions of
plants, according to internal structure-monocotyledonous-dicotyledonous
-endogenous-exogenous, with three cuts-circulation--effects of injury-


divisions of stems-seven classes-leaf stalk-branches-bulbs. Appendages
of Plants-stipules - thorns prickles-glands-scales-stings-tendrils-
pubescences-bracts-hairs, etc.



Leaves of Plants, p. 70.-Cellular structure-ribs-veins-origin-skin-

-periods-forms of leaves-plants known by these-description-insertion-
size-color-duration-causes-defoliation-anatomy and physiology-pow.

ers, etc.

Buds, p. 75.-Leaf-buds-flower-buds-characteristics-uses-formations
-budding-frondescence, etc.

Fruits, p. 77.-Product of flowers-processes-kinds of fruit-causes-

seeds-duration-composition-divisions-structure. Classification of Fruits,
p. 81-nine classes-orders-classes and genera-capsules, with cuts-peri-
carps, with cuts-bivalve, with cut-cillicle, with cut-legumes, with cut-uni-
valve, with cut-drupes, with cuts-berry, with cuts-compound do., with
cuts-pomes, with cut-strobulus, with cut-pappus, etc.

Flowers, p. 84--Composition-floral envelops-sexes-calyx, with cut-
position-division-parts, with cuts-corolla-petals-various forms, with
cuts-nectary-odor, etc. The Sexes, p. 87.-stamens-pistils-positions—
form, etc., with cuts-style-stigma-pollen-diffusion, with cut-organs
combined, with cut-phenomena of sexes-inflorescence-position of flowers
-various parts described-compound and aggregate flowers, etc.

BOTANICAL CLASSIFICATION, p. 90.-Linnæn system-characteristics of clas-
sification-natural families-artificial and natural classification-rules-vege-
tation-reproduction-subdivisions-classes- orders-genera-species-va-
rieties-descriptions-changes-stamens and pistils-descriptions-with nu-
merous cuts. Classes, p. 93.-Described from one to twenty-four-orders-
genera and species described. Natural classification of Jessieu, p. 98.—prin-
ciples-lessons-directions-descriptions— analysis-divisions by the fruit.
The Natural System, p. 101.-method-classes-sub-classes-tribes-descrip-
tions-characteristics-Natural Orders and classes described, etc. p. 103.

VEGETABLE GEOGRAPHY, p. 106.—Its importance-causes-particular plants
-local vegetation, etc.-Outlines of American Vegetation, p. 108.-Forest trees
of North America-northern, middle, and southern districts-east and west
divisions-prairie regions-rocky mountains-review of kinds-peculiarities
and uses-comparison of American and French forest trees, etc.

Topography of Plants, p. 112.-Local circumstances-tribes of plants-
wars against one another-examples-remarkable plants-red snow plant-
particular plants in particular places-dispersion of plants-causes-seeds-
streams-seas- winds - birds- obstacles -deserts-mountains-orders-
habitation of plants, etc.

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Vegetable Regions, p. 116-Twenty-two regions-defined.


Influence of the elements on Plants, p. 118.-Effects in their distribution-
solar light-general effects. Temperature, p. 121.-Particular months-im-
portance of heat-effects illustrated-different climates-freezing tempera-
ture-effects on particular plants-excitability of plants, etc.

Heat and moisture, p. 124-Examples-degrees explained—where plants
flourish-moisture-importance · -mean temperature illustrated-examples
cited-applications-effects on tissues, etc.-atmospheric moisture-examples
in New York and parts of the world-effects of wind-evaporation—amount
-degrees. Radiant heat, p. 126.-illustrations-influence of soils-general
influence of the atmosphere-illustrations, etc.

General Remarks, p. 128.-Adaptation of plants-indigenous plants-culti-
vation and productions-illustrations-effects on the condition of man, etc.
Vegetable regions of America, p. 131.—Illustrated and defined by two Maps—
remarks, etc.

CHEMISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, p. 132.-Character of plants-composition
-organic and inorganic matter-choice of soils-table of elements of plants
-ashes-constituents estimated-inorganic matter-proportions in soils-
soluble ingredients-insoluble-earthy parts-proportions to be supplied, etc.
Geological character of soil, p. 136.-Subsoil-soils explained-position of
rocks, with a drawing-stratified and unstratified-valleys and elevations of
strata, with drawing-nature of soil produced-natural order explained-divi-
sions of strata-character and names of soils-effects of inundations-effects
of climate-powers of absorption-temperature of soils. Chemical constitu-
tion of soil, p. 139.-choice of location by plants-soils sick of certain crops
-preparations for other crops-supplying the soil with food for plants—sea
weeds-charcoal-properties, effects and kinds of manures-estimated—
Animal substances, p. 142-for fertilizing soils-nature and examples-digested
substances animalized charcoal-effects-nitrogen in substances eaten-
source-amount-Mineral waters-salt-kelp. Lime, p. 145-uses-effects—
sources-irrigation of soil-draining-productive powers of soils-chemical
constitution—Analysis of soils, p. 148.-qualities and quantities of grain—
elements-gathering crops-food afforded per acre-table of estimates-ele-
ments required in food and animals-kinds of plants and proportion of nutri-
ment, etc.

subject-divisions of aliments-elements of food in plants-vegetable diet—
mixed food necessary-man omnivorous-carbon combinations-production of
animal heat-carbon consumed-climate on consumption of food-diseases
-combustion of fats and oils in the lungs-extraordinary consumption of fats,
etc. in northern regions-organ of alimentiveness-examples-first and second
classes of elements of the body-hydrogen-nitrogenized food for nutrition
-identity of vegetable and animal composition-analysis of the food of the
horse-Liebig's views-alcohol and its properties-non-nitrogenized food

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