DISCOVERIES IN HIEROGLYPHICS, AND Other Antiquities. IN PROGRESS TO WHICH MANY FAVORITE COMPOSITIONS ARE PUT IN A LIGHT NOW ENTIRELY NEW, AS WELL AS MORE INSTRUCTIVE, TO READERS OF EARLIER TIMES. BY ROBERT DEVERELL, ESQ. WITH ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SIX WOOD ENGRAVINGS, PRINTED BY J. GILLET, CROWN-COURT, FLEET-STREET; AND SOLD BY W. CLARKE, BOND-STREET; PAYNE, PALL-MALL; PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1813. 270. e. 187. SIGNS OF THE ZODIA C. Hæc ego admirans, referebam tamen oculos ad terram identidem.-Cic. Somn. Scip. IN the close of the fourth volume a comparison was instituted between a few hieroglyphics and their prototypes, and the connexion between them satisfactorily pointed out; but the bringing together objects so connected, in order merely to establish their several applications to each other, ends only in the gratification of an idle curiosity. Utility is the true and genuine object of all labour and research; and it is expedient, therefore, to shew, by some solid example, that the study of these matters may lead probably to useful results. Now it is certain that the signs of the zodiac are really hieroglyphics, however little they may have been esteemed so in later times: not only |