Entered according to the act of Congress, in the year 1832, by WILLAM D'HART, in the Clerk's office of the District of New-Jersey. D'HART & CONNOLLY, PRINTERS, 3-28-35 H.c.m. gift 6-8-33 PREFACE. THERE never has existed, upon earth, a nation whose history is so deserving of our attention, as that of the Jews. From their origin, until this day, an extraordinary Providence has been exercised towards them. For more than two thousand years, they continued to be the peculiar and chosen people of God; and although they were often rebellious, and sometimes severely chastised, yet, during this long period, they were never entirely cast off. But after their enormous impiety, in the rejection and crucifixion of the Messiah, they, as a nation, were utterly rejected of God; exiled from the promised land; dispersed among all the nations of the earth, and abandoned to every species of persecution and cruel oppression. This has been their miserable condition for nearly eighteen centuries. But still, an extraordinary Providence attends them; not only in the awful dispensations of Divine displeasure in the fulfilment of the prophecies, but also in their preservation as a distinct people, in the midst of so many hot fires of persecution, and during so long a period of cruel oppression, such as no other people ever endured. Their remaining unamalgamated with the various nations of the earth among whom they have had their residence, is itself a prodigy, and has been |