I'm sure sma's pleasure it can gie, To skelp1 an' scaud poor dogs like me, An' hear us squeel! Great is thy pow'r, an' great thy fame; Thou travels far; Whyles ranging like a roaring lion Tirling the kirks: I've heard my reverend graunie say, When twilight did my graunie summon, Wi' eeriet drone; Or, rustlin', thro' the boortries" comin', Wi' heavy groan. Aew dreary, windy, winter night, The stars shot down wi' sklentin' light; g Small. h Give. i Strike, or beat. I Flaming pit. m Bashful. 72 h Known. Apt to be scared. • Sometimes. p Uncovering. r Wise, good. s Beyond. u Elder-trees. 10 One. 9 Frightful hollow moan. i Frighted, or frightful. Glimmering. Wi you, mysel, I gat a fright, Ayont the lough; Ye, like a rash-bush, stood in sight, Wi' waving sugh. The cudgel in my nieveb did shake, When wi' an eldritch stour, quaick-quaick Amang the springs, Awa' ye squatter'dd like a drake, On whistling wings. Let warlockse grim, an' wither'd hags, Thence countra wives wi' toil an' pain, As yell's the Bill. Thence mystic knots mak great abuse, y A pool, or sheet of water. z A bush, or iarge tuft of rushes a Rushing noise of wind or water. b Hand, or fist. c The raising a cloud of dust. d Fluttered in water. e Wizards. f Ragwort. g Digged up, or disinterred. Those who are, or were, believers in the old traditions relative to witchcraft, supposed that the incantations of these demoniacs were frequently performed over dead bodies, which they dug, scratched, or conjured out of their graves in order to perform their devilish orgies more effectually. h Churn. i Fondled, caressed. k Twelve-pint. 1 Côw. m Gone. n Barren. • Bull. The literal English meaning of these last two lines is, that a favourite cow, that gave daily twelve Scotch pints of milk (equal to forty-eight English pints), is become as barren as a bun, in consequence of witchcraft. Men newly married. q Courageous. When the best wark-lume i' the house, • By cantrip wit, Is instant made no worth a louse, Just at the bit. When thowest dissolve the snawy hoord, Then Water kelpies haunt the foord, An' 'nighted trav'llers are allur'd To their destruction. An' aft your moss-traversing Spunkies, Delude his eyes, When Masons' mystic word an' grip Or, strange to tell! Lang syne in Eden's bonnie yard, A working tool. Fully to appreciate the meaning of the stanza beginning Thence mystic knots, it is necessary for the English reader to know, that a tradition was entertained in Scotland of the power of witchcraft to prevent consummation on the bridal night, by rendering the young guid man, powerless 'just at the bit,' or moment when, &c. s A charm or spell. t Thaws. u A mischievous kind of spirits, said to haunt fords, or ferries, particularly in stormy nights. w Will-o'-the-wisp. or Jack-a-lantern. Then you, ye auld, snick-drawing* dog! An' play'd on man a cursed brogue, An' gied the infant warld a shog, 'Maist ruin'd a'. D'ye mind that day, when in a bizz, An' sklentedd on the man of Uz Your spitefu' joke? An' how ye gat him i' your thrall, Wi' bitter claw, An' lows'de his ill-tongu'd wicked scawl, Was warst ava? But a' your doings to rehearse, Down to this time, An' now, auld Cloots, I ken ye 're thinkin', Some luckless hour will send him linkin', To your black pit; But, faith! he'll turn a corner jinkin', An' cheat you yet. But fare you weel, auld Nickie-ben! O wad ye tak a thought an' men'! Trick-contriving. a Smoky clothes. e Ugly, or smutty. e Loosed. A scold. y A violent shock. z Bustle. b Withered, or scorched wig. d Hit aslant, or obliquely. Fighting. h Vide Milton, book vi g 1 Puzzle. & Tripping. 1 Dodging. Ye aiblinsm might-I dinna kenn I'm wae to think upon yon den, ADDRESS TO EDINBURGH. EDINA! Scotia's darling seat! Thy sons, Edina, social, kind, With open arms the stranger hail; Or modest merit's silent claim; m Perhaps. n Do not know. • Written in the winter of 1784-5. The idea of an Address to the Deil was suggested to the poet, by running over in his mind the many ludicrous accounts and representatious we have, from various quarters, of this august personage.'-Gilbert Burns. E |