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LETTER FROM HON. A. B. DICKINSON. evidence of a deep, porous soil, which no observing, practical and experienced farmer would think of manurSuggestions about the Treatment of Diffe-ing in the fall for spring crops. I am satisfied that deep,

rent Soils.

LEON, Central America, March 1, 1862.

MESSRS. TUCKER & SON-Your valuable paper of 19th December has been received, and was truly a welcome visitor, as it was the first I had received since my arrival in a country where such a thing as an agricultural paper is unknown.

It is a singular fact that while more than one half of the whole male population of the globe are engaged in agricultural pursuits, I have never yet seen an agricultural journal for sale on steamboats, cars or other lines of travel, or at any place except at the offices where they are printed; and yet all of the above places (especially in our own country) are flooded with political, religious, miscellaneous, and other papers of almost every description. Why should this be so while every body admits their utility, and while it is an admitted fact that all men -particularly the politicians of all ages and of all countries, have been the friends and advocates of the farmers? Indeed one might be led to suppose that their peculiar champion-the politician-understood the business of agriculture much better than the farmers themselves. They are always ready to give them good advice.

Why is it that agricultural journals, above all others, are not to be found in the market places? It is simply, because no one calls for them. I have asked the newsboys a thousand times for an agricultural paper, and the answer has always been-"I do not keep them, for no one, or none but yourself, ever asks for them." Let ten or twenty men call for them every day, and they will be on hand as plenty as goose-yokes would be in a country store if all the customers demanded them.

I also received Mr. LUTHER H. TUCKER'S Oswego County Address, for which I am much obliged. And while acknowledging the receipt of those, allow me to answer a few of the erroneous teachings of one of your old correspondents, to be found on page 397 of the current volume of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN.

Mr. LEVI BARTLETT, in speaking of Mr. THOMAS' recommendation to Cayuga County farmers, "to spread their manure for spring planting in the fall," says:

"I believe Mr. Thomas is correct in his advice to Cayuga County farmers, and whatever course in this method of applying manure is profitable to the farmers of that county. will also be found equally so

to the farmers of other Counties and States."

coarse, porous soils, will in no country retain manure but little benefit on such soils after the second year, and more than three or four years. Indeed, the manure is of is principally exhausted the first. Therefore on all soils of this character, the manure should be put on with the growing crop, as the loss would generally be one-fourth, and in some instances one half, by applying it the fall before. There are thousands of acres of land which have been exhausted by cultivation, and thrown out to the commons; and as cities and villages grow up in their neighborhood, and produce is increased in value, they have been reclaimed by lime and manure, and have But it has yielded excellent crops for a year or two. soon been found that, not having a bottom to retain it in the surface soil, through which it leached with about as much facility as through a sieve, they were a source of more expense than profit, and so they have again been abandoned to their natural products-five finger and mercial emporiums of the United States, New York and poverty-grass. And this too between the two great comPhiladelphia.

Much of the land on Long Island, which is so valuable near the city, would not be worth a straw in Cayuga county for farming purposes; and yet, where it is, they can afford to purchase manure and leached ashes by the bushel, and carry them on their shoulders to spread both fall and spring; and they can make more money by gardening in this manner than the farmers of Seneca, Yates and Livingston counties do on their naturally fertile and enduring soils.

And what do these facts teach? Simply this: know well your soil wherever it is; cease quarreling with the Almighty, and use the land for the purposes for which He made it. You will then cease to reverence the teachings of Liebig, or follow in the wake of Way, and fall back on your own resources, and try to master the unerring truths of Nature.

Mr. Bartlett tells us there is a great saving by drawing and spreading in the fall, as the expense of piling in large heaps and reloading in the spring is no trifling job. Nothing truer. But wherefore the necessity of drawing in the fall, and reloading in the spring? Does manure, like wine, improve by long keeping? Are the farmers of the country so rich, or their farms so profitable that they can afford to lay out of their interest for a year, as they must do if they hold their manure over till fall for next spring's use? Take your manure the same spring after it is made, and draw it out on any land where it

Strange teaching this to new beginners who are look-should be drawn in spring, or can be without injury to ing for correct information as to the most economical mode of using the great renovator of soils, to say that because the fall application is best in Cayuga County, where the surface soil is highly charged with lime and clay, resting on a tenacious subsoil within twelve or eighteen inches of the surface, which holds all the leachings as safely as would a stone crock, it will also be found equally so to the farmers of other Counties and States.

the soil, and I will engage that it will pay more than ten per cent the first year, at any reasonable value you choose to put upon it. Do you not believe that eight loads to the acre, well spread on a thin meadow, would increase the quantity of hay from one-fourth to one-half of a ton per acre? And it will do still more good if spread on a newly sowed crop seeded with grass. If the land is thin, the crop of oats or any other spring crop, will be increased from 10 to 25 per cent.; and besides, the grassseed will be sure to take, and the hay will be Increased at least as much more the next season.

The many unerring proofs which exhibit themselves to the observing, thoughtful, practical farmer in the various kinds of soil, show the proper time for applying manures in different countries, and not unfrequently that a differ ent mode of treatment is required on the same farm, the reasons for which are quite too numerous to explain in such a paper. Let one or two suffice on this occasion, that new beginners may not mistake.

On all soils where manure does not waste, the earlier it is spread on the surface and incorporated into the soil, the more benefit is derived from it. Where the field is level, and contains an impervious subsoil, there can be no waste, if no more is applied than the soil requires. It is much better and safer to apply on sod than on plowed ground. Such tenacious soils, when once made rich, by good husbandry never grow any poorer. The benefit of fall manuring in Cayuga, holds equally good in the most of Seneca and Yates counties, and in considerable portions of Ontario, Livingston, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans and Erie. While most of the land in Cayuga would be On all tenacious soils, no matter what their composition' benefitted by this system, I am not by any means certain may be, never apply manure when the ground is wet. that all the land in that county should be treated to a fall Nothing can be more injurious to such soils than driving dressing; for if I remember correctly, when traveling over and trampling them down while in such a condition. there some forty years since, the timber on portions of It crushes the life out of the soil, and packs it solid, so the Owasco flats, and the old Indian fields on Salmon that it bakes and chunks up when plowed; and therefore creek, as well as some other localities, give unmistakable it is sometimes necessary to manure such soils in the fall,

especially where the spring season is so short and wet that there is not sufficient time to draw out and spread the manure in time for planting.

On the other hand, some of the coarse, gravelly or shale soils, or even the barren sands of Cape Cod, of which Mr. B. speaks, are improved by driving over and trampling them when wet. I have but little doubt that those barren sands could be made productive by herding cattle on them a sufficient length of time in wet weather. The principal question to determine in that case would be, whether it would not cost more than it would come to. Much of the prairie land of the West, which he thinks would have been as barren as those of Cape Cod, if Liebig's theory was not correct (which I will endeavor to show the fallacy of in another communication,) is improved by herding cattle on it, as the traveller, if an observing one, will discover by seeing here and there a most beautiful green spot covered thickly over with luxuriant white clover and blue grass, which are not to be found anywhere else on the prairie. If he will take the trouble to inquire, he will find that some herdsman has in by-gone times yarded his cattle there; and if a practical farmer he will soon take the hint that its fertility is not altogether chargeable to the manure which has been left there, but partly to trampling down of the light soil, which has given it greater compactness and tenacity than the surrounding soil, and which in fact has changed its character, and made it congenial to other plants.

On the other hand, the same treatment on a stiff tenacious soil, would drive out the very same plants, and bring in a different kind, the worthless May-weed for instance, that is seen growing on the road-side.

Again, take two pieces on the same farm, and on the same stiff adhesive soil as near as can be-sow a crop of field turnips, or almost any other crop on one of them on the same day in the morning when dry, and put on a flock of sheep large enough to trample it thoroughly, and it will improve the crop. Treat the other piece in precisely the same manner until the crop is in; then let a shower of rain come on it sufficient to saturate the soil, and then turn the sheep on and trample it down in the same way, and the crop is spoiled. On the other hand, if the soil should be very light and porous, the latter piece would be improved. Therefore the casual observer, by studying the simplest laws of nature, can determine where it is best to apply manure in the fall, and where in the spring, with the same certainty that he can tell which he should set under his water-spont, his basket or his barrel.


[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] CHANGE OF SEED.

the tubers for seed; still it is difficult to keep a number of kinds apart, which always ought to be done.

I have quite a different experience to relate in regard to our cultivation of wheat. I have had to change seed every few years. We have found what we call the finer kinds of white wheat, more apt to degenerate. By sow ing three or four years, it will scarcely pass as white. We have to get a new start from the north. I think we are too far south to raise wheat to perfection-latitude, 38 north. Although the State of Kentucky is famed for producing fine crops of white wheat, think it must be owing to the soil more than the climate, and should like to hear from some of the farmers there how they manage to keep it of a fair color. S. J. Gallipolis, O.

For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] THE COST OF RAISING CORN. We had always been surprised that western farmers could raise corn at a profit at prices varying at from 15 to 30 cents per bushel; but the past year we kept an accurate account of the cost of our corn crop, and can easily believe that on the fertile and easily cultivated lands of the west, where horse power can be used instead of the hoe, corn can be profitably raised at the above prices.

Our cornfield consisted of three acres. It had been
mowed for three years previous-was strong, and required
two yoke of oxen and two men to break it.
To 4 day's work plowing,.

3 day's drawing manure with two men and team,.
Spreading manure..

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Chaining both ways......................、
Three day's planting..

Three pecks seed corn.....
Interest on land at $30,

Three hundred pounds of plaster,

Cultivating both ways three times..

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50 2.25












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[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] MATCHING WORKING CATTLE. MESSRS. EDITORS-Observation has led me to the conclusion that in matching working cattle the following are, I see the subject of changing seed has been discussed in the Farmers' Clubs this winter, and it is not my inten- of the same color, space between the eyes of equal width, requisites, viz. They should be of one age, of equal size, tion to say that a judicious change of seed is not some-length of hair, and also quality of hair as to coarse or times necessary, but merely to state a few facts in regard to my own experience. I have cultivated the white Meshanoc potato for thirty-four years on the same farm, without any visible deterioration either in quantity or quality. Our early patch in the garden has been raised above statements, we will call their attention to the followFor the consideration of those who may doubt the on the same plot of ground without changing for thirty ing facts: Why is one animal white, another black, this years, and never has failed to produce a good crop in all one red, that one spotted, one long-haired, another shortthat time. The ground was rich when I commenced, and haired, &c.? Why this difference? Men may not agree has been manured every spring since with stable manure. as to the cause of cattle varying so much in their appearI have one kind of corn that we have raised for thirty ance; but nevertheless the cause is a true one. And as successive years, and I would not exchange it for any a general rule when causes are alike, their effects will be other corn that I know of; but I would state that it re- alike. Why are twin calves more likely to make an even quires the greatest care to prevent corn from deteriorating. pair of cattle than calves that are of no kin to each other? It must be planted apart from other varieties; and more They are more likely to be fashioned alike in every rethan that, you must select your seed from corn that has spect. Hence their evenness. Like causes like effects, been raised on rich land, for it is just like cattle; it will Two animals of no more kin to each other than men of degenerate if not well fed. We have not confined our- the present day are to Adam, if fashioned alike in every selves to the one kind of potatoes and corn. We have respect, will be as near alike in their dispositions as a pair tried various kinds, but consider it more trouble than of twins, and in one sense of the word would be twins. profit to keep them distinct, although we are not of that The same rule will apply to horses and other animals, number that believe that potatoes will hybridize by using' mankind not excepted. G. P. SERVISS.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] How to Improve a Badly Run Farm. MESSRS. EDITORS-Having in a former article advised those with limited means, to buy farms that were more or less run down, and stated that they would have to adopt some course of improvement, by which the land may be brought up and made productive, I will now proceed to point out the course that it will be best for them to pur


results, we would continue to make use of this fact, as far as circumstances will admit, by adopting a systematic change or rotation of crops. There are many good and sufficient reasons besides those already given, in favor of a rotation; but the readers of the Co. GENT. being familiar with them, I shall proceed to consider what crops should be included in a rotation for a badly run out farm. Perhaps the best way to determine this question, will be to consider what crops have been grown to impoverish the land. But this has already been done to some extent, in considering the necessity of a change of crops. Hence, having seen that the small grains have been the principal crops raised in running down the land, it will be best to raise as little as possible of them, and find some other crops to take their place.

The first and most important point to be considered and attended too, is a general change of crops. Most farms that are run down, have been under a long course of cropping with one or more of the different small grains, Now there is one crop that I have seldom, if ever, heard such as wheat, rye, barley or oats-one of these grains charged with wearing out, or even injuring land. True, generally being made a leading crop; in wheat sections, we sometimes hear of land becoming clover sick" in it is wheat, in other sections oats. And although rye and England. But I believe such cases are exceedingly rare, barley are raised to some extent, yet a large portion of if there are any at all, in this country, and more especialbadly run land has been mainly cropped with wheat or ly when plaster is sown on the clover, as it always should oats; while these crops are calculated to have as bad be on all but very rich lands. But on the contrary, while effect on land, and to give it a poor worn-out appearance clover never impoverishes land, it is seldom raised withas quick as perhaps any other crops; though in reality it out improving the soil and putting it in a much better may not be so very badly run down for other crops, be-state for other crops; and this improvement being much sides wheat and oats. Again, such land is generally not greater and more surprising on badly run land that has plowed more than four or five inches deep, consequently, been but seldom, if ever, clovered. Again, clover can though the land may sooner appear to be worn out, yet be made a very profitable crop, as I hope to show when in reality it is only badly run to that depth. Hence a writing more in detail in regard to its cultivation. Now change of crops, and deep and thorough cultivation, may for these reasons, and many more, some of which may be be expected to produce excellent results. given another time, clover should be the leading crop in bringing up land.


This may be illustrated by relating a little of my own experience. (And here let me say, I do not intend to state or recommend anything in these remarks, that I do not consider warranted by my own experience or observation.) I commenced farming on a small place that had been let to neighboring farmers,-no one residing on the place for many years, before it came into my hands. is often the case, all that was raised was taken off from, and nothing returned to the land. It had not been seeded down for a long time until the spring before I bought it, it was seeded to clover. Wheat had been the principal crop, alternating occasionally with oats-the last crop, which was oats, only yielding some twelve or thirteen bushels per acre. It was so badly run out, that it was difficult to get any one to take it. The spring it came into my possession, I planted six acres to corn and potatoes, the corn yielding at the rate of fifty bushels of shelled corn to the acre, and the potatoes at the rate of 160 bushels per acre. These crops were raised without any manure, except the clover sod of the previous spring's seeding, and were undoubtedly due to a change of crops, deep plowing, and good cultivation. Nor was this all; by making a general change of crops and management, the land was not only made productive and profitable, but the general appearance and credit of the place was brought up and improved so much, that when I wished to sell and buy a larger farm, it sold for about double what it cost me. I have also pursued a similar course or change of crops on my present farm,-which was considerably run down-with very satisfactory results.

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There are many similar instances of the great benefit of a change of crops, that have come under my notice, but I can make room for only one or two. One is in regard to a piece of rather poor hemlock land, that, as it was not considered very good wheat land, had been kept in spring crops some years, and as the owner said, "wanted Beeding down." He said he did not expect much wheat, as it was not wheat land, and had been a going in spring crops some time and wanted rest; but that in order to get it in a good condition for meadow, and well seeded, he was going to summer fallow and sow it to wheat." Yet that field gave 30 bushels per acre, which was an extra crop for that kind of land. In another instance, the same kind of land that had been badly run to spring crops, was sown to wheat on oat stubble, and gave over 20 bushels per acre.

Having shown that a change of crops produces good

Next to clover I consider corn the best crop to grow in improving the soil. The reason for this opinion can be easily made apparent to all, in this way. Who ever heard of land being run down where clover and corn were the principal crops; and these crops, made good by thorough and deep cultivation and manuring, were mostly consumed on the farm, as, of course, they should be? Such cases must be exceedingly rare, if indeed there are any. For my part, I have yet to meet with the first one. True, run down land will not continue to produce as good crops for any considerable length of time after a change as it does at first. Yet by raising clover and corn for the principal crops, and feeding a large portion of both on the farm, the land may be constantly improving, and the crops after the first and principal effect of a change is worn off, be continually growing better. It is true that corn grown year after year on the same field for a long time will on most soils run down the land. But when it is grown only once in four or five years, in a judicious rotation, and everything in relation to the crop well managed, the general effect and result will be altogether different.

But, though corn and clover should be the principal crops, yet there should be some kind of grain sown after corn to seed down with. What this should be may perhaps be best determined in each particular section, regard being had not only to what would be likely to succeed best, but also to the kind of grain that clover will take the best with, it being always important to get a good seeding.

In considering the best way to improve a badly run farm, I have not alluded to underdraining, for the reason that a man commencing on such a farm, more or less in debt, will have but little means or inclination to do any thing of the kind, but will rather choose to buy a farm that may be improved without it. Still there may be instances where it will best to buy land that needs underdraining. In such cases due allowance should be made for it in purchasing, and sufficient money retained to pay at least some portion of the expense.

As good and deep cultivation and manuring, which should include a liberal use of plaster and ashes, have been frequently alluded to, it will not be necessary in concluding, to do more than merely state that while they are very important on all farms, no one need ever think to succeed for any length of time on badly worn land without giving both the strictest attention. And that, as a general change

in the course of cropping and manner of cultivation will give good crops on the start; so these crops should be so managed and used as to give the largest amount of manure that it may be practical to make, thus making good erops add largely to the amount of manure, which in turn will add to the amount of crops, and this course followed up, will be sure, sooner or later, to make a good productive farm. F. Orleans Co., N. Y.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] HOW TO DESTROY RED ANTS. MESSRS EDITORS-J. H. F. inquires how to destroy "those ants." I conclude from his description of them, they are what are called the red ant. I would say to him, and to all others who are troubled, with those little torments, that thousands of them can be destroyed a day by putting walnut meats on pieces of paper and placing them in their trails. When a goodly number have gathered on the meats (of) which they are very fond,) carry them on the paper and burn them. This can be repeated several times a day. My house was literally over-run with these little pests a few years since, but by perseverence, my wife destroyed them so effectually, that we have not seen one of the little intruders for the last two years. L. South Hadley.

We have no doubt but that the method above recommended will prove entirely successful; but if our correspondent cannot procure walnut meats, à piece of fresh meat, or any thing which will draw the ants to it, will answer the same purpose. The only requisite is that the remedy he continued so long as any of the ants appear. The bait should be placed where the ants are most numerous, and it will basten their destruction by placing it in different apartments where they congregate largely.

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inner surface of such a hive with an impervious coating of It may be objected that the bees will very soon cont the propolis, thus preventing the absorption of moisture. Granting both this to be true and that it could not be easily remedied, the advantage of an even temperature would remain. Bui if the inside of the hive should chance to be coated as thoroughly as supposed, the frames being movable could easily be taken out and the propolis taken off the straw by scraping, scratching or scalding with hot water. And even hive should be most nearly closed to retain the animal heat, if this could not be done, since winter is the time when the the straw top would then be used, which would, probably, of itself, afford sufficient ventilation.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] THE HONEY BEE.

Inexperienced bee-keepers will be interested to know that many swarms are destroyed, and many others greatly injur ed, by neglecting timely to remove from the bottom board of the hive, the cappings of their winter stores and young brood, and the bees which die in winter--which, together with the moisture from the condensed vapor in the hive, as it settles into this mass, forms a compound too well adapted to mold the comb with which it comes in contact, or close the door and suffocate the bees. It is true the combs become mouldy in many hives which have not been thus neglected, but this is a very common cause, and easily prevented. Combs which are but slightly mouldy are not materially injured.

It is a mystery to many bee-keepers even, why many HOW TO MAKE STRAW HIVES. swarms continue year after year, without producing either surplus honey, or a sufficient, number of bees to swarm. In the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN of Jan. 16, p. 50, we pub-Some, however, attribute such unproductiveness to a superalished an article from a correspondent of the Dollar News-bundance of drone comb, or of bee bread (pollen) in the paper on the advantages of straw hives. The writer, in conclusion, promised to furnish a few plain directions for making straw hives, which he had seen in use the past year. These directions are as follows:

I do not claim that my plan for a straw hive adapted to improved bee-keeping, is the best that can be devised. I do not say that it is the best that has been given to the public, but since it is cheap, simple, and free from the suspicious prefix of patent, [Would it not be claimed under the Langstroth patent on account of the movable frames?] it is the more confidently submitted for what it is worth.

brood combs. But I am satisfied that it should as often be

attributed to mouldy combs destroying to greater or less extent brood combs. And as bees, in common with other insects, are short lived, one limited generation of bees might follow another for an indefinite period, without profit or better prospect.

The best course to pursue with such swarms, that I know of, is to transfer them with such portions of comb as is suitable, and that worker brood comb only, to a new hive in early spring, or drive them in swarming time.

I still need to be fed.

I. I.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] MADAGASCAR RABBITS.

obtained from the flowers of the soft maple. Often, as early The first bee food in spring of much importance (here,) is Take strips of pine or other soft wood, an inch thick by in spring as the weather is sufficiently warm that bees can two inches wide, and make two rectangular frames, halvingy to the woods, this food is supplied in abundance. But as the corners together and keeping the wider surfaces in the this food, (pollen) is principally for the young brood, (though same plane. These frames must be of the same size, and of not less important,) such swarms as are short of honey will dimensions according to the size of the hive required. Lay East Shelby, N. Y. one of them on the bench before you and nail to it upright strips of lath of length corresponding to the height of the hive, the lower ends being even with the lower surface of the frame as it lies. These uprights must be nailed on both inside and outside, and about four inches apart. Now take These beautiful pets, sometimes called Lop-Eared Rabbits, long clean straw, previously wet, and lay it between the up- do not receive the attention their good qualities entitle them right pieces of lath, bending it round the corners in such a to. They are much the largest and the most beautiful of all way as to make the walls of the hive. Having pressed the space full, lay the second frame upon the straw directly over the first, nail the upper ends of the lath to it, and the hive, with the exception of the top, is done. Such a hive should have two tops, movable, of course, as in all movable-comb hives; one of wood an inch thick, to be used during the gathering of surplus honey, and the other of straw for spring, fall, and winter. This straw top may be made on the same principle as the hive. Make a frame of proper size, and two inches deep; nail pieces of lath on the under side, sinking them in so as to leave a level surface; fill in above them with straw and bind it down with lath nailed above, crosswise, from side to side. It will be unnecessary to leave any passages for ventilation, and as the thin wood top is to be used in the honey season, no holes are necessary in the straw top to communicate between the boxes and the hive. Such hives, with no ventilation but that afforded by the porous absorptive mass of straw on the sides and the top, were found free from frost on tho combs and in fine condition

the rabbit family. Their flesh is far superior to that of the wild rabbit, and better than the flesh of the common domestic rabbit. I think they should be bred extensively by the poor class as an article of food, for they can be easily raised at a trifling expense, requiring to be fed only on coarse and cheap food. They occupy but little space, breed often, and come early to maturity, when full grown frequently weighing from fifteen to twenty pounds. Their skins, when tanned, make beautiful robes, their colors being handsomely variegated. As fine a rabbit may be raised in a dry goods box, placed in some shed or corner of the yard, as those raised in a warren costing fifty or one hundred dollars. I would in no way discourage the raising of these rabbits as a matter of fancy, for the breeding of them is a pleasant and instructive amusement for children, and to follow the rabbit through all the different periods of life, from the time it is deposited in its downy nest until it arrives at maturity, is one of the most pleasant observations of the Naturalist. S. P. KEATOR

MANAGEMENT OF THE BLACKBERRY. only to destroy weeds, but also to break up the surface, which soon becomes baked and hard under the joint in

At the late meeting of the Illinois Hort. Society, C. Merritt of Battle Creek, Mich., said he had been very successful with the New Rochelle-had an acre of the plants, but they needed winter protection. This he accomplished by first cutting out the bearing shoots, when with the help of two men with spades he laid down the whole in a day. The earth is loosened with a rake on the side towards which they are to be laid down, when they are pushed over with the rake, and the two men throw on earth, and a little rough litter is added. They are planted six feet apart, and cultivated each way. They are staked in spring. "Before laying down in autumn," says the owner, "I cut off the main stalk nearly down to where it bends over, and the side branches to fifteen or eighteen inches. Where there is no snow, I would cover the stalk. Last spring when I got ready to plow, I found I had only about half enough canes on the acre. I manured in June with a wheel-barrow load to every two hills. They were a "sight" when they blossomed. The crop was estimated at from 100 to 150 bushels, and I am confident was not less than 100. I picked 60 bushels, and sent them to this market; brought $4.50 to $5 per bushel. Four stalks in a hill are enough. I sell the sprouts or cut them down. I think from 120 to 150 bushels can be raised on an acre. Some of the ground I mulched with cut cornstalks, which was an improvement. My soil is a gravelly sand with loam, sub-soil gravelly and open, but not leachy. The berries were uniform in size, except in the last of the season."

Novices should understand that summer pruning is in most instances essential to success, that is, pinching off the leading stem when 34 or 4 ft. high, to induce the growth of side branches, which also must be pinched off, if they extend far-the object being to produce that short stubby growth which best favors fruitfulness. Boys who pick wild blackberries at the east, have often observed that such bushes as the cows have browsed partly down, are loaded with berries; and this summer pruning is on the same principle, although in not quite so rough a style. NEATNESS IN THE FLOWER GARDEN.

fluence of sun and rain.

should be tied to neat painted sticks, which should be pre-
All tall growing plants, or those with tall flower stems,
pared in large quantities of all sizes during seasons of
their stems loosely tied together, or else heavy storms will
Herbaceous plants of the large sorts should have
beat and break down the outside stems.

All flowers and leaves which have begun to decay should be immediately removed, unless seeds are wanted, in which case only the dying petals of the flowers should be taken away.

Climbing plants should have trellises or strings to run upon the moment they begin their growth, and those sorts which will not run should be tacked to the wall or fence with neat strips of leather.

All annuals which have finished their bloom should be

removed, and early flowering herbaceous plants may be cut down to the ground as soon as the flowers have faded, when they will probably make a second growth and bloom. Straggling shoots in shrubs should be at once cut out, the garden, but the above are sufficient. The vigilance Many more rules might be given for the proper care of of the cultivator will at once detect the want of neatness in any department of the garden, and will remedy it.


G. B. H.

For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] ONIONS vs. MAGGOTS.

MR. EDITOR-In common with every farmer in this vicinity, I have suffered severely in the cultivation of onions, from the ravages made by maggots. I made several experiments which were attended with little or no success, until I hit upon the following expedient:

I took about two quarts of tar, put it in a kettle, and poured six or eight quarts of boiling water into it; let it stand till cold, then took a common watering pot, stopping up all the holes in the filterer save one, and filled it with this tar water; when the onions came up, I applied it, continued its application throughout the season, and the running a small stream of the water along on each row. result was I did not lose an onion.

Last season, having much other business to attend to, I neglected to apply it but two or three times, and I lost this is a sure preventive, and would recommend every probably one twentieth of the crop. I am confident that farmer to try it. It is simple, and does not retard the growth of the onion. LEVI REMICK.

Kittery, York Co., Maine.

The principal characteristic of the flower garden should be neatness. No matter how much may be expended on new and beautiful plants or how great the number of flowers, yet if neatness be neglected, the effect of the whole is spoiled in the eyes of all persons who have been accustomed to see well kept gardens. A beautiful flower[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] ing plant may have all its loveliness destroyed by the reNUTTING'S ROOT CUTTER. mains of dead flowers or decaying leaves, or a fine specimen may be devoid of attraction for want of a little care MESSRS. L. TUCKER & SON-On page 107, Feb. 13, and attention in tying up or training. The lawn may be 1862, "COUNTRY GENT.," is a communication from R. robbed of its beauty by allowing the grass to remain un- NUTTING, relative to his "New Root Cutter." On reading cut until it more resembles a luxuriant meadow than an the article I enclosed the price to D. Odiorne, Randolph, ornamental portion of the flower garden, whose chief Vt. The Cutter was forwarded-I was disappointed, and beauty consists in a smooth, closely shaven sward with a on receiving it at the R. R. Depot, would have sold out velvet-like surface. So too, rambling, straggling shrubs, at less than cost, but being no purchasers there, I took it climbers with no provision of strings or trellis, walks fill-home-tried it, and changed my mind. I would not sell the same kind. it for four times its cost if I could not procure another of

ed with weeds, borders foul with grass and noxious plants, are all unsightly to a person with a true perception of the proper keeping of the garden.

The walks should be always kept free from weeds, and neatly raked. If grass edgings are used, they should be kept neatly pared.

The borders should be frequently hoed and raked, not

It cuts very fast-cuts in curved pieces which are left in a broken condition, so that no animal could choke with them; but does not cut quite so thin as Mr. Nutting says it will-which I presume is accounted for by the fact, as they wrote me, that my cutter is not so good as the aver age, being the last one on hand at the time. W. J. MORRIS..

Fair Haven, Ct.

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