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TIT. 19.

A. A. 1788.
P. L. 448.
Road from

on Great Sa-
luda to the



Watt's ferry on Edisto.

Road from

Givhan's fer

ry to Red

Bank creek;

thence to the

Orangeburgh line; thence to Sykes's

who were obliged to work on the former road which crosses at Hily's ford on said creek, shall be obliged to work on the same, and that a ferry be established and vested in said Shadrach Rosier.

256. A public road shall be laid out from Anderson's ferry on Great Saluda to Mr. Enoch Grigsby's, and from thence to captain Butler's, and from thence to intersect the road leading from the Juniper to Orangeburgh; and that be appointed commissioners of the same.

257. The ferry formerly called Watt's ferry, over Edisto river, shall be and is hereby declared to be a public ferry. 258. A public road be laid out and kept in repair from the aforesaid Givhan's ferry to Red-Bank creek, and

are hereby appointed commissioners of the same; and a public road be laid out and kept in repair from the said RedBank creek to the district line of Orangeburgh, and

Edward Roberson and Solomon Gray are hereby appointed commissioners of the same; and a public road be laid creek; thence out and kept in repair from the district line to Sykes's creek, to the district and are hereby appointed commissioners of the same; and a public road be laid out and kept in repair from Sykes's creek to the district lines of Orangeburgh and Ninety-Six, and are hereby appointed com

lines of Orangeburgh & Ninety-Six.

Goodwyn's ferry, on Con


Roads from



[ocr errors]

From said ferry to Orange

missioners of the same.

259. From and immediately after the passing of this act, a public ferry shall be and is hereby established across the river Congaree, at the plantation of Francis Goodwyn, where a ferry was formerly kept by the name of Horseman's ferry.

260. A public road shall be immediately laid out and opensaid ferry to ed on the north side of the river, from said ferry by the best and most direct way (and least detrimental to the lands through which it may pass) by Thomas Brown's plantation to the public road leading to Columbia and Winnsborough; and that or a majority of them, are hereby constituted and appointed commissioners for laying out and completing said road: and also that a public road on the south side of the river be laid out, opened and completed by the shortest and most convenient way into the Congaree road, and from thence by the nearest and most convenient route te Orangeburgh; and or a majority of them, are hereby constituted and appointed commissioners for laying and completing said roads, all which roads, when completed, shall be under the future directions of the justices of the county courts, where the said roads are respectively situated; and all the male inhabitants and slaves from the age of sixteen to fifty years, living within six miles of said roads, shall be and are hereby declared to be obliged to work on said roads.




261. Five commissioners to be annually appointed by his ers to contract excellency the governor or commander in chief for the time for building a

See A. A. 1799, which abolished the county courts, and transferred certain powers to the commissioners of the roads.


262. And be it enacted, That a public ferry be established Howell's feron the Congaree river, from lands belonging to Thomas How- ry, on the Con. ell on both sides of the river; and that


Beaver creek.

be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out a public road on the west side of Congaree river, leading the Road from nearest way from Howell's ferry to Beaver creek, and that said ferry to the slaves of Thomas Howell be liable to work on the said road as far as through the swamp, and which hands shall not be liable to work on the north side of the river.

263. That

be and they are hereby ap- Road from pointed commissioners to keep in good repair the public road Howell's feron the east side of Congaree river, leading from Howell's fer- ry to Columry to Columbia; and also another public road leading from bia. the said ferry to Winnsborough.

264. From and immediately after the passing of this act, Ferry over Sathat a public ferry shall be and is hereby established over Sa- luda. luda river, at the mouth of Rocky creek, where the district

line crosses said river.

265. And be it enacted, That on the south side of Saluda Road from river a road be established from a place known by the name Weaver's old of Weaver's old field to the said Waters's ferry; and that

be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out the same, and that all the male inhabitants from sixteen to fifty years of age, residing within ten miles of the said road, be compelled to work on the same.

field to Wa

ters's ferry.

from said ferry to Bush

266. And be it enacted, That a road be established on the Road on the north side of Saluda river aforesaid from the said ferry, to in- north side of tersect a road leading from Lee's ferry to Bush river, near Saluda river, be and are the Five-mile springs, and that hereby appointed commissioners to lay out and keep in repair river. the said road, and that all the male inhabitants from sixteen to fifty years of age, residing within six miles of the said road, be compelled to work on the same.

267. And whereas a ferry over Saluda river was established in Philemon Waters, sen. and his heirs and assigns, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six, but no roads leading thereto having been laid out; Be it further enacted, Road to WaThat from and immediately after the passing of this act, a ters's ferry on road be established from or near the widow West's on the Saluda, from Ninety-Six road, to the said Philemon Waters's ferry; and widow West's that be and they are hereby commissioners to lay out the said road, and keep the same in repair, and that all the male inhabitants from sixteen to fifty years of age, residing within eight miles of the said road, shall be compelled to work on the same.

on the Ninety. Six road.

TIT. 19.

A. A. 1788.
P. L. 449.
Road from
Whitehall in

Abbeville dis.

trict, to Turkey creek, Beaver dam, Horn's creek,

Chavers's creek, and Savannah river.

Ferry on
river at the
Chesnut's fer-

ry, on Wate

ree river.

P. L. 452.

Huger's ferry on the Conga

ree river.

No private ferry to be kept within

seven miles.

Ferry on Ca

tawba, near Rocky creek.

268. A road shall be opened by and under the direction of the courts of the counties of Abbeville and Edgefield,* twentyfive feet wide, and leading the nearest and best way from Whitehall in the county of Abbeville, to proceed near Samuel Anderson's in Cuffee-town, from thence to Charles Williams's on Turkey creek, from thence to John Thurman's on the Beaver dam, from thence near Charles Martin's on Horn's creek, from thence to Seth Howard's on Chavers's creek, and from thence to the most convenient way to the ware-house opposite the town of Augusta; and that be commissioners for opening the said road.


269. And all male inhabitants and male slaves above the of sixteen years and under fifty, residing within five miles of the said road, and not obliged to work on any other, shall and they are hereby directed to open and keep in repair said public road.

270. From and immediately after the passing of this act, a public ferry shall be and is hereby established over Savannah river, at a place called the Range.

271. From and immediately after the passing of this act, a public ferry shall be and is hereby established over the Wateree river, at the plantation of John Chesnut, near Knight's hill, in the district of Camden. [See A. A. 1811.]

272. Whereas Isaac Huger, in whom a ferry is by law vested on the river Congaree, hath with great labour and expense erected a causeway and sundry bridges over the swamp, and opened all the roads leading to the said ferry, without any assistance from the inhabitants or other persons, and as it is but reasonable that the emoluments thereof should be secured to him: Be it therefore ordained, That no private ferry shall be kept within seven miles of said ferry; and if any person shall keep any private ferry, or shall for reward put over the said river any person, horse, carriage, cattle or stock, or any thing else whatsoever within the said distance of seven miles from the said ferry, the person so offending shall for every person, beast or thing so put over, forfeit and pay the sum of twenty shillings for the use of the person who shall sue within one year for the same. Provided nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to prevent or make liable to any penalty, any person or persons possessed of lands contiguous to the said river from crossing the same at all times in their own private flats or boats, or when the said Huger's ferry shall be impassable.

273. Be it ordained, That from and immediately after the passing of this ordinance, a public ferry shall be established near Rocky creek (that is to say, about a mile and a half below the said creek) on the Catawba river.†

* See A. A. Dec. 1799. 2 Faust 325. This power was transferred to the commissioners of the roads, &c.

The title of this ordinance imports that it was intended to vest the ferry in the company for opening the navigation of the Catawba and Wateree rivers.

TIT. 19.

274. Be it enacted, That a public road shall be laid out from Joseph Kennerly and Guykolister's road, by a branch in the fork between Broad and Saluda rivers, and that a public ferry A. A. 1789. be established at the plantation of Andrew Kelly on the north P. L. 476-7. side of Saluda river.

Road between
Broad and Sa

Ferry over

And a public ferry shall be and is hereby established on luda rivers. Lynch's creek at the mouth of Sparrow's swamp, on the lands belonging to Robert Nettles, junior, on both sides of said Saluda. creek.

Ferry on


275. A public road shall be laid out from Marlborough court- Lynch's creek house across Little Pedee at Swiney's bluff, and from thence Roads from to M'Intire's mill on Leet's creek to meet a road leading Marlborough from Fayetteville to that place.


276. The public road leading through the plantation of &c. William Thomas of Marlborough county, shall be altered and In Marlboturned to the right in going upwards between Husband and rough district Hick's creek, so as to cross the said Hick's creek above the across distillery of Morgan Brown, esquire, thence across White's White's creek on the mill-dam of the said William Thomas, and from creek. thence continued until it intersects the road above the dwelling house of Philemon Thomas; and the said William Thomas and Morgan Brown are appointed commissioners to lay out the said road according to the above act.

277. And whereas sundry inhabitants of Pedee and other From Lynch's parts of St. David's parish, have petitioned the legislature to creek to Murnominate and appoint commissioners to lay out and keep in ray's ferry. repair the road from Lynch's creek to Murray's ferry already

established by law:

Be it therefore enacted, That

be and they

are hereby appointed commissioners for laying out and keeping in repair the said road from Lynch's creek, until it falls in with the road leading down the north side of Black river, and they are hereby vested with all the powers and authorities, and shall be subject to the same penalties as the commis. sioners of high roads in this state are by law vested with or liable to.

278. And a public ferry shall be and is hereby established A ferry estab. on Saluda river, on the north side thereof, on the lands of lished on SaRobert Tate, opposite the crossing place called the Old Town. luda river.

on Black river

279. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners ap- Who are to pointed by act of assembly, for laying and keeping in repair a work on the road leading from the lower bridge on Black river to Lenud's road from the ferry on Santee, be authorized to call the inhabitants to work lower bridge on and keep in repair, the said road on the lower side, all the to Lenud's inhabitants within eight miles on the upper or western side, ferry. all the inhabitants between the said road and Laws' swamp as far as Mrs. Campbell's, and from thence to Santee within eight miles.

280. And whereas the commissioners of St. Helena parish on the Main, from the difficulty of crossing Broad river, are

ers for the

frequently prevented from assembling on the days appointed Commissionby law for holding a board of commissioners: Be it therefore enacted, That the commissioners of St. Helena parish, resid- Main of St. ing on the Main, shall and may meet on the days required by Helena parish

TIT. 19:

A. A. 1789.

P. L. 477-8. may meet on the Main and

do business.

A public ferry

law to form a board of commissioners, at such place on the Main as may appear most convenient to a majority of them, and such of them as shall so meet shall be a board of commissioners, and are hereby authorized to transact all business respecting the high roads, bridges, causeways, waters and water courses, on the Main, in as full and ample manner as any other board of commissioners.

281. A public ferry shall be and is hereby established from established at the island formerly called Talbert's, now Jenkins's on HiltonHilton-head. head, to the fording islands on Colleton neck, in the parish of St. Helena.

A public road laid out from Jenkins's is


Ammons' fer

ry, on Broad


Ferry over Sa

vannah river.

Howell's ferry, on Congaree.

And a public road thence to Columbia.

282. A public road leading from the said ferry on Jenkins's island to intersect the public road from Calliboga to Fish-hall, be laid off and established, and kept in repair by the same commissioners as are appointed for the said road, including the following persons: Joseph Jenkins, Micah Jenkins, and John Leacraft, from Calliboga to Fish-hall; and that they be authorized to call out and employ all the inhabitants and slaves to work on the said road from Jenkins's island to the public road from Calliboga to Fish-hall, as are liable to work on and repair the road last mentioned; and for the purposes aforesaid, the said commissioners are hereby vested with the same powers and subject to the same penalties as they are with respect to the road last above mentioned.

285. A public ferry shall be and is hereby established on Broad river, known by the name of Ammons's ferry.

284. From and after the passing of this act, a public ferry shall be and is hereby established over Savannah river, at the landing of John Hammond.

285. From and immediately after the passing of this act, a public ferry shall be and is hereby established across the river Congaree, from lands belonging to the heirs of Thomas Howell, on the north side of said river, and lands belonging to George Haig on the south side thereof.

286. A public road shall be laid out and opened on the north side of the river, from said ferry, by the nearest and most convenient way, with the least detriment to the lands through which it may pass, to the Congaree road, leading from Beaver creek to Columbia, and are hereby appointed commissioners to lay out, open, complete and keep in repair the same.

287. And all former acts and clauses of acts, relative to Howell's fer. Howell's ferry on the Congaree river, be and they are hereby repealed.


act shall be

No ferry esta288. Nothing contained in this act, shall extend or be conblished by this strued to extend, to establish any of the ferries therein named, if such ferry or ferries shall lie or be within the distance preestablished if scribed by law for any other ferry already established, except as to the ferry herein before established on Savannah river, on the lands of John Hammond.

within the dis-
tance prescri.
bed by law.
P. L. 490.

289. Whereas by an act of the general assembly, passed the the 8th May, 1754,* commissioners were authorized and em

See P. L. 231.

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