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Rev. Stat.

Rev. Droit Int.

Rev. Gén.

Richardson's Messages.

Supplément au Recueil, etc. 10 vols. in 12.
Göttingen, 1802-1828. Compilers: G. F.
von Martens, Baron Charles de Martens and
F. Saalfeld. Cited as Rec. Supp.

Recueil des principaux traités d'alliance, de
paix, de trêve, etc. 2 ed., 8 vols. Göttingen,
1817-1835. Compilers G. F. von Martens
and Baron Charles de Martens.

Nouveau Recueil de traités d'alliance, de paix, de trêve, etc. 16 vols. Göttingen, 1817–1841. Compilers: G. F. von Martens, Baron Charles de Martens, F. Saalfeld and F. Murhard. Cited as Nouv. Rec.

Nouveaux Supplémens au Recueil de traités, etc. 3 vols. Göttingen, 1839-1842. Compiler: F. Murhard. Cited as Nouv. Rec. Supp. Nouveau Recueil Général de traités, conventions, et autres transactions, etc. 20 vols. in 22. Göttingen, 1843-1875. Compilers: F. Murhard, Ch. Murhard, J. Pinhas, Charles Samwer and Jules Hopf. Cited as Nouv. Rec. Gén. Nouveau Recueil Général de traités et autres actes relatifs aux rapports de droit international. Second Series. 35 vols. Göttingen and Leipzig, 1876-1908. Compilers: Charles Samwer, Jules Hopf and Felix Stoerk. Cited as Nouv. Rec. Gén., 2 sér.

Nouveau Recueil Général de traités et autres actes relatifs aux rapports de droit international. Third Series. Leipzig, 1908Compiler: Heinrich Triepel. Cited as Nouv. Rec. Gén., 3 sér.

Revised Statutes of the United States.

Revue de Droit International et de Législation
Comparée. First Series, 1869-1898 (30 vols.);
Second Series, 1899-1913 (15 vols.); Third
Series, 1920- Brussels.

Revue Générale de Droit International Public.
Paris, 1894-

A Compilation of the Messages and Pa-
pers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. Pub-
lished, by authority of Congress, by James
D. Richardson. 10 vols. Washington,


Richardson's Messages, 1911 A Compilation of the Messages and Papers ed. of the Presidents by James D. Richardson.


Riv. Dir. Int.

11 vols. New York, 1911.

Alphonse Rivier: Principes du Droit des
Gens. 2 vols. Paris, 1896.

Rivista di Diritto Internazionale. First Series,

Rules of Land Warfare.



Rome, 1906-1910; Second Series, Rome, 1912

United States, War Department: Office of
the Chief of Staff. Rules of Land Warfare.
1914, corrected to April 15, 1917. Wash-
ington, 1917.

Sir Ernest Satow: A Guide to Diplomatic
Practice. 2 vols. London, 1917.

J. B. Scott, Armed Neutral- The Armed Neutralities of 1780 and 1800. A ities.

Int. Law Cases.

Controversy over Neutral Rights.

Dip. Cor.

Dip. Docs.

Hague Court Reports.

Hague Peace Confer



collection of official documents preceded by
the views of representative publicists.
ited by James Brown Scott. Carnegie En-
dowment for International Peace, Division of
International Law. New York, 1918.
Cases on International Law, etc., by James
Brown Scott, Boston, 1902.

The Controversy over Neutral Rights between
the United States and France, 1797-1800. A
collection of American State papers and ju-
dicial decisions edited by James Brown Scott.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
Division of International Law. New York,

Diplomatic Correspondence between the United States and Germany (August 1, 1914April 6, 1917). Edited with an introduction by James Brown Scott. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of International Law. Oxford, 1918.

Diplomatic Documents Relating to the Outbreak of the European War. Edited with an introduction by James Brown Scott. 2 vols. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of International Law. New York, 1916.

The Hague Court Reports. Comprising the awards, accompanied by syllabi, the agreements for arbitration, and other documents in each case submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitration and to Commissions of Inquiry under the provisions of the conventions of 1899 and 1907 for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. Edited with an introduction by James Brown Scott. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of International Law. New York, 1916.

James Brown Scott: The Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907. 2 vols. Baltimore, 1909.


eign Policy.

President Wilson's For- President Wilson's Foreign Policy. Messages,
Addresses, Papers. Edited with introduction
and notes by James Brown Scott. New York,

Reports to Hague Con- The Reports to the Hague Conferences of 1899
and 1907. Edited, with an introduction, by
James Brown Scott. Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace. Division of Inter-
national Law. Oxford, 1917.


Survey Int. Relations between United States and Germany.

Treaties for Advancement of Peace.

Senate Reports, For. Rel.

Snow, American Diplomacy.
Snow, Cases.



Stockton's Naval War Code.

Stockton, Outlines.

Stowell, Consular Cases or
Stowell's Cases.

Resolutions of the Institute of International Law dealing with the law of nations. Collected and translated under the supervision of and edited by James Brown Scott. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Division of International Law. New York,


A Survey of International Relations between the United States and Germany, August 1, 1914-April 6, 1917 (based on official documents), by James Brown Scott. New York, 1917.

Treaties for the Advancement of Peace between the United States and other Powers, negotiated by the Honorable William J. Bryan, Secretary of State. With an introduction by James Brown Scott. Oxford, 1920.


Compilation of Reports of Committee on
Foreign Relations, United States Senate,
1789-1901. Senate Document No. 231, Fifty-
sixth Congress, Second Session. 8 vols. 1901.
Freeman Snow: Treaties and Topics in
American Diplomacy. Boston, 1894.
Freeman Snow: Cases and Opinions on In-
ternational Law. Boston, 1893.

Statutes at Large of the United States, 1789-
Captain Charles H. Stockton, U. S. N. : The
Laws and Usages of War at Sea. A Naval
War Code. Washington, 1900. (This code
was also published as Appendix I of Naval
War College, International Law Situations,

Rear-Admiral Charles H. Stockton, U. S. N.: Outlines of International Law. New York, 1914.

Consular Cases and Opinions from the Decisions of the English and American Courts and the Opinions of the Attorneys-General, by Ellery C. Stowell. Washington, 1909.


Stowell and Munro, Int. International Cases, Arbitrations and Incidents


Takahashi, Cases.


de Testa, Rec.

Treaty Series.

Treaty Vol. (1776-1887).

Treaty Collections.


Univ. Penn. Law Rev.

U. S. Comp. Stat. 1918 ed.

Illustrative of International Law as Practiced
by Independent States, by Ellery C. Stowell
and Henry F. Munro. 2 vols. Boston, 1916.
Sakuyé Takahashi: Cases on International
Law during the Chino-Japanese War. Cam-
bridge (Eng.), 1899.

Hannis Taylor: International Public Law.
Chicago, 1901.

Recueil des Traités de la Porte Ottomane avec
les Puissances Étrangères (from the first treaty
concluded in 1536, between Suleyman I and
Francis I). Editors: Baron I. de Testa,
Baron Alfred de Testa and Baron Leopold de
Testa. 10 vols. Paris, 1864-1901.

United States, Department of State : publi-
cations of treaties of the United States ac-
cording to number.

Treaties and Conventions Concluded between
The United States of America and Other
Powers, since July 4, 1776. Edited by John
H. Haswell, with notes by J. C. Bancroft
Davis, and additions by the editor. Depart-
ment of State, 1889.

A Tentative List of Treaty Collections, issued
by the Department of State of the United
States, 1919.

Sir Travers Twiss. The Law of Nations. 2 vols. Oxford, 1861-1863. Second edition.

2 vols. Oxford, 1875.

University of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register, being a continuation since 1908 (vol. 56) of the American Law Register, 1852-1907. Philadelphia. (Cited as Am. Law Reg.)

United States Compiled Statutes, 1918 compact edition, embracing the statutes of the United States of a general and permanent nature in force July 16, 1918, with an appendix covering acts June 14 to July 16, 1918. Compiled on plan devised by John H. Mallory. West Publishing Company. St. Paul, 1918.

U. S. Comp. Stat. 1919 Supp. 1919 Supplement to U. S. Compiled Statutes,

Van Dyne, Citizenship.

Van Dyne, Naturalization.


1918 Compact Edition. St. Paul, 1919.

Frederick Van Dyne: Citizenship of the
United States. Rochester, 1904.

The Law of Naturalizaton of the United
States. Washington, 1907.

Thomas Alfred Walker: Manual of Public
International Law. Cambridge (Eng.), 1895.

Walker, Hist.

Walker, Science.

Ward, Hist.


Westlake, Collected Papers.

Wharton, Dig.

Wharton, Dip. Cor.



Same Author: History of the Law of Nations.
Cambridge (Eng.), 1899.

Same Author: The Science of International
Law. London, 1883.

Robert Ward: An Enquiry into the Foun-
dation and History of the Law of Nations in
Europe, from the Time of the Greeks and
Romans to the Age of Grotius. 2 vols.
Dublin, 1795.
John Westlake:

edition. 2 vols.

International Law. Second
Cambridge (Eng.), 1910-

The Collected Papers of John Westlake on
Public International Law. Edited by L.
Oppenheim. Cambridge (Eng.), 1914.
A Digest of the International Law of the
United States. Edited by Francis Wharton.
Second edition. 3 vols. Washington, 1887.
Diplomatic Correspondence of the Ameri-
can Revolution. Edited by Francis Whar-
ton. 6 vols. Washington, 1889.

Henry Wheaton: Elements of International
Law. Second annotated edition by William
Beach Lawrence. Boston, 1863. (Cited as
Lawrence's Wheaton.) Eighth edition with
notes by R. H. Dana, Jr., Boston, 1866. (Cited
as Dana's Wheaton.) Fifth English edition
revised, considerably enlarged and rewritten
by Coleman Phillipson, with an introduction
by Sir Frederick Pollock. London, 1916.
(Cited as Phillipson's Wheaton.)

George Grafton Wilson: Handbook of International Law. St. Paul, 1910.

Wilson, Hague Arbitration The Hague Arbitration Cases: Compromises Cases.

Wilson and Tucker.


Yale L. J.
Yale Rev.

and awards with maps in cases decided under
the provisions of the Hague Conventions of
1899 and 1907 for the Pacific Settlement
of International Disputes and texts of the
conventions, by George Grafton Wilson.
Boston, 1915.

George Grafton Wilson and George Fox
Tucker International Law. Fifth edition.
New York, 1910. Sixth edition, New York,

Theodore Dwight Woolsey: Introduction
to the Study of International Law. Sixth
edition revised and enlarged by Theodore
Salisbury Woolsey. New York, 1901.
Yale Law Journal.
Yale Review.

New Haven, 1891-
New Haven, 1913-

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