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The infamy is theirs, whose evil deed
Is past undoing; yet not guiltless we,
Who, penniless that brave old man could see,
Restored to honour, but denied its meed.

A Belisarius, old and sad and poor,

To our shame, not to his-so he lived on,
Till man's allotted fourscore years were gone,
And scarcely then had leave to 'stablish sure

Proofs of his innocence, and their shame,

That had so wronged him; and, this done, came death,
To seal the assurance of his dying breath,

And wipe the last faint tarnish from his name.

At last his fame stands fair, and full of years
He seeks that judgment which his wrongers all
Have sought before him-and above his pall
His flag, replaced at length, waves with his peers.
He did not live to see it, but he knew

His country with one voice had set it high;
And knowing this he was content to die,
And leave to gracious Heaven what might ensue.

Ashes to ashes! Lay the hero down,

No nobler heart e'er knew the bitter lot
To be misjudged, maligned, accused, forgot-
Twine martyr's palm among his victor's crown.




N.B. The figures between [ ] refer to the History.

ACCIDENTS.-Frightful accident at Law-
rence, U. S.; fall of a factory, and
subsequent fire, several hundred lives
lost, 7; explosion of Darby's fire-
work manufactory, two persons killed,
8; fatal accident, Captain Harrison
of the Great Eastern and others,
drowned, 10; fatal coal-mine ac-
cident near Wolverhampton, 12;
fatal boiler explosions at Mid-
dlewich and Edinburgh, 13; dread-
ful furnace accident at the Dun-
dyvan Iron Works, four persons
killed, 30; fall of Thurston church
tower, 37; fatal boat accidents, 40;
boiler accident at Seaton Burn col-
liery, 46; singular accident at Falcon
Dock, 47; fatal boiler explosions at
Airdrie, 57; fatal boat accident on
the Lea, 60; fall of buildings in
Lombard-street, 65; fatal accident
to Artillery Volunteers at Dover, 136;
fall of a ropery at Pendleton, 138;
fatal accidents to English tourists in
the Alps, 141; powder works at Oban
blown up, six lives lost, 156; fatal
panic at Stockport, six lives lost, 159;
explosion on board the steam-ship
Tonning, thirteen lives lost, 170;
fatal gunpowder explosion at Nor-
wich, 181.

Railway Accidents :- Several in
January, 4; at the Tottenham station
of the Eastern Counties Railway, six
persons killed, many wounded, 21;
at the Hatfield-station of the Great
Northern, two persons killed, 61;
singular accident on the same, 77;
fatal accident near Granton, 118; fatal
accident on the Shrewsbury and
Hereford line, 148; dreadful accident
to an excursion train at Helmshore,
152; fatal explosion of a locomotive
at King's Cross, 170; dreadful acci-
dent at Atherstone, ten lives lost,
172; return of the number of rail-
way accidents and persons killed in
the year 1860, 209.

Colliery Accidents.-Explosion of


a boiler at Blaydon Main colliery, 14;
fatal explosion near Barnsley, eleven
persons killed, 19; fatal explosion at
the Burradon pit, seventy-six lives
lost, 25; explosion at Mountain Ash,
twelve lives lost; other explosions,
171; awful explosion at Risca, 142
lives lost, 179; boiler explosion in
Hetton colliery, twenty-three lives
lost, 195.

ACTS, LIST OF, 23 & 24 VICT.-i. Public
General Acts, 301; ii. Local and
Personal Acts, 307; iii. Private Acts,
printed, 317; iv. Private Act, not
printed, 317.

AUSTRIA.-Enlargement of the num-
bers and powers of the Reichsrath,
and promulgation of a new constitu-
tion, the Imperial patent reconstitut-
ing the Reichsrath, [247]; the Impe-
rial diploma or new constitution,
[248]; Imperial autograph letters to
the Ministers; great concessions to
the Hungarians, Croatians, and Scla-
vonians, [250]; continued dissatisfac-
tion of the Hungarians, [251].

BANKRUPTS, Total number of in the
year, 338.

BIRTHS, 1860, 348.

the year; and in ten years 1851-60,

BUTCHER'S MEAT, Average Prices of, in
the year, 337.

CHINA.-Expedition fitted out by Eng-
land and France to proceed to China;
Earl of Elgin and Baron Gros ap-
pointed Plenipotentiaries; wrecked
on the voyage at Ceylon, [258]; ulti-
matum addressed to the Chinese Go-
vernment; the reply, [259]; rendez-
vous in the Bay of Tah-lien-hwan;
the forces disembark at Peh-tang,
[260]; Chinese rebels repelled by the
British at Shanghai, [260]; march
from Peh-tang to Tangku, [261];
capture of the Taku forts, [262];


abortive attempts at negotiation,
[263]; occupation of Tien-tsin, [264];
duplicity of the Chinese Commis-
sioners, [264]; allied forces advance
from Tien-tsin; treacherous conduct
of the Tartar General; engagement
with the enemy at Tang-chow, [265];
seizure of Messrs. Parkes, Loch, Bra-
bazon, Anderson, and others, by the
Chinese; fate of the prisoners, [267];
advance upon Pekin; capture and
plunder of the Emperor's summer
palace, [268]; surrender of Pekin to
the allies, [269]; destruction of the
summer palace, [270]; convention
with the Chinese Government, and
ratification of the Treaty of Tien-tsin,

Notification of the Treaty of peace
in the City, 200.

Colliery Accidents.-See Accidents.
CHER'S MEAT, Average prices of, dur-
ing the year, 337.
DEATHS, 1860.-Abercrombie, It.-col.
376; Aberdeen, earl of, 376; Addi-
son, dr. T. 383; Alan, It. col. 353;
Alba and Berwick, duchess S. 388;
Alexander, dr. 383; Allen, miss E.
384; Alleyne, lady, 384; Amos, prof.
A. 354; Amsinck, col. 384; Ander-
son, lieut. 384; Anderson, col. 855;
Andrews, J. 385; Arbuthnott, viset.
355; Armitage, J. 3×5; Arndt, E. M.
385; Aubrey, C. W. 356; Austin,
gen. 3×6.

Back house, E. 386; Bacon, E. 886;
Baden, grand duchess of, 3×7; Bailey,
mr. 856; Baines, rt. hon. M. T. 386;
Baker, R. 386; Balcombe, mrs. E.
386; Balfour, G. C. 3×6; Bamford,
T.B. 386; Ballard, E. G. 3×6; Banks,
E. G. 3×6; Barbar, L. J. 3×6; Barnes,
P. E. 3×6; Barry, sir C. 3×6; Bath,
archd. of, 443; Bayley, W. B. 3×7;
De 8. 887; Bechelv. 1. 3×8; Bell, T.
3**; Bell, W. B. 3××; Bell, T. 3××;
Bentley, J. 38; Beresford, lady G.
38; Berwick and Alba, duchess of,
38: Binns, mrs. E. 388; Blackall,
J. 388; Blackwood, mrs. E. 3×8;
Blake, rev. dr. 398; Blake, sir F.
3; Booker Blakemore, mrs. J. A.
38; Blomfield, F. 38; Blundell,
maj gen. 3; Blunt, E. W. 3×9;
Boileau, maj-gen. 355; Bolland, lady,
318; Bolton, maj. gen. 38%; Bona-
parte, prince Jerome, 8×4; Boston,
Lady, 393; Boston, H S. 393; Boult-
bee, J. M. 393; Boulton, mrs. C. 393;


Bouverie, C. P. 393; Bowlby, T. W.
393; Bowlby, rev. E. 393; Bowyer,
sir G. 393; Brabazon, capt. 393;
Bradshaw, F. G. 394; Brandling,
lieut. col. 394; Bridgeman, rear-adm.
894; Brisbane, gen. sir T. M. 394;
Broke, lieut.-gen. 395; Bromley, J.
W. 896; De Brouckere, C. 396;
Brough, maj. gen. 396; Brough, R.
B. 396; Broughton, R. E. 396;
Broughton, mrs. J. 396; Brown, H.
396; Browne, adm. 396; Browne,
hon. J. L. 396; Browne, col. 396;
Bruck, baron von, 396; Buchannan,
J. 397; Buist, dr. 397; Buller, maj.-
gen. 397; Bunbury, sir H. E. 397;
Bunn, A. 898; De Bunsen, baron,
398; Butt, G. M. 399; Butterworth,
H. 400; Byng, adm. 401; Byron,
lady Noel, 401.

Cameron. lieut. col. 401; Camp-
bell, maj -gen. 401; Campbell, mrs.
J. G. 401; Canning, rev. W. 401;
Carew, J. F. 401; Carfrae, gen. 401;
Carnegie, lady, 401; Carnegie, W. F.
L. 401; Carpenter, maj.gen. 402;
Carre, adm. 402; Carrington, F. A.
402; Carroll, alderm. sir G. 402;
Cartwright, mrs. M. A. 402; Carus-
Wilson, rev. E. 402; Cates, mrs. A.
G. 402; Cawdor, earl, 402, Chalmers,
lieut gen. sir W. 402; Chalon, A.
E. 42 Chapman, rev. W. E.
403; Chapman, miss . A. 403;
Chermside, sir R. A. 403; Che-
shire, rev. W. J. 403; Chetwynd,
lady, 403; Childers, mrs. S. A.
403; Cleaver, rev. W. 403, Clifton,
lady, 403; Cobbold, J. 408; Coch-
rane, Mrs. M. A. 493; Colchester, M.
403; Colenso, J. W 404; Coivile,
comm 404; Conn.comm 404, Coode,
maj. 404; Coombes R. 404, Cooper,
W. D. C. 404; Coote, C. T. 404;
Copeland. mrs. S. 404; Cotten, gen
Mir W. 404; Cotton, J. 404; Cot-
trel, G. A. 404; Coulson W. 404,
Cowley, dow. lady, 405 Coulthart,
mrs. H. 405; Craven, dow, ents of,
405; Craven, F. 405, Creagh, maj.
gen Sir M. 405; Creighton, mrs. H.
405; Cresswell, mrs. E. 405, Orely,
rev. G. 405; Crompton, J B45,
Crosbie, Nir W E 4-6 Crowe hrut.-
eol. 406, Cullum, S. H 406, Cum
beriege, heut. eol. 407; Curwen, H
407: Czartoryski, prines C 407.

Dalhousie, marq of, 497 Daltor.
W. 410; Davison, MIT H 41
Davy, miss K. 410, Dawes, M. 41


Day, J. 410; Decamps, A. G. 410;
Decazes, duke, 410; D'Evereux, J.
411; Delmé-Radcliffe, comm. 411;
Dempsey, C. 411; Desanges, sir F.
411; Deschênes, adm. 411; Devas,
T. 412; Devonshire, rear-adm. 412;
Devrient, máme. Schroeder, 412;
Dickens, miss G. 412; Disbrowe,
maj. 412; Dixon, G. 412; Dobson,
R. R. 412; Domville, sir W. 412;
Donegal, marchess. of, 412; Dupont,
mdme. 412; Dover, lady, 412; Downes,
rt. hon. lady, 412; Dromore, bp. of,
388; Drummond, H. 412; Drum-
mond, maj.-gen. 412; Duméril, A.
M. C. 413; Dundas, lieut.-col. 413;
Dundonald, earl of, 413; Dunn, J.
435; Dwarris, sir F. 435; Dyer, J.
435; Dyneley, lieut.-gen. 435; Dyson,
rev. C. 435.

Eardley, lady, 435; Eccles, prof.
435; Edgworth, mrs. U. M. 435;
Eglinton and Winton, cntss. of, 435;
Elgin, cntss. dow. of, 436; Elley, T.
B. 436; Ellison, C. 436; Ellison,
mrs. M. J. 436; Ellison, mrs. J. G.
436; Elphinstone, lord, 436; Elvey,
dr. S. 437; Erskine, mrs. 437;
Erskine, miss H. 437; Evans, mrs.
C. 437; Eyres, capt. H. 437.

Fairfax, sir H. 437; Falconer, lieut.-
gen. 437; Fardell, rev. T. 437; Farn-
ham, R. 437; Farren, H. 437; Farrer,
mrs. M. 437; Felix, maj.-gen. 437;
Fellows, sir C. 437; Ferguson, sir R.
438; Ferneley, mr. 438; Ffolkes, sir
W. J. H. B. 438; Ffrench, baron, 438;
Finlaison, J. 438; Fisher, lady, 439;
Fisher, lady L. C. 439; Fitzgerald,
sir J. J. 539; Fitzgerald and Vesey,
very rev. lord, 439; Flatman, N.
439; Fleming, lieut.-gen. 439; Flet-
cher, rev. A. 439; Flexmore, R.
440; Flood, L. T. 440; Foley, hon.
mrs. H. W. 440; Ford, capt. 440;
Forrest, sir J. 440; Forrester, capt.
Forster, dr. 440; Fotheringham,
lieut.-col. 441; Fowke, L. W. 441;
Fowler, adm. 441; Fox, T. W. 441;
Franklin, W. 441; Fraser, mrs. 441;
Fremantle, capt. 441; French, lieut.-
col. 441; Fry, W. A. 441.

Gage, hon. mrs. 441; Galloway,
miss J. R. 441; Gambier, W. 441;
Gardiner, miss, 441; Garrett, comm.
441; Gell, mrs. E. J. 441; Le Geyt,
P. W. 441; Ginger, capt. 441; Glover,
F. H. 441; Glover, E. 441; Gold-
smid, A. A. 441; Goldsmid, lady J.
441; Goodlake, hon. mrs. E. 441;


Goodrich, S. G. 441; Gordon, adm.
441; Gore, W. O. 442; Gor-
manstown, visct. 442; Gower, W.
L. 442; Grant, dr. J. 442; Grant-
ham, major-general, 442; Granville,
cntss. 442; Graves, miss M. 442;
Grayson, mrs. C. 442; Greaves, G.
442; Grenfell, mrs. M. D. 442; Guil-
lamore, visct. 442; Du Guiny, mlle.
442; Gundry, mrs. 443; Gunning,
ven. W. 443.

Hales, lady L. 443; Halford, Mrs.
E. M. 443; Hall, sir J. 443; Hall, J.
443; Hall, J. V. 443; Halliburton,
hon. sir B. 443; Hamerton, lieut.-
col. 443; Hames, maj. 443; Hamil-
ton, hon. lady J. 443; Hamilton, J.
443; Hammill, J. 443; Hampden, J.
445; Handley, hon. Mrs. 445; Han-
mer, Mrs. C. 445; Hanson, rev. W. H.
445; Harcourt, rev. L. V. 445; Hard-
ing, lieut.-gen. sir G. 445; Harford,
capt. 445; Harland, lady A. 445;
Harris, col. 445; Harrison, capt. 445;
Hartley, J. 446; Hartshorne, T. 446;
Harvey, gen. sir R. J. 446; Hawker,
adm. 446; Hawkins, maj.-gen. 447;
Hay, lady M. T. 447; Hayter, lady
H. C. 447; Helmore, rev. H. 447;
Henry, lieut.-gen. 447; Herbert, lady
A. 447; Hewitson, W. 447; Hewson,
adm. 447; Heytesbury, baron, 447;
Hill, col. sir R. C. 447; Hill, mrs. E.
448; Hindmarsh, adm. Sir J. 448; Hip-
pisley, lieut.-col. 448; Hodgson, mrs.
C. 448; Hodgson, mrs. C. 448;
Holdsworth, A. H. 448; Holland,
capt. 448; Hollis, maj.-gen. 448;
Holmes, J. 448; Home, maj.-gen.
448; Home, lieut.-gen, 448; Hope,
capt. 448; Hope, col. 448; Hopkins,
sir F. 448; Hornby, lady M. S.
448; Horne, Sir W. 448; de Horsey,
S. H. 448; Horton, lieut.-col. 448;
Horwood, W. 448; Hoskyns, lady S.
448; Howley, mrs. M. F. 448; Huc,
abbé, 448; Hudson, W. 448; Hun-
gerford, lieut.-col. 449.; Hunt, comm.
T. 449.

Ibbetson, lady A. 449; Il Hami
Pasha, 443; Inglis, rev. T. 449; In-
gram, H. 449; Irving, dr. 449; Irwin,
col. 449; Isaacson, E. C. H. 449.

James, G. P. R. 449; Jameson,
mrs. A. 451; Jardine, D. 453; Jeffery
J. 453; Jenkinson, mrs. F. A. 453;
Jervis, J. 453; Jodrell, lady A. C.
453; Johnson, sir H. A. 453; John-
son, G. 453; Jullien, mons. 453.

Keck, col. 454; Kelly, mrs. M. L.


454; Kemp. mrs. F. M. 454; Keogh,
T. 454; Kerrison, lady, 454; Kings-
ley, rev. C. 454; Kingsley, lieut.-col.
454; Kingston, mrs. H. A. 454;
Kinnaird, C. F. 454; Kinnersley,
mrs. H. 454; Knollis, rev. J. 454;
Knox, hon. mrs. V. 454; Kynaston,
capt. 454.

Laing, rev. D. 454; Lamb, sir C.
M. 454; Lambert, comm. 454 ;
Landells, E. 454; Langford, dow.
lady, 455; Langton, E. G. 455; La-
pidge, adm. 455; Lascelles, col.
455; Lauderdale, earl of, 455; Lau-
rie, lieut.-col. 455; De Lauriston,
gen. marq. of, 455; Law, maj.-gen.
455; Leake, col. W. Martin, 455;
Ledgard, R. 455; Lee, mrs M. 455;
Legard, sir T. D. 456; Leigh, dow.
lady, 456; Leigh, F. G. 456; Leigh-
ton. gen. sir D. 456; Leven and Mel-
ville, earl of, 462; Lightfoot, mrs.
E. A. 456; Lillie, lady, 456; Lime-
rick, archd. of, 462; Lind, J. P.
456; Lindsay, lieut.-col 456; Lips-
comb, mrs. M. H. 456; Lizars, prof.
456; Lloyd, adm. 456; Locke, J.
456; Lockyer, maj.-gen. 458; Lon-
desborough, lord, 459; Longford,
earl of, 459; Loseby, J. 459; Lowe,
miss A. E. 459; Lygon, gen. hon. E.
P. 459; Lynch, capt. 459.

Mabbott, W. C. 460; Maberley,
rev. F. H. 460; Macdonald, lieut.
col. 460 Macdonald, lady, 460;
Macdonald, Lars. J. 460; Macdonald,
mrs. F. M. 460; MacDowell, col.
460; Mackenzie, lady, 460; Mac-
kenzie, gen. 460; Maconochie, capt.
460, Macpherson, maj. 46): Me-
Christie, T. Y. 461; McDonnell sir
E. 461; McMahon, gen sir T. 461;
McDonald, H. 461; Magrath, A. N.
461; Mainwaring, sir H. M. 461;
Mainwaring, maj. 461; Mansfield,
entss. dow. of, 461; Manvers, entsă.
461; Manvers, earl. 461; Marriott,
miss S. C. 462; Marriott, S. 462;
Marsh, sir H. 462; Marshall, S. 462;
Marshall, F. 462; Martin, G. 462;
Martin, P. J. 462; Martin, miss. M.
462; Martineau, P. 462; Maude. A.
462; Maude, hoa and rev. J C.462;
Maunsell, hon. mrs. C. E. 4/2;
Maunsell, ven. W. W. 462; Maxwell,
sir D. 462; Maxwell, lady, 462;
May, C. 462; Mayer, J. 462; Meck-
Jenburg Strelitz grand duke of, 462 ;
Mee, mrs. F. 462; Melville, sir J.
153; Merest, J E. 463; Mexbo


rough, earl of, 463; Middleton, sir
W. F. 463; Mill, rev. sir J. B. 463;
Miller, J. 463; Miller, lady, 463;
Mills, miss S. E. 463; Milman, capt.
463; Mitchell, col. 463; Money,
adm. 463; Moor, maj.-gen. 463;
Moore, maj. 463; Moore, mrs. E.
463; Moorsom, capt. 463; Moorsom,
mrs. J. 464; Morley, A. 464; Morris,
J. 464; Morrison, A. 464; Morrison,
adm. 464; Moore, mrs. E. 464;
Mountain, J. K. 464; Mowbray, lady,
464; Moyle, J. G. 464; Mundy, maj.-
gen. 464; Murchison, miss B. 464;
Mure, col. 464; Murphy, serj. 464;
Murray, gen. hon. sir H. 464; Murray,
mrs. F. 465; Murray, adm. 465; Mur-
ray, lady, 465; Murray, miss M. 465;
Murray, lieut.-col. sir A. 465; Murray,
rt. hon. lady, 465; Murray, rev. T.
B. 465; Mustoxidi, sir A. 465; My-
nors, H. E. 465.

Napier, lieut.-gen. sir W. F. P.
465; Napier, lady C. A. 470; Napier,
adm. sir C. 470; Napier, lady M. 475;
Narrien, J. 475; Needham, lady, 475;
Nelthorpe, H. 475; Nevill, maj. 475;
Nicholson, T. 475; Nicholls, gen.
475; Noel, mrs. L. P. 476; Norfolk,
duke of, 476; De Normann, W. C.
F. H. T. 476; North, lord, 477;
Noyes, mrs. M. 477.

O Donnoghue, lieut -col. 477 ; Ogil-
vie, miss, 477; O'Grady, H. M. 477 ;
Onslow, mrs. S. 477; Öranmore and
Browne, lord, 477; Orford, entss.
dow. of, 477; Von Orlich. maj. 477;
Orme. H. 477; Ormerod, mrs. 8.
477; Ormerod, W. P. 477; Ormonde,
dow. marchess. of, 477; Otter, mrs.
N. S. 478; Ottley, B. T. 47%; Otto,
col. 478; Owen, col. 478; Owen, D.
D. 478.

Pack, col. 478; Palev, J. G. 478;
Palk, sir L. V. 475; Paimer, J. 47×,
Panton, ven. dr. 478; Parker, T.
478; Parker, dean, 478: Parry, C.
H. 478; Payne, lady, 479; Pearse,
8. E. 479; Pearson, rev. G. 479;
Pechell, adm. sir G. R. B 479,
Pechell, J. 479, Peel, rev. P. 479;
Peel, capt. 479; Pelham, lady, 479,
Pennell, W. 479; Perceval, miss 1.
480, Perrin J. 480, Perrot, lady, 4×0;
Perry, hon E 8. 450; Peto J. 450;
Pine Coffin, rev. J. T. 450, Plowden
mr. 4), Polhill, C. D. 4×0, Pol
miss H. L. 480; Powell, rev B
480; Powell, mrs R. E. 4×0; P
hon. W. 480; Pratt, lieut. col.

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