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Fate, far, fall, fất; mẻ, mét; pine or pine, pin; nó, nốt; öõ, as in good ; 31' E. Though founded but a few years ago, it is said to have a pop. of 30,000.

KHERSON, KR-sone', a t. in the S. part of Russia, cap. of a gov. of the same name, on the estuary of the Dnieper. Lat. 46° 38′ N., Lon. 32° 40′ E. Pop. 14,000. (P. C.)

KHIVA, KHEE-VA, or OORGHENJ, an independent khanat of Toorkistan, in Central Asia, which has of late years established its supremacy over a number of the wandering Toorcoman hordes. Its dominion is believed to extend from about the 36th to the 44th degree of N. Lat., and from the 52d to the 64th of E. Lon., but a large portion of the surface is desert.-Adj. and inhab. KHIVAN, Kee-van.

KHIVA, the cap. of the above, is situated on a canal derived from the Amoo, in the midst of a fertile country. Lat. about 41° 30′ N., Lon. 59° 10′ E. Permanent pop. estimated at 6,000. (B.)

KHOI, KOу, a fortified t. of Persia, in the prov. of Azerbaijan. Lat. about 38° 30′ N., Lon. 44° 50′ E. Pop. estimated at 20,000. (B.)

KHO-JEND', a t. of Central Asia, in Independent Toorkistan. According to Balbi, it is estimated to be equal in size to Bokhara, which is said to contain above 100,000 inhabitants. Lat. about 41° 15′ N., Lon. 68° 30' E.

KHOKAND, KO-kånd', (or Kho-kån',) a city of Central Asia, the cap. of a khanat of the same name, in Independent Toorkistan on the Syr Deria (or Sihon). It is estimated to be equal in size and pop. to Bokhara. (B.) Khokand is said to contain 500 mosques and 100 schools, and to be a distinguished seat of Persian literature. Lat. about 41° 40′ N., Lon. 69° 30' E.

KHOOZISTAN (Khuzistan), Koo`-zis-tan', a prov. in the S. W. part of Persia, bordering on the Persian Gulf.

KHORASSAN, KO`-rås-sån', (i. e. the "region of the sun,"*) a large prov. in the N. E. part of Persia, bordering on Toorkistan and the kingdom of Cabool.

KIAKHTA, ke-ȧK/-tå, a t. of Asiatic Russia, situated on a r. of the same name, which flows into the Selenga. It is important as being the great centre of trade and political intercourse between the Russian and Chinese empires. Lat. 50° 21′ N., Lon. 106° 30′ E. Pop. 4,862. (P. C.)

KID-DER-MIN-STER, a manufacturing t. of England, in Worcestershire, 16 m. W. S. W. of Birmingham. Pop. 14,399.

KI-EF (also written Kiew), an ancient t. in the southern part of European Russia, the cap. of a gov. of the same name, is situated on the Dnieper, a little below the confluence of the Desna with that river. It was the earliest seat of the Christian religion in that part of Europe,

*The origin of the name is prettily suggested by Moore, at the commencement of the first poem of Lalla Rookh

"In that delightful Province of the Sun,

The first of Persian lands he shines upon❞—

ou, as in our; th, as in thin; TH, as in this; N, nearly like ng. and was for a considerable period the capital of the empire. Among the remarkable edifices of Kief we may mention the cathedral of St. Sophia, which is interesting on account of its antiquity, and is besides one of the finest churches in Russia. This place has an university called St. Vladimir's, founded in 1834. Kief is also the seat of the oldest Greek ecclesiastical academy in Russia, founded in 1588, and attended at present by about 1,500 students. (B.) Lat. 50° 27′ N., Lon. 30° 27′ E. Pop. about 40,000. (P. C.)

KIEL, keel, a t. of Denmark, in the duchy of Holstein,* on a bay of the Baltic, called Kielerfiord (kee/-ler-fe-ord'), which forms an excellent harbour. It is surrounded by walls, with five gates. The university of Kiel, founded in 1665, has a library of 70,000 vols, and is attended by about 300 students. Lat. 54° 20 N., Lon. 10° 8' E. Pop. above 8,000. (B.)

KIL-DARE, an inland co. in the E. part of Ireland, in the prov. of Leinster. Pop. in 1831, 108,424. (P. C.)

KILIA, kee/-le-å, a small t. of European Russia, situated on one of the arms of the Danube (called also Kilia), about 8 m. from its mouth.Adj. KILIAN, kee/-le-an.

KIL-KEN-NY, an inland co. in the S. E. part of Ireland, in the prov. of Leinster. Pop. in 1831, exclusive of the city and its liberties, 169,945. (P. C.)

KILKENNY, a city of Ireland, the cap. of the above co., situated on the Nore, a branch of the Barrow, 62 m. S. W. of Dublin. The t. and its liberties, occupying an area of above 37 sq. m., form what is called the county of the city of Kilkenny. Total pop. in 1831, 23,741. (P. C.)

KIL-LAR-NEY, a t. in the S. W. part of Ireland, in the co. of Kerry, celebrated for the beauty of the scenery in its vicinity, is situated near a small lake of the same name, 44 m. W. by N. of Cork. Pop. in 1831, 7,910. (P. C.)

KIL-MAR-NOCK, an important manufacturing t. of Scotland, in Ayrshire, situated on the r. Irvine, about 7 m., in a straight line, from its entrance into the sea, and 56 m. W. S. W. of Edinburgh. Pop. of the parish, 19,956.

KINCARDINE, king-kar'-din, a seaport t. of Scotland, situated in a detached portion of Perthshire, 21 m. W. N. W. of Edinburgh. Pop. of the parish in 1841, 2,232, a considerable diminution in the number of inhabitants having occurred since 1831, owing to the depression of trade.

KincardineshiRE, king-kar/-din-shir, or the MEARNS, a co. in the W. of Scotland, situated between Forfarshire and Aberdeenshire, and bordering on the German Ocean. Pop. 33,075.

Both McCulloch and the Penny Cyclopædia state that KIEL is the capital of Holstein, while both also agree in asserting in another place that GLUCKSTADT is the capital of the duchy! Balbi says nothing of Kiel being the seat of government, but tells us that Gluckstadt is important as being le siège du collège administratif et judiciaire (the seat of the administrative and judiciary college) of Holstein.

Fåte, får, fåll, fåt; mẻ, mit; pine or pine, pîn; nỏ, nôt; õõ as in good :

KING and QUEEN, a co. in the E. part of Va., on the Mattapony r. Pop. 10,862. Seat of justice, King and Queen c. h.

KING GEORGE, a co. in the N. E. part of Va., bordering on the Potomac. Pop. 5,927. Seat of justice, King George c. h.

KING WILLIAM, a co. in the E. part of Va., bordering on the Mattapony. Pop. 9,258. Seat of justice, King William c. h.

KING'S COUNTY, a co. in the S. E. central part of Ireland, in the prov. of Leinster. Pop. in 1831, 144,225. (P. C.)

KING'S COUNTY, a co. of N. Y., occupying the W. extremity of Long Island. Pop. 47,613. Co. t. Brooklyn.


KINGS TON-ON-THAMES, a t. of England in the co. of Surrey, situated on the Thames, 12 m. S. W. of London. It received its name, King's town, from its having been the residence of the Saxon monarchs, eight of whom were crowned here. Pop. of parish, 8,147.

KINGSTON, formerly the cap. of Upper Canada, and more recently of Canada, is situated at the N. E. extremity of L. Ontario. It has a good harbour, and the principal naval dock-yard in the colony. Lat. 44° 8' N., Lon. 76° 40′ W. Pop. in 1838, 3,877. (M.)

KINGSTON, the largest and most commercial t., though not the cap., of Jamaica, is situated on the coast, in the S. E. part of the island, with a fine harbour. The pop. is stated to be above 33,000 (P. C.), but no accurate census has ever been taken. Lat. 17° 56′ N., Lon. 76° 53′ W.

KIN-ROSS', a t. of Scotland, the cap. of Kinross-shire, situated on the W. bank of the Loch Levin, 20 m. N. N. W. of Edinburgh. Pop. of the parish, 2,822.

KIN-ROSS'-SHIRE, a small inland co. in the E. of Scotland. Pop. 8,763. KIR-KAL-DY or kir-kau-de, a seaport and manufacturing t. of Scotland, in Fifeshire, situated on the N. side of the Frith of Forth, 12 m. N. of Edinburgh. Pop. of the parish, 5,275.

KIRKCUDBRIGHт, kir-kool-bre, a co. in the S. part of Scotland, bordering on Solway Frith. Pop. 41,119.

KIRKCUDBRIGHT, a seaport t. of Scotland, cap. of the above co., on the Dee, about 6 m. above its entrance into Solway Frith, and 85 m. S. S. W. of Edinburgh. Its harbour is esteemed the best in the S. of Scotland. Pop. 2,692.

KIRK-WALL, a seaport t. of Scotland, cap. of the Orkney Islands, situated on the N. E. coast of Mainland or Pomona. Lat. 59° N., Lon. 2° 57′ W. Pop. 2,205.

KIRMAN, keĕr-mån, or KERMAN (Anc. Carama/nia), a prov. in the S. E. part of Persia, bordering on Beloochistan and the Persian Gulf. KIRMAN OF SIRJAN, sẽĕr-jån', a manufacturing city of Persia, cap. of the above. Lat. about 30° N., Lon. 56° E. Pop. estimated at 30,000. (B.)

KIRMANSHAH or KIR-MAN-SHAW', a large manufacturing city, cap. of Persian Koordistan, on the r. Kerah, which flows into the Shat-elArab. It is surrounded by strong brick walls, with a citadel. Lat. 34° 26' N., Lon. about 47° 30′ E. Pop. estimated at about 40,000. (B.)

ou, as in our; th, as in thin; TH, as in this; N, nearly like ng. KIRRIEMUIR, ker-re-mure', a manufacturing t. of Scotland, in Forfarshire, 16 m. N. of Dundee. Pop. 3,067.

KISHM OF KISH-MA (Anc. Oarac/ta), the largest i. in the Persian Gulf, intersected by the 27th parallel of N. Lat., and the 56th meridian of E. Lon. Length about 60 m.; breadth 12 m. Pop. estimated at 5,000. (M.)

KIZ-IL IR-MAK, i. e. the "red river," (Turk. pron. kiz`-eel' ĕér`måk'; Anc. Ha/lys,) the largest and finest r. in Asia Minor, rises N. E. of Kaisarieh, near the 39th degree of N. Lat., and the 37th of E. Lon., and flowing at first westerly, and afterwards in a general N. E. direction, falls into the Black Sea, in about 41° 45' N. Lat., and 36° E. Lon. Its whole length is estimated at 450 m.


KLATTAU, klåt/-tou, a t. of Bohemia, cap. of a circle of the same name, 70 m. S. W. of Prague. Pop. 5,700. (M.)

KLAU-SEN-BURG, i. e. the "castle of the defile," (Ger. pron. klouzen-bŎŎRG; Hung. Kolozsvár, ko-lozh-våår; A-nc. Clau/dia, afterwards Claudiopolis;) the cap. of Transylvania, situated on the r. Számos (såå-mosh), near a mountain defile, whence its name. It is surrounded by lofty walls, with towers, which divide the city proper, called Ovár, or Old Town," from the Ujvár (00-e-våår), or “New Town." The latter, though of small extent, has some handsome streets, and a very pleasing appearance. Klausenburg possesses a lyceum and several other important literary institutions. Lat. 46° 45' N., Lon. 23° 32′ E.

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KNOX, a co. in the E. part of Tenn., on the Holston r. Pop. 15,485. Co. t. Knoxville.

KNOX, a co. in the S. E. part of Ky., bordering on Tenn. Pop. 5,722. Co. t. Barbourville.

KNOX, a co. in the E. central part of Ohio, N. E. of Columbus. Pop. 29.579. Co. t. Mount Vernon.

KNOX, a co. in the S. W. part of Ind., between the Wabash and White r. Pop. 10,657. Co. t. Vincennes.

KNOX, a co. in the N. W. part of Ill., a little W. of the Illinois r. Pop. 7,060. Co. t. Knoxville.



KOLIN, ko-leen', a t. of Bohemia, on the Elbe, 34 m. E. of Prague. Here Frederick II., of Prussia, was defeated with great loss by the Austrians, in 1755.


KONGSBERG, kongs/-berg, a small t. of Norway, about 44 m. W.S.W. of Christiania, important on account of its silver mines and its mint. Pop. 4,000. (B.)

KO-NI-EH or KONIA (Anc. Ico'nium), a t. of Asiatic Turkey, the cap. of a pashalic of the same name, formerly the residence of the Seljook (Seljuk) sultans of Room, is situated in the midst of a fertile and well

Fåte, får, fåll, fåt; me, mêt; plne or pine, pîn; nỏ, nôt; õõ, as in good; watered plain, about 140 m. S. of Angora. Though at present much decayed, this town is still important on account of its manufactures, and its numerous madressas or colleges; it contains, also, some highly interesting remains of antiquity. Lat. 37° 50′ N., Lon. 32° 45' E. Pop. estimated at about 30,000. (B.)

KÖNIGINGRÄTZ, kö/-nic-in-grets, or Köl-NIG-GRÄTZ, (Bohemian, Kralowy Hradecs, krå-lo/-ve hrå-dets',) a fortified t. of Bohemia, the cap. of a circle of the same name, situated on the Elbe, 63 m. E. by N. of Prague. Pop., exclusive of the military, 6,000. (B.)

KÖNIGSBERG, ken/-igs-berg, (Ger. pron. kö/-niGs-beRG,) a large city of Germany, cap. of Prussia Proper, on the Pregel, near its entrance into the Frische Haff. A bar at the mouth of the river prevents vessels drawing more than 5 or 6 ft. water from ascending to the city, so that the port of Königsberg is properly at Pillau (pil/-lou), situated at the junction of the Frische Haff with the Baltic. The impression which the interior of the town makes on a stranger is not favourable. The streets, though straight, are, for the most part, narrow, dirty, and badly paved, while the few handsome public or private edifices are scattered over the whole city. Among the literary and scientific institutions of this town, we may mention the University, founded in 1544, and attended at present by about 450 students.-The celebrated Kant, who was born at Königsberg, in 1724, and died here in 1804, was one of its professors; and the Observatory, which has of late years attained great celebrity from the astronomical observations of Professor Bessel. There are besides, three gymnasia, with numerous other schools. The Observatory is in 54° 42′ 50′′ N. Lat., and 20° 30′ 7′′ E. Lon. Pop. above 68,000. (B.)

KOOR, written also KUR, (Gr. Kupos, Kuros; Lat. Cy'rus,) a r. of W. Asia, which rises in the Turkish dominions, near 40° 40′ N. Lat., and 42° 40′ E. Lon., and, flowing north-easterly, passes into the Russian prov. of Georgia, then changes its course, and runs south-easterly to the Caspian Sea, which it enters by several mouths, near 39° 15′ N. Lat., and 49° E. Lon. Its entire length is about 560 m.

KOORDISTAN OF KURDISTAN, koor-dis-tån', i. e. the "country of the Koords," an extensive country in the western part of Asia, situated partly in the Turkish dominions and partly in Persia; being bounded on the N. by Armenia, E. by Azerbaijan and Irak Adjemi, S. by Khoozistan and the pashalic of Bagdad, W. by Algezira or Aljezeereh (Mesopotamia) and Diarbekir. Length about 300 m.; breadth perhaps 150 m. The inhabitants are mostly shepherds, though some are employed in agriculture and the mechanic arts. The Persian Koords are said to be for the most part wandering tribes, while those of Turkey have generally fixed habitations. Like their ancestors, the ancient Kardu/chi, the Koords are active, brave, and impatient of control. Though nominally subject to the Ottoman or Persian government, they appear to pay but little respect to the orders of their sovereign. The Koordish women, unlike those of most other Asiatic nations, are said to be

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