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ou, as in our; th, as in thin; TH, as in this; N, nearly like ng.

AVLONA, åv-lol-nå, or VALONA, (Anc. Au'lon,) a town of Albania, on a gulf to which it gives its name, formed by the celebrated Acroceraunian promontory. Lat. 40° 29′ N., Lon. 19° 26' E. Pop. 5,000. (B.) Avos, al-ven, the name of several small rivers of Great Britain. The principal and most interesting is that which rises at a source called Avon-well, in Northamptonshire, and, flowing by the village of Stratford, the birth-place of Shakspeare, empties itself into the Severn, in Gloucestershire, after a course of about 100 in.

Av-OY-ELLES, a parish of La., on the S. side of the Red г. Pop. 6,616. Seat of justice, Marksville.

AVRANCHES, Av-rånsh', (Anc. In'gena, afterwards Abrinca/tai and Abrin/ce,) a city of France, in the dep. of Manche, 195 m. nearly W. from Paris. Lat. 48° 41' N., Lon. 1° 25′ E. Pop. 7,000. (P. C.)

A-WATS-KA Or AV-AтCH-KA, a bay on the E. coast of Kamtchatka. Also the name of a r. which flows into this bay, and of a small village situated at its mouth.

AWE, LOCH, a fresh water lake of Scotland, in the co. of Argyle. It is about 24 m. long, while its average breadth is only about 1 m.

Ax-00м'; written also AxoUM and AXUM, (Gr. Açovuis,) a t. of Abys sinia; formerly cap. of a powerful kingdom of this name, which appears to have extended its dominions over a great part of Abyssinia, a part of Arabia, and even to have received tribute from the Byzantine emperors. There are at this place several remains of antiquity, which show that the Axumites were highly skilled in the art of sculpture, and acquainted also with the Greek language. The town at present contains about 600 houses. (B.) Lat. 14° 7′ N., Lon. between 38° and 39° E.

AYAMONTE, i-ya-mon'-t, a fortified t. of Spain, in the kingdom of Seville. Lat. 37° 12′ N., Lon. 7° 14′ W. Pop. 6,347. (P. Ĉ.)

AYASOOLOOK, a-yå-soo-look', (Fr. spelling Ayasalouk,) a miserable village of Asia Minor, on the site of the ancient Ephesus, with a mosque, castle and aqueduct, constructed out of the ruins of that once magnificent city. Here have been discovered, among other antiquities, the remains of the great temple of Diana, which is mentioned in the 19th chapter of the Acts. Lat. 37° 55′ N., Lon. 27° 20′ E.

AYLESBURY, ailz/-ber-re, a t. of Buckinghamshire, England, on the road from London to Warwick, 38 m. from London. It is a very ancient place, and is said to have been one of the strongest garrisons of the Britons, in their struggle against the Saxons. Pop. of the borough, with an area of about 5 sq. m., 5,429.

AYR, air, a r. of Scotland, which rises in Ayrshire, and, after a course of about 30 m. nearly due W., falls into the sea at the t. of Ayr, where its estuary forms a fine harbour.

AYR, a sea-port t. of Scotland, cap. of Ayrshire, on the above r., near its mouth; 67 m. S. W. of Edinburgh. Entire pop. of the parish, 8,264.

AYRI-SHIRE, a co. in the S. W. of Scotland, bordering on the sea. Pop. 164,356.

Fate, far, fall, fât; mẻ, mét ; pine or pine, pin ; nổ, nốt ; ăč, as in good ; AZERBAIJAN, åz-er-bi'-jån`, a prov. in the N. part of Persia, lying around L. Ooroomeeyeh. Tabreez is the capital.

Az-or or Azov, (Anc. Pa'lus Mæo'tis,) a sea of Russia, forming a part of the boundary between Europe and Asia, and connected with the Black Sea by the Strait of Yenicale. Its greatest length is about 200 m.; the breadth varies exceedingly, but perhaps, on an average, may be estimated at about 70 m. The only considerable river which it receives is the Don.

AZORES, az/-ōrz,* or az-òrz', (Port. Açores, å-sol-ris,) called also the Western Islands, are situated in the Atlantic, about 800 m. W. of Portugal. They consist of nine islands, in three distinct groups, lying in the direction of W. N. W. and E. S. E., and extending about 330 m. The north-western group contains the small islands of Corvo and Flores; the central, Terceira, St. George, Pico, Fayal, and Graciosa ; the south-eastern, St. Michael and St. Mary. They are included be tween the parallels of 36 57′ and 40' N. Lat., and the meridians of 25 and 31° 15′ W. Lon. The several islands will be treated of under their respective names. As these islands, when first discovered by the Portuguese, were entirely destitute of human inhabitants, as well as of beasts, they called them Acores (the plural of acor, a hawk or bird of prey), from the number of this kind of birds found here.-Adj. and inhab. Az-o-RI-AN.

BA-BEL-MAN-DEL, (see Int. XII.,) or, more correctly, BAB-EL-MANDEB, the strait which connects the Red Sea with the Indian Ocean, lying between Arabia and Abyssinia. The width of this strait is estimated at about 16 m.

BACCHIGLIONE, bak-keel-yo'-n, a r. in the Venetian States, which rises in the Alps, and, flowing S. E., passes through the t. of Vicenza, and afterwards by the walls of Padua, 30 m. below which it enters the Adriatic at Brondolo. Its entire course is about 90 m.

BAD-AG-RY, a t. on the Slave Coast of Guinea, cap. of a small kingdom of the same name, about 6° 15′ N. Lat., and 2° 50′ E. Lon. Pop. estimated at 10,000. (P. C.)

BADAJOS, båd-a-hoce', (Sp. Badajoz, bå-på-Hoth'; Lat. Pax Augus ta,) a fortified t. of Spain, cap of Estremadura, on the Guadiana. The bridge over the Guadiana, 1,874 feet in length, is one of the finest in Europe. Lat 38° 52′ N., Lon. 6° 48′ W. Pop. 13,000. (B.)

This accentuation, though perhaps not the most prevalent, is sanctioned by the general tendency of our language, (see Int. XII., Obs. 2.) as well as by the practice of many of the best speakers. The second pronunciation may be objected to as being neither native nor English. If we would pronounce like the natives, we must follow the example of Milton, and divide the name into three syllables. (See Paradise Lost, Book IV., line 592.) The authority of Cowper is in favour of the first pronunciation.

"Those Ausonia claims. Levantine regions these: the AZORES send Their jessamine."

The Task, Book I'..

ou, as in our; th, as in thin; TH, as in this; N, nearly like ng.


BADEN, b-den, a grand-duchy of Germany, extending along the right bank of the Rhine, and situated between 47° 30′ and 49° 50′ N. Lat., and 7° 37′ and 9° 50′ E. Lon.; bounded on the N. by Bavaria and Hesse-Darmstadt, E. by Würtemberg, S. by Switzerland and the Lake of Constance, and W. by the Bavarian circle of the Rhine and by France, from which it is separated by the Rhine. Length near 190 m.; greatest breadth about 100. The area is estimated at 5,973 sq. m. Pop. 1,130,000. (B.) Carlsruhe is the capital.

BADEN (the Civitas Aurelia Aquen'sis of the Romans), a t. situated in the centre of the grand-duchy of Baden, celebrated for its warm mineral springs and baths. Hence originated the name, Bad in German signifying a bath." Lat. 48° 46' N. Lon., 8° 15' E. Pop. 4,200. (B.) BADEN (Anc. Ther/m Ce/tice), a t. in the arch-duchy of Austria, about 15 m. S. of Vienna. It is annually visited by many thousand strangers, on account of its warm springs and baths. Permanent pop. about 3,000.


BADEN, a t. in the canton of Aargau, Switzerland, on the Limmat (the outlet of the Lake of Zürich), 13 m. N. W. of Zürich, celebrated for the warm mineral springs and baths in its vicinity, known to the Romans by the name of Ther'mæ Helve/ticæ. Pop. 1,700. (B.)

BADENWEILER, bål-den-Wil-ler, a small village in the grand-duchy of Baden, 5 m. E. of Brisach, remarkable for the remains of a vast Roman bathing establishment, arranged for both cold and warm, as well as vapour-baths. It contains 50 chambers, furnished with all the conveniences for bathing, and an altar, still existing, dedicated to Diana Anoba. (B.)

BAEZA or BAECA, bi-l-tha, (Anc. Bea/tia,) a t. of Spain, in Jaen. Lat. 37° 57′ N., Lon. 3° 28′ W. Pop. 11,000. (B.)

BAFFA, båfl-fa, a small seaport t. on the W. coast of the island of Cyprus, with a castle. Its name is a corruption of the ancient Paphos, the ruins of which are still to be seen here. Lat. 34° 54′ N., Lon. 32° 30′ E.

BAF-FIN'S BAY, a large gulf on the N. E. coast of America, between that continent and Greenland. It is comprised between the parallels of 68° and 78° N. Lat. and the meridians of 51° and 80° W. Lon., extending in a N. N. W. direction. It is about 780 m. long, and, on an average, about 280 wide. The name is derived from William Baffin, by whom it was discovered in 1616.

BAGDAD, båg-dad',* or BAG'-DAD, a large and celebrated city of Asia

Southey appears always to place the accent on the last syllable of this name, which accords with the native pronunciation.

The old man answered, To BAGDAD I go.'"

stands not BAGDAD

Near to the site of ancient Babylon?"

"At length BAGDAD appeared,

The city of his search."-Thalaba, Books IV. and V.

Fåte, får, fåll, fât; mé, mit; plne or pine, pin; nò, nôt; ŏõ as in good; tic Turkey, formerly the capital of the empire of the Caliphs, and now of a pashalic of its own name, situated on both sides of the Tigris, about 200 m. in a direct line above the junction of that river with the Euphrates. It stands in a forest of date trees, and is surrounded by a high and thick wall of brick and mud, which is flanked at regular distances with round embattled towers. The whole wall of the city is about five miles in circumference. The citadel is on the E. bank of the Tigris and on the N. side of the town. Bagdad was formerly a great emporium of eastern commerce; besides the traffic with its own manufactures, it was the entrepôt for the commodities of eastern and western Asia. But its trade has recently much declined. This city was founded by the Caliph Aboo Jaafer al Mansoor, in the year 763, and was afterwards greatly improved by the celebrated Haroon-er-Rasheed (Harun al Raschid). Little, however, of its ancient magnificence now remains. Though, to the approaching stranger, its numerous minarets and domes, seen by glimpses through the date trees, present an interesting and even imposing spectacle, the meanness of the buildings within, miserably disappoints the expectation which the exterior view may have raised. Lat. 33° 19′ N., Lon. 44° 25′ E. Pop. estimated at about 100,000. (B.)

BAGNÈRES DE BIGORRE, bản-yair'd'be'-goR', (Lat. Vilcus Aquen'sis,) a t. of France, in the dep. of Upper Pyrenees, celebrated for its warm springs and great bathing establishment: 16,000 strangers are said to visit this place annually. Lat. 43° 3′ N., Lon. 0°8′ E. Pop. 5,633. (P. C.)

BAGNÈRES DE LUCHON, bån`-yair/d'lü`-shon', (the A/quæ Convena/rum of the Romans,) a bathing t. of France, in the dep. of Upper Garonne. Lat. 42° 47′ N., Lon. 0° 34' E. This is a small, but constantly improving place. Pop. in 1826, near 2,000. (P. C.)

BAGNOLS, bån-yole', a t. of France, in the dep. of Gard, 26 m. N.N.E. of Nimes. Lat. 44° 9′ N., Lon. 4° 35' E. Pop. in 1832, 3,800. (P. C.) -Also a t. in the dep. of Lozère, remarkable for its warm mineral waters. Lat. 44° 30' N., Lon. 3° 38′ E.

BAHAMA CHANNEL is between Florida and the Bahamas.

BA-HA-MAS, or LUCAYOS, loo-ki'-yoce, a chain of low islands, stretching, in a north-westerly direction, from the N. side of St. Domingo to the coast of E. Florida, and comprised within the parallels of 20° and 27° 40′ N. Lat., and the meridians of 68° 40′ and 79° 20′ W. Lon. They belong to the British crown. Some of the largest islands, as the Great Bahama, and Lucayo (now called Abaco), with many smaller ones, remain without inhabitants. Entire pop. in 1831, 16,788. (P. C.)

BAHAR, bå-har', an extensive prov. of Hindostan, lying on both sides of the Ganges, and bounded on the N. by Nepaul and Bootan, E. by Bengal, S. by Gund wana, and W. by Gundwana, Allahabad and Oude. It is computed to contain about 50,000 sq. m. It belongs to the presidency of Bengal.

BAHAR, a t. of the above prov., situated in 25° 13′ N. Lat., and 85° 35' E. Lon., with about 5,000 houses. (P. C.)

ou, as in our; th, as in thin; TH, as in this; N, nearly like ng. BAHIA, bå-ee/-å, an important maritime prov. of Brazil, between 9° and 16° S. Lat., and 37° and 45° W. Lon.

BAHIA OF SAN SALVADOR, sån sål-vå-dore, an archiepiscopal city of Brazil; cap. of the above prov., and, next to Rio Janeiro, the most commercial and most populous town in S. America, is situated on the strait which leads from the Atlantic to All Saint's Bay (Bahia de Todos os Santos), whence both the city and province of Bahia derived their name. It has one of the finest harbours in America, and is moreover the principal fortress of the empire. The chief scientific and literary institutions of Bahia are-the School of Surgery, the College, and the Public Library, with from 60,000 to 70,000 vols. (M.) Lat. 13° S., Lon. 38° 30′ W. Permanent pop. estimated by Balbi at about 120,000. BAHREIN. See LAHSA.

BAHREIN, båh-rane', a small i. in the Persian Gulf, 27 m. long, and 10 m. across. (P. C.) Lat. 26° 14′ N., Lon. 50° 36′ E. It gives its name to a group of small islands, noted as the centre of the pearl fishery. Total pop. estimated at 60,000. (M.)

BAIKAL, bi-kål, a great mountain lake of Asia, situated between 51° and 56° N. Lat., and between 104° and 110° E. Lon. Its length is said to be about 400 m.; its mean breadth, between 30 and 40 m. The

superficial extent is estimated at 14,800 sq. m. This lake is very deep; in some places the bottom has not been reached by a line of a hundred fathoms. Its surface is about 1,793 feet above the level of the sea. Among other smaller streams, it receives the Selenga and Upper Angara: the Lower Angara is its only outlet, and, though a very rapid river, is said not to carry off the tenth part of the mass of waters brought into it by the other streams.-Adj. BAIKALEAN or BAIKALIAN, bi-kal'-e-an.

BAIREUTH, bil-ruth, (Ger. pron. bil-roit), a well-built t. of Bavaria; cap. of the circle of the Upper Main, 125 m. N. of Munich. Lat. 49° 57 N., Lon. 11° 37' E. Pop. about 13,000. (B.)


BAJA, bål-ya, (Anc. Baiæ,) GULF OF, is situated on the S. E. coast of Naples, between Cape Misenum and Pozzuoli.

BA-KER, a co. in the S. W. part of Ga., intersected by the Flint r. Pop. 4,226. Co. t. Newton.

BAKOO, bì`-koo', or BADKU, a walled t. of Asiatic Russia, in the prov. of Shirvan, situated on the shore of the Caspian. Lat. 40° 22' N., Lon. 49° 40′ E. Pop. between 3,500 and 4,000. (P. C.)

BAL-A-GHAUTS', an extensive district in the S. of India, so called from its being situated "above the Ghauts." It forms a part of the presidency of Madras.

BALARUC, bå`-la-rük', a village of France, in the dep. of Hérault, celebrated for its warm mineral springs. Lat. 43° 28' N., Lon. 3° 41' E. BAL-A-SORE', an important seaport of Hindostan, belonging to the Danes, in the prov. of Orissa. Lat. 21° 32′ N., Lon. 86° 56′ E. Pop. estimated at 10,000. (P. C.)


BAL/-BEC or Båål'-bec`, an ancient city of Syria, situated at the foot of

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