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tration of these different points, has been the chief object of the following Essay. It is offered to the public with diffidence; yet not without hope that matter so interesting, and which admits of being so considerably enlarged as the "Obligations of Literature to the Mothers of England," may attract the attention of abler writers, and thus diminish the regret, which the author feels, as she contrasts the imperfections of her work with the importance of the subject.


INTRODUCTION-Subject proposed-Remarks limited to four principal heads, viz.-I. RELIGION-Early British Christians-Anglo-Saxon Matrons-Anglo-Norman periodEducation of Englisn youth by their Mothers during the middle ages-Patronage bestowed by the Queens of England on learned men-Colleges founded in the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge by pious and learned womenn-Free grammar schools-Female Sovereigns, the regal Mothers of England. II. The STATEObservations on the proposed section-Queens of the Heptarchy-Maternal influence exemplified in the after-life of the early English Kings-The age of Chivalry-Character of the English youth influenced by the religious and moral precepts of the Mothers of England-Examples-Foundation of Christ's school-Legislative wisdom of Queen Elizabeth-Apparent in the choice of her ministers. III. SCIENCE-General reflections arising from this division- Great characters exemplifying the powerful effects of Maternal love-Instances adduced of DivinesStatesmen-Philosophers-Historians-Orators- Poets --and the most eminent English Authors. IV. LEARNING GENERALLY-Subject considered in a more enlarged form-Mothers of England in the most extensive sense -Erudite women selected from each reign subsequent to the invention of printing-Compositions of accomplished female writers-their important effect on the minds of the English youth-General review of the subject— Influence of Mothers in after years-Lasting effect of maternal power-General observations-CONCLUSION.





MOTHERS OF ENGLAND!-That noble and endearing appellation, which comprises the highest perfections of our nature, and conveys the loftiest idea of female excellence !-Mothers, who in the exercise of every virtue, and in the performance of every duty may challenge the matrons of all climes, and all ages, with little fear of competition, and no apprehension of rivalry.

Greece boasted of warriors who became


invincible by the precepts and exhortations of heroines, whose maternal solicitude was lost in their patriotic ardor, and whose natural affections were sacrificed to the love of glory; whose bitterest malediction awaited the son who "returned from battle without his shield," while tears of joy bathed the remains of him who had fallen, overpowered by numbers. The Mother of Brasidas, the renowned Spartan, in honour of whom a yearly festival was instituted by his grateful and admiring countrymen-only inquired whether her son had died bravely. Such traits of the heroic fortitude of Mothers are abundant in antiquity; and as a natural result, it followed that the sole ambition of their sons was to earn the crown of victory, and their unceasing aim from infancy to be distinguished among the heroes of the state.

The Matrons of Rome, stoical, bold, and

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