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OCTOBER hath 31 days.


Thy shield is the red Harvest Moon, suspended
So long beneath the heavens' o'erhanging eaves;
Thy steps are by the farmer's prayers attended;
Like flames upon an altar shine the sheaves.

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near. the most gorgeous colors, the

5 W.

Hatchie R. 3d, 4th. '62.

Bat. 62. 4th. Newtonia B., 62. bracing air gives its cheering vi

6 Th.

in Perih. ( runs low. tality to all animated life, and the

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Lambing season

world abounds in the luxuriance

in N. Zealand.

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9th. First Com.

Bat., 62.

Har. Col., 1642.

9 B.

20th S. af. Tr.

gr. lon.

[blocks in formation]

of vegetable wealth. If we began right in spring, we may now look upon the full fruition, the re ward of honest labor. The evenings are growing long, the frost thickens, and whitens the ground, sparkling in the morning sun. 6h. in Per. Who would not stir round in a Cotton still on Plan Chinn bright October morning? And Unsettled, when night shuts in, who would not ask himself, "What have I

12 १७. "Cotton Picking in S.

13 Th. Legis.

14 Fr.



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Car. and Gulf St's.

16 B. 21st S. af. Tr. High ti.

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learned to-day?" Let not the
eye and the ear be opened in vain

68. St. Luke Ev. to catch the ever varying forms
18th. Thoroughf. and sounds of nature; and if we
ask aright to penetrate her se-
crets, we shall not ask in vain.
Some experiment begun in spring
will now utter its teachings;
some idea will be suggested by
the crop here, or the failure there.
Open the mind to them all, and
do not fail to learn even from the

Ballinger's Mills B. Mays-
Pocotalipo B.

23 B. 22d S. af. Tr.


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too late, but do not trust

Bat. 62 to the fickle future. Now is the

31 Mo. R. Is Neer meets High tides. time, and let us improve it.



's Declination.


NOVEMBER, eleventh Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

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6 16 13 12 17 55 18 19 25 24 20 43 30 21 47


Days of

▸ First Quarter, 6th day, 7h. 9m., evening.
Full Moon, 13th day, Oh. 49m., evening.
Last Quarter, 21st day, 2h. 32m., morning.
New Moon, 29th day, 2h. 33m., morning.

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Length Day's Full Sea. Boston. D'S D
Morning Evening Place.
016 207,029 thi.
216 3 051118 thi.
6164 137 21 kn.

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623 127 7 14 2 20 811 3 14 91448

1 Tu. 6 35 452 10 175 2W. 63645110 155 3 Th. 6 38,44910 115 4 Fr. 6 3944810 95 816 5 226 5 Sa. 6 4044710 75 1016 6315 6 SU. 6 414 46 10 551216 7 4 8 7 Mo. 6 43 4 45 10 25 15 16 8 5 85 39 legs morn. 648

8 Tu. 6 4444410 051716 9 611

250 kn.

341 kn.

10 21 5 2

437 legs 11 29 5 56

643 feet 038 740 149 833

9 W. 6 454 43 9585191610 714 745 feet

10 Th. 6 464 42 9 565 21 1611 816 846 h'd 11 Fr. 648441-9535241612 914 941 h'd 12 Sa. 6 494 40 9 515 26 161310 810 35 n'k 13 SU. 6504 39 9 495 2815 11 111 25 n'k 14 Mo. 6 524389465 31 15 15 11 49

3 1926 41310 20

5 2411 16

rises. morn.


536 013

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25 Fr. 7 5431 9265511326 815 840 rei. 26 Sa. 7 6430 924553122794928 sec. 27 SU.7 7430 9235541228 95210 16 sec. 28 Mo.7 8429

315 854

414 9 39

5 15 10 28

9215 56 12 29 10 4011 3 thi.

sets. 11 19

29 Tu. 7 9429

9205 57 11 11 26 11 48 thi.


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Days d.

m. Days. d.

DECEMBER, twelfth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days.d.


's Declination.

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First Quarter 6th day, 2h. 50mn., morning.
Full Moon, 13th day, 2h. 28m., morning.
Last Quarter, 21st day, Oh. 18ın., evening.
• New Moon, 28th day, 4h. 37m., evening.

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Length Day's Full Sea, Boston. D'S D
Rises. Sets. of Days. Decre. F. A. Morning Evening Place. R.


m. A. m. h. m.h.



m. h.


h. m.

D 8. Souths. h.


7114289 176 011 2034 058 kn. 7523

812 258

4 45

2 Fr. 7 124289 166 110 3 122 146 kn. 3 Sa. 7134289 156 2 10 4 211 236 legs 921 353 4 SU. 7144289 146 39531326 legs 10 31 5 Mo. 7 15 4 289 136 496351418 feet 1141 6 Tu. 7164289 126 5 87447 517 feet morn. 7 W. 7174289 116688547 618 h'd

8 Th. 7184289 106789649 721 h'd

9 Fr. 7194289968710 752 822 n'k 10 Sa. 7 20 4289869711 852 921 n'k 11 SU. 7 20 1289 86961294910 16 arm 12 Mo. 7 21 4289 7610 613 10 42 11 7 arm

5 37


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26 Μo.7 294359 60 2127 922 949 thi.
27 Tu. 7 294359 60 2228101610 42 thi.
28 W. 7 29436970320 11 71131 kn.
29 Th. 7 294379 8043111 55
30 Fr. 7 30 4389 8043 2018 042 legs

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3 Sa.

4th. J. C. Breckenridge unan. ex

mer. Don't let it lie long in

pelled from U. S. '61.

4 B. 2d. in adv. Senaterable, great sticks. Saw and split it

[blocks in formation]

up, and let it be drying. You 'll find green wood dried fast is a great deal better than it is if allowed to lie full of sap till half weeks before housing, and it will dry all right.

rotten. Give it the wind a few

9 Fr.

10 Sa.

gr. hel. lat. S. Mild.

Comfort for the stock in the

11 B. 3d S. in Adv. 68 C.

barn saves flesh and food. If you

12 Mo.

Cherries ripe: Summer com.; Sheep

Shearing, in New Zealand.

13 Tu.

68. ( runs high.

14 W.

Bat., Kingston Bat., 62.

Fredericksb'g Bat., 62. BS. W. Creek

don't feed at regular times, you make the cattle fret from waiting, and wear off more flesh than a good meal will put on. Now

15 Th.

Prince Albert d. '61.

WASHINGTON d. 1799. High t.

16 Fr.

sta. Ben destroyed

Tea in

17 Sa.

by Gen. Pope-1300 pris. tak., 61.

13th. Camp near Martinsburg surp.

they can't feel easy with half a bushel of dirt sticking to their hair and skin. Keep them clean,

therefore; give them warm, well

18 B.

4th S. in Adv. Lexington Bat.,

ventilated, not stifled and close,

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[blocks in formation]

Holly Springs Fine days. quarters, good food, and enough Davies Mills Bat.,, '62. in Ap. of it, and pure water in the yard Wint. St. Thom, or the barn itself. As to shelter, you know a foot of boards is equal day. gr. clon. Low ti. to a pound of beef. Don't try to Shock of Earthquake 6hC. winter many animals on little 22d. C.C. Springf., Wore. and Ips., food. You can make no greater Salem or Newb't., as ord. by Ct.


felt in Maine,

25 B. Christmas. Stormy. mistake. You get no growth for the food, and it don't pay just to keep stock alive. A few head runs of cattle well fed will put on a far greater weight of flesh on the

26 Mo.. St. Stephen. 27 Tu. 624. St. Jn. Ev. uns

28 W. Innocents. {S S. C. seizes Ft.

29 Th.

ing.sta. High ti. same food, and sell better in the


30 Fr. Dedham. 6. 31 Sa. 69. in Per.

market. But the knell of the year is sounding, and hopefully we bid you adieu.

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