TO THE CHRISTIAN PUBLIC, IN DEFENCE OF THE "PRECEPTS OF JESUS." BY RAMMOHUN ROY. CALCUTTA: PRINTED AT THE BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, CIRCULAR ROAD. 1821. LONDON, REPRINTED : ADVERTISEMENT. THE contents of the following Treatise are included under these two propositions :—1st, That the Precepts of Jesus, which teach that love to God is manifested in beneficence towards our fellow-creatures, are a sufficient Guide to Peace and Happiness; and 2ndly, That that omnipresent God, who is the only proper object of religious veneration, is one and undivided in person. Though these doctrines, as I conceive them to be alike founded on reason and revelation, appear to me to be almost as obvious truths as any abstract axiom, yet they are opposed in fact by a very large body of writers and teachers. I must therefore leave them to be decided upon by those, who will be pleased to bestow their candid and liberal attention on the arguments I have used in the succeeding pages; and on their impartial judgment I confidently rely. The contradiction between the indispensableness of the Doc- Definition of the unity between God and Jesus............ 167 Jesus's disavowal of his own Deity.............b. The Jews charged Jesus only with calling himself the Son of God ..... ......... 168 |