Fal. I am glad, though you have ta'en a special stand to strike at me, that your arrow hath glanced. Page. Well, what remedy? Fenton, heaven give thee joy! What cannot be eschew'd, must be embrac'd. chas'd. Eva. I will dance and eat plums at your wedding. Mrs Page. Well, I will muse no further:-Master Fenton, Heaven give you many, many merry days! Ford. Let it be so :-Sir John, To master Brook you yet shall hold your word; [Exeunt. PRIAM, King of Troy: HECTOR, PARIS, DEIPHOBUS, HELENUS, ÆNEAS, ANTENOR, CALCHAS, a Trojan Priest, taking part with the Greeks. PANDARUS, Uncle to CRESSIDA. MARGARELON, a bastard son of PRIAM. AGAMEMNON, the Grecian General : ACHILLES, AJAX, ULYSSES, DIOMEDES, PATROCLUS, } Grecian Commanders. THERSITES, a deformed and scurrilous Grecian. ALEXANDER, Servant to CRESSIDA. Servant to TROILUS; Servant to PARIS; Sercant to DIOMEDES. HELEN, Wife to MENELAUS. ANDROMACHE, Wife to HECTOR. CASSANDRA, Daughter to PRIAM; a Prophetess. CRESSIDA, Daughter to CALCHAS. Trojan and Greek Soldiers, and Attendants. SCENE, Troy, and the Grecian Camp before it. |