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The last meeting he attended was at the north meeting-house in Philadelphia. In his public ministry there, he enlarged in much gospel authority, to the edification and comfort of those present, on the efficacy of that faith which overcometh the world, and which is the saints' victory."

Shortly after his return home, his complaint returned with increasing frequency; but he was very affectionate to his children and others about him, and said, "I deem their sympathy and affectionate attendance upon me as a blessing from Heaven, for which God will bless them." During his waking hours, the attributes of his God whom he had long served, were almost his perpetual theme: he was frequent in declarations of his power, of his mercy and goodness to his soul, and in acknowledgments of the rich consolations with which his mind was supported.He frequently repeated these scripture expressions: "Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more, and will cast all their sins behind my back.” Also, in much brokenness of spirit he said, "Ye shall have a song as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept, and gladness of heart as when one goeth with a pipe, to come into the mountain of the Lord, to the mighty one of Israel. Oh! the tears of holy joy which flow down my cheeks. Sing praises, high praises, to my God. I feel nothing in my way; although my conduct through life has not been in every respect as guarded as it might have been, yet the main bent of my mind has been to serve thee, O God, who art glorious in holiness, fearful in praises. I am sure I have loved godliness and hated iniquity; and that my petitions to the Throne of Grace, have been accompanied with faith." He also said he had

a precious evidence that his sins were forgiven him; and added, "I am not sensible of having injured any one. I have not broken up any poor families for rents, but have given up much; which is my great consolation, seeing it's the merciful who obtain mercy."

On first-day the 29th, he appeared to be as cheerful and pleasant in conversation as at any time; his mind being remarkably calm, and covered with love; and again frequently repeated, "Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more, and will cast all their sins behind my back." The calls and sympathy of his friends were comfortable to him; divers of whom generally visited him every day, during his short confinement to the house. He went to bed about ten o'clock in the evening, and lay awhile without pain, then fell comfortably to sleep for about an hour. When he awoke, a little after eleven o'clock, he was seized violently and in a manner more alarming to his family than at any time before. Two of his near connexions were called in, likewise a physician; when he took an affectionate leave of his family. As there was no prospect of benefit from further medical aid, he was rather desirous that nothing further might be attempted, but wished to lay as quiet as possible; and said, "All I want is heaven-Lord receive my spirit;" and was earnest that those about him should pray that he might be preserved in patience to the end. Then said, "My pain is great: my God, grant me patience, humble, depending patience." Then added this scripture expression, "Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me;" and repeated with great fervency a considerable part of that called the Lord's prayer; and said, "Oh! how preVOL. XII.-17

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cious a thing it is to feel the Spirit itself bearing witness with our spirits, that we are His." Some time after he said, "This soul is an awful thing: I feel it so; you who hear me, mind it. It's an awful thing to die the invisible world, how awful!" His end now fast approaching, he said, "I intreat that nothing may be done for me, except what I may require; that my mind may not be diverted; that my whole mind. may be centred in aspirations to the throne of Grace." Shortly after, "Almighty Father! come quickly, if it be thy blessed will, and receive my spirit." He then lay quietly awhile, the conflict being apparently over; but feeling again the clogs of humanity, he said in a low voice, "I thought I was gone;" and added, "Christ Jesus, receive my spirit!" These were his last words, when he quietly departed without sigh, groan, or struggle, about half past four o'clock in the morning of 12th month, 30th, 1799. On fourth-day, 1st mo. 1st, 1800, his remains were interred in Friends' burial ground, after a large and solemn meeting held on the occasion.

Letter from John Parrish.

Philadelphia, 10th mo. 3rd, 1791. Beloved friend, George Churchman,-I have looked over some papers and manuscripts relative to Indian affairs in order to furnish thee with them; in hopes they might tend to quicken and stimulate such Friends from Virginia as may find their minds engaged to attend the Yearly Meeting at Baltimore; but shall fall short for want of knowing where to lay my hands upon some of them at present. From the

knowledge I obtained at the late treaty held in Tioga county in the back part of York government, where there were collected upwards of one thousand Indians, and likewise from the chief, called Cornplanter, when in town last winter,-I believe something might be done for those people that would be received with gratitude and thankfulness, and would afford them a seasonable relief. It was melancholy to behold, in my journey to the treaty, all along from Wyoming up to Newtown point, the fine level bottoms along the river where the Indians used to have their cornfields, and who are now driven to a great distance, the white people having taken possession, and are reaping the benefit of their soil and their labours. Col. Forrest who went with us from Philadelphia, informed us that he was an officer in Sullivan's army when they destroyed more than forty of their towns; yet such was their christian disposition, as appeared at the treaty, that they were willing, though they complained of divers abuses and that they had been cheated, nevertheless they were willing to forgive the whole and bury all that was past out of sight. The little present that we took up with us, of half a dozen pieces of flag handkerchiefs, some needles, thread and fish hooks, to the amount of about fifty dollars, we got Col. Pickering, after he had delivered the goods presented to them from the United States, to hand to them. This he cheerfully undertook, and did it much to our satisfaction. He told the Indians that the two Friends who stood by him were from Philadelphia, of the society of Quakers, the sons of Onas who had dealt so fairly with their forefathers; that they had attended the treaty in true friendship, in order to brighten the chain, and had

brought with them the present that was then on the table. These, if not the words verbatim, were nearly in substance. After he had done, I told him I wished to say something to them; he replied, "By all means;" which gave me an opportunity of addressing myself to them, and letting them know that my motive in coming, together with that of my friend who was with me, was in true love and friendship; and that it afforded us much satisfaction to be present as witnesses of the peace and friendship that was concluded on at the present treaty;—also that my concern was not only for their temporal good, but for their future happiness, &c. When I had done, Red Jacket, one of their chief speakers, spoke, and signified that language was too short to reply; that what had been said was very good; that they should treasure it up, and reflect on it when they returned on the way home; and that they could only thank us, and wish us to return in safety to our families and friends. They then came forward, perhaps to the number of fifteen or twenty of the chiefs and principal old men, and shook hands with us, taking their leave in a very affectionate manner; so that I thought it a season of favour that would not soon be forgotten. I wish not to be tedious, shall therefore conclude, and remain thy affectionate friend,


P. S. I can't help hoping our beloved Friends of Virginia will see the expediency of doing something for the benefit of these poor, necessitous people; and I believe a blessing would attend it.

J. P.

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