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their endeavours, and the fulfilment of their first proposals, as far as the nature and extent of their undertaking would admit; and moreover, the evidence ftill remains in their poffeffion, which may be feen on application, of the poffibility of its continuation on the fame plan, without interruption for the time above-mentioned. And here they take the opportunity of declaring, that if the smallest doubt fhould be entertained by their Readers, of the authenticity of the manufcript papers, they have already tranflated and inferted, the originals are open for infpection, and may be seen by any perfon, on application to Mr. Benedict Chaftanier, No. 62, Tottenham Court Road, London. In regard to the Second Object, which relates to its continuation and support; it is with the greateft concern they are obliged to mention, that the Work has not hitherto been encouraged with a fale, adequate to the reimbursement of the coft; for exclufive of more than half the number of copies which yet remain for fale, the ufual credit of twelve months, given to booksellers, with a discount of five and twenty per Cent. together with a lofs sustained, through the failure of fome, in whofe hands many copies were depofited, the Editors are unexpectedly in the advance of nearly the whole cost, with a distant profpect of being repaid, and even then with a confiderable deficiency. Such are the reasons, for which they find it expedient to lay before the Public, in apology for the fud den difcontinuance of the Work; and fuch facts they truft will be candidly received, and convince their impartial fupporters, that they were led by no inducement of self intereft in the commencement and fupport of their defign, as the calculation of the expence and returns will prove; but at the fame time, were not with out hopes that the fale would fully indemnify the coft, which in ftrict juftice they only fought and expected on the principle, that every one who promotes the benefit of his neighbour, is entitled to a juft reward of his labours.

* Should the Editor's meet with proper encouragement within the courfe of this Month, they would very readily publish a Supplement, containing an Alphabetical Index, to the fix foregoing Numbers, together with fome important, and highly curious Extracts, from the Author's Manufcripts; but should this Publication be entirely dif continued, thofe invaluable writings would then become of very diffi cult accefs, if not even impracticable to be approached.



New-Jerufalem MAGAZINE,





By several Members of the LONDON UNIVERSAL SOCIETY for Promotion of the NEW CHURCH,

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HE Editors of the New-Jerufalem Magazine have been folicited from time to time, by feveral Friends of this Publi. cation to continue the fame on the Plan on which it was begun, as being fully convinced of its great ultility. In order therefore to fatisfy fuch Friends, it has been thought expedient to publish this Appendix together with a compleat Index of all the Subjects treated of in the Six Numbers or firft Volume of this Magazine.

In proportion as the Editors find their Plan encouraged, they will endeavour in due time to fatisfy the Reader's expectation, But as it would be rather imprudent at prefent to continue according to the original intention a fixed periodical Publication of Numbers, they think it will be more agreeable to the friends and more convenient to themselves, to publish now and then a Number or a Volume at once, under the fame title as before, and fuch according as their time or a vocation from other Business permit them to arrange their Materials.

In the mean time they are encouraged to hope, that the few numbers published laft year, together with this Appendix, (now making a little Volume by itself,) will always ferve to demonftrate the fincerity of their wishes to please or encourage the Readers, and to preserve, for the Annals of the new Church, the most authentic Anecdotes as well of their favorite Author as of the Progress of the new Doctrine.

Any Encouragement given to promote this undertaking, either in Subferiptions or Communication by Letters (poft paid;) of Matters important and interefting to the new Doctrine in general and ufeful in particular, will be thankfully received and accounted for by H Servante, No. 45 Upper Mary-bone Street London; and C. B. Wadftrom near the New-Bridge Manchefter.

As the Bookfellers Profit and advertising make a very heavy part of the Expences, it is requested that thofe that are real and zealous Friends to the work would unite together in order to take fuch a number of Copies as will indemnify the Editors for their Expences.

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As to the Benefit expected, they refer to the following Calculation.

16th May, 1791.


Some Friends having entertained an Idea that the Profits arifing from the Sale of a Work of this Kind are lucrative; it may therefore not be inexpedient for the Satisfaction of fuch Friends and Readers, to infert the following Statement of the neceffary Expences which will be incurred for the Publication of this Appendix.

Compofing, correcting and printing five Sheets and a7 quarter Long Primer, at 11. ros. J

Extra Corrections in ditto

Six Reams of Paper at 138.

Paper and printing the blue covers

Paper and printing the portrait of E.. Swedenborg, (the Plate being fent from Sweden for the Benehit of the Editors of the New Jerufalem Magazine Engraving Mufic, Printing and Paper

Ten Advertisements, at 58

Folding up, Package, Porterage, &c.

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£.18 15*6


Five Hundred Copies, when once fold, at 18. each

To give away 100 Copies to fuch Friends whole. Cir-
cumstances will not permit of purchafing
Bookfellers Profit for 400 Copies, at 25 per Cent.
Four Hundred Copies, at 9d

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Note. If 1000 Copies fhould have been printed off, the increafing Expences would have been only 4 Reams of Paper more, at 21. 128. and clear Profit when fold 251.

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