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Extract of a letter from Mr. Chriftian Johanfen, dated Eskilftuna, 2d March, 1791. The Exegetic and Philanthropic Society at Stockholm, has received a very interelling letter from Prince Charles Heffe, which fhews the truly noble and refpectul fentiments of that great man for the Doctrine of Truth, in the principles of which he feems to be more and more confirmed. –Mr. Manderfelt, one of the members of the New Church, has at his own expence, lately printed in the Swedish language, at Copenhagen, a plan for a Catechism entirely upon the principles of the New Doctrine, compofed by the late zealous and learned Dr. Beyer, which has been fo much approved of, by all friends in Sweden, that a great many copies have been circulating in manuscript there, till they could get this printed.


Another letter dated Stockholm, 2d. of May, 1791, from a friend of great zeal and erudition.

To the Editors of the New-JERUSALEM MAGAZINE.
Dear Sir,

It is with the utmost pleasure I am going to tell you, that many of the first people in this kingdom are coming into the Doctrine of the New-Jerufalem. The eminent conftructor of ships, Admiral Chapman, Knight of the Order of the Sword, an acknowledged genius, is now reading Swedenborg's works in English, with a great deal of joy and applaufe. Our great men in these northern kingdoms feem not to fear ridicule, the arms of little witty fouls: It certainly becomes a ftrong mind and a great man to lift himself above fuch frights; hiftory abounds with examples of that kind. Some months ago we had a most favourable letter from the Prince of Heffe, Generalinimo in Denmark, a prince of genius, of learning, of experience and abilities: You will certainly read the copy of his letter with feelings becoming a Chriftian. Its contents are as follows:

A la Societé Exégétique à Stockholm.

Copenhagen, 19 Novembre, 1790. "Il m'eft bien agreable, Meffieurs et très Chèrs Frères de trouver l'occafion favourable que le porteur de cette lettre me fournit, de vous temoigner. toute ma joie des fuccès dont la Providence a beni votre zèle & vos foins, & vos follicitudes pour fon fervice que j'ai eu la fatisfaction d'apprendre par lui et par Mr. Haldin. Veuille le Seigneur des Seigneurs vous combler de fes plus précieufes benedictions et vous éclairer de fa fageffe! Que fon Efprit repofe fur vous, qu'il vous guide, qu'il vons confacre à la gloire d'etre fes ferviteurs!

*Author of the remarkable Index in Latin to all the Theological Works of E, S.-See Page 42.



Mes voeux ardens vous accompagnent fans ceffe; agrées les, mes très chers frères, de la part d'un frère, d'un ami abfent, mais dont le coeur est toujours prefent avec ceux qui profeffent l'amour, & l'adoration de notre Seigneur & Matre Jesus Christ, à lui foit honneur et gloire à jamais. Je vous embrasse fraternellement en fon faint nom du fond de mon coeur,

CHARLES Prince de Heffe. Some of our learned members are now tranflating THE BIBLE, from the original text. I trust it will be a moft useful work ; But as here is no toleration, no liberty of printing, we must wait for fome more happy time when we can publish works of that kind. To labour under the incumbrance of a hard climate, a destroyed credit, an obnoxious luxury, and extreme poverty, heavy taxes, and ambiguous laws, cannot but make any country miferable; add to this the yoke of arbitrary power, then it is the height of mifery. Such Sir is our fituation, But Chriftians ought always to behave with patience and peacefulness. For my part I am created to obey; my will is bound by the ties of that fociety in which I live, but in my thought I am and ever will be free. It is under the bleffing of this internal freedom I am in all tenderness of respect,


16 May, 1791.


Your moft obedient fervant, &c.


A letter from our zealous friend Mr. Rob. Jackson, dated Kington, 27th of January, 1791, gives an account of the flaves in these words:

"As to the flaves upon every enquiry, I find that they are as "quiet as ever they were, previous to the attempts made for "their emancipiation, and I am till convinced that any fudden "alteration, would prove more injurious than beneficial to them; "a member of the New Church knows that an immediate re

inoval of evil and fulfe is net poffible, that to attempt it would "be destructive of the individual. It holds good in every refpect as to nations and people; as far as lays in my power "with the bluffing of our Lord, I, will endeavour to introduce "among them the True Chriftian Religion."+

It may be expedient to obferve here, that the Emancipiation from Slavery is quite different from the Abolition of the Slave Trade, which may take place independent of the former, which requires a previous preparation with refpect to the improvement of the intellectual faculties of the negroes, before it can take place.

Mr. R. Jackfon went out from England in the Month of October last, with the firm and laudable Refolution to introduce the Do&rine of Truth among the Negroes in the West Indies,




ABOMINATION of Defolation, from the manufcripts of



Addrefs to the fincere followers of the New Doctrine, to make
known their fentiments without difguife, 110. To the
public, with the editors motives for discontinuing the work. 255
Affidavit before the lord mayor of London by R. Shearsmith,
the landlord to E. S. when he died

Africa. C. B. Wadftrom's letters relative to his voyage to

Africa in 1787, for the purpose of promoting a plan for a

new and independent fettlement on the western coafts of

that country. Letter I. W's embarkation at Havre for

the Coaft of Guinea; his motives and preparation for the

expedition; his previous travels, and by whom he was ac-

companied; an inftance of French liberality; the difficul

ties he encountered, 70. Letter II. A defcription of

Cape Mezurado, extracted from the Chevalier des Mar-

chais's voyage to the Coast of Guinea, 125. Letter III.

Recommendations for the promotion and establishment of

a fettlement on the Coaft, 157. Spices will thrive and

produce on the Coaft; a remarkable inftance of their fuc

cefs on the Ife of France, 158. A plan for a fettlement

at Cape Mezurado, ib. A chart of Africa and a map of

the Cape, 164. Mr. Gandy's obfervations on Africa, on

eftablishment there, and on Sierra Leona, together with

his remarks on the plan for colonization on the coaft, con-

tained in five letters addreffed to his friend C. B. Wadftrom

and Tho. Clarkson, 165, 167, 171, 173 Many particu-

lars relative to a church now establishing in Africa, collect-

ed from the works and manufcripts of E. S. 181 to 186.


A fac fimile sketch of Africa, and of the fituation of the
New Church there, copied from the manuferipts, 186.
Obfervations by J. F. Dahlman, on the Coaft of Africa,
from 16 to 30 deg. lat. fouth, between Cape Negro and
Cape Volta, 217. The advantage of fugar plantations on
the Coaft, fhewa by an example at Cochin China, 244.
Letter from Dr. Smeathman.
279, 294
Amendment in the other life, from the Manufcripts of E. S. 297
Anecdute hiftorical
Angels fong for the year 1790 Set to mufic by M. Barthele

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Annals of the New Church, 24. An account of the Exe-
getic and Philanthropic Society at Stockholm, 25. The
plan for the regulation of that fociety, 26. A further ac-
count of the Exegetic fociety, and of the reception of the
doctrine by the Swedish clergy, and of their perfecution,
63. The comparati e advantages of liberty in Great Bri-
tain with refpe&t to the advancement of the New Church,
ib. The increafing reception of the New Doctrine among
the young elergy in Sweden, alfo among the ftudents at
the college, 64 Concerning the focictics formed in dif
ferent parts of England; of the friends to the New Doc.
trine in America; of the works tranflated into German;
of a fociety at Avignon which renounces the doctrines of
the New Church, 174, 175. Of the reception of the
doctrines in France, alfo in Lisbɔn, 176. Of the state of
the New Church in Denmark, in, Poland, in Holland, in
Italy, in Venice, in the East Indies, in Sweden, 177, 178.
A petition in favour of the establishment of the New Church
prefented to the king of Sweden, by Mr. A. Nordenfkjold,
178. The speech of the duke of Sudermania upon his in-
troduction into the exgetic fociety at Stockholm, 179
the diffemination of the doctrines of the N. C in Wales,
communicated in a letter from Landilovawr, 248. Letters
concerning the rice trade in Africa. by Dr. Smeathman. 281
Appendix to the New-Jerufalem Magazine
Apocalypfe Revealed. Tranflation in the prefs


Apocalypfis Explicata. Remarks on that pofthumous work, by
Mr. A Nordenikjold; and the claffification of the writings

of E. S.

Arcana Cæleftia, 5 vols tranflated, in the prefs

Arrhenius, Swedish captain and chevalier.




212 to 215



Baptifm. Obfervations thereon, and of its form in the N. C 115
Barthelemon, Angels fong for the year 1790. Set to mufic,


46.-Song of the Lamb ditto 89.-The firft pfalm ditto
148.-2d ditto 188.-3d ditto 220-4th ditto 256.-
Two airs compofed for love and truth.

Behmen's writings

Benzelflierna, bishop in Swden

Berck, Councellor of the Chancery in Sweden




38, 39



Beyer, Dr. A remarkable ́ anecdote concerning Dr. B. and
E. S. 41. For the letters addreffed to him by E. S. fee
Letters. Dr. B's new Catechifm, 307. Particulars relative'
to Dr. B's wife in her dying hours

[blocks in formation]

38, 219




Carlefon, V. Councellor of the Chancery in Sweden

Brifol, News from

Browell, Captain


Cape Mezurado, Defcription of

Caftries, Marfhal de, minifter of war in France

Cere, Governor of the ifle of France

Charles XII.

Charles Prince of Heffe

Chriftian VI.

Catechifm, compofed by Dr. Beyer








Cinnamon Plantations, practicable on the Coast of Africa 157, 158

257, 263, 300.


258, 264

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Charity, concerning, from E. S. manufcripts, 195.-Debts
of, from ditto
Chaflanier, Benedict, his open avowal of his attachment to
the doctrines of the N. C. 112. His teftimony relative to
the laft words of E. S. 226. His proposal for a continu-
ation of the Magazine, including a dictionary of correfpon-
dencies, and important extracts from the Mannfcripts. 253, 274
Chauvell at Havre de Grace

Chief of the Prophets, fignification of, by E. S.
Clarkson, Tho.

Cloves, can grow in Africa




157, 158

279, 294


Collection of C. B. Wadftrom, of matters concerning Africa,

with two letters from Dr. Smeathman

Coming of the Lord

Conjugal Love is the fundamental bafis of all celestial loves
Confiftorium Ecclefiafticum. Hints for the formation of one
among the members of the New-Jerufalem Church, by
A. Nordenskjold
Confummation of the Age, &c.

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