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State of Public Affairs at the commencement of the Year-General Prosperity of the Country and improvement of the Revenue-Great increase of Railway Undertakings-Stability of Sir R. Peel's Government-Prospects of the Corn Law Question-Opening of Parliament by the Queen in person, on the 4th of February-Speech from the Throne The Address in the House of Lords is moved by the Marquis Camden, and seconded by Lord Glenlyon-Speeches of the Marquis of Normanby, the Earl of Hardwick, Lord Brougham, the Marquis of Lansdowne, and Lord Aberdeen—The Address is agreed to nem. con.-In the House of Commons it is moved by Mr. Charteris, and seconded by Mr. Thomas Baring, who refers in decided terms to the improved Prosperity of the Commercial Classes--Lord John Russell declares his intention to Vote for the Address, but animadverts with some censure upon several points referred to by the preceding Speakers, especially the Affair of Tahiti, and the Condition of Ireland-Mr. Gladstone enters into an Explanation of the Causes which had led to his withdrawal from the Cabinet-Sir R. Peel vindicates the Proceedings of Government in answer to the animadversions of Lord John Russell-Speeches of Sir C. Napier, Mr. Plumptre, Mr. Wyse, Mr. Bellew, Mr. Villiers, Mr. Sheil, Sir James Graham, Mr. Shaw, Lord Palmerston, Sir R. Inglis, Lord Howick, and other MembersThe Address is carried unanimously.


HE commencement of the year 1845 may be described as presenting, upon the whole, a more than usually tranquil and prosperous aspect of public affairs. Vol. LXXXVII.

The harvest of the preceding autumn had been a productive one, trade was brisk, the manufacturing classes well employed, and the abundance of capital was [B]

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