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Annexes to Treaty signed at Adis Abbaba on the 14th May, 1897, by His Majesty the Emperor Menelek, and by Mr. James Rennell Rodd.

Annex 1.

Mr. Rodd to the Emperor Menelek.

Your Majesty, Adis Abbaba, May 14, 1897. WITH reference to Article II of the Treaty which we are to sign to-day, I am instructed by my Government, in the event of a possible occupation by Ethiopia of territories inhabited by tribes who have formerly accepted and enjoyed British protection in the districts excluded from the limits of the British Protectorate on the Somali Coast, as recognized by your Majesty, to bring to your knowledge the desire of Her Majesty the Queen to receive from your Majesty an assurance that it will be your special care that these tribes receive equitable treatment, and are thus no losers by this transfer of suzerainty.

In expressing the hope that your Majesty will enable me to give this assurance, I have, &c.




The Emperor Menelek to Mr. Rodd.

The Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Menelek II, by the grace of God King of Kings of Ethiopia, to Mr. Rennell Rodd, Envoy of the Kingdom of England.

Peace be unto you.

YOUR letter, written in Genbot 1889, respecting the Somalis, has reached me. With regard to the question you have put to me, I give you the assurance that the Somalis who may by boundary arrangements become subjects of Ethiopia shall be well treated and have orderly government.

Written at Adis Abbaba, the 6th Genbot, 1889 (14th May, 1897).

(Seal of His Majesty the Emperor Menelek II.)

Annex 2.


The Emperor Menelek to Mr. Rodd.

From Menelek II, by the grace of God King of Kings of Ethiopia, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

May this reach James Rennell Rodd.

Peace be unto you.

WITH reference to the Treaty which we have written in

the Amharic and English languages at Adis Abbaba, as I have no interpreter with me who understands the English language well enough to compare the English and Amharic version, it by any possibility in the future there should ever be found any misunderstanding between the Amharic and English versions in any of the Articles of this Treaty, let this translation, which is written in the French language, and which I inclose in this letter, be the witness between us, and if you accept this proposal, send me word of your acceptance by letter.

Dated 7th Genbot, 1889 (14th May, 1897).

(Seal of His Majesty the Emperor Menelek II.).


Inclosure in above Letter.

SA Majesté Victoria, par la grâce de Dieu Reine de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande, Impératrice des Indes, et Sa Majesté Ménélek II, Roi des Rois d'Éthiopie, désireux de fortifier et de rendre plus efficace et avantageuse l'ancienne amitié qui existe entre les deux Royaumes:

Sa Majesté la Reine Victoria ayant nommé comme son Envoyé Extraordinaire et Représentant auprès de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Ménélek, James Rennell Rodd, Esquire, Compagnon de l'Honorable Ordre de Saint-Michel et Saint-George, dout les pleins pouvoirs ont été reconnus en bonne et due forme; et Sa Majesté l'Empereur Ménélek, agissant en son propre nom comme Roi des Rois d'Éthiopie;

Se sont accordés sur, et ont conclu, les Articles qui suivent, par lesquels ils s'engagent eux-mêmes, ainsi que leurs héritiers

et successeurs :


Les sujets et protégés de chacune des deux Parties Contractantes auront pleine liberté d'entrer, de sortir, et d'exercer leur commerce dans les territoires de l'autre, jouissant de la protection du Gouvernement sous la juridiction duquel ils se trouvent, mais il est défendu aux bandes armées d'une part ainsi que de l'autre de traverser les frontières du voisin sous un prétexte quelconque sans permission préalable des autorités compétentes.


Les frontières du Protectorat Britannique sur la Côte des Somalis, reconnues par Sa Majesté l'Empereur Ménélek, seront réglées ultérieurement par échange de notes entre James Rennell Rodd, Esquire, comme Représentant de Sa Majesté la Reine, et Ras Meconen, comme Représentant de Sa Majesté

l'Empereur Ménélek au Harrar. Ces notes seront annexées au présent Traité, dont elles formeront partie intégrale sitôt qu'elles ont été approuvées par les Hautes Parties Contractantes. En attendant, le statu quo sera maintenu.


Il est convenu que la route des caravanes entre Zeila et le Harrar par voie de Gildessa restera ouverte dans tout son parcours au commerce des deux nations.


Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Éthiopie de son côté accordera à la Grande-Bretagne et ses Colonies en ce qui concerne droits de douane et impôts intérieurs tous les avantages qu'il accordera aux sujets d'autres nations. De l'autre côté, tout matériel destiné exclusivement au service de l'État Éthiopien aura le droit de passer en Éthiopie par le port de Zeila en franchise de douane sur demande de Sa Majesté l'Empereur.


Le transit de tous les engins de guerre destinés à Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Éthiopie est autorisé à travers les territoires dépendant du Gouvernement de Sa Majesté Britannique sous les conditions prescrites par l'Acte Général de la Conférence de Bruxelles signé le 2 Juillet, 1890.


Sa Majesté Ménélek II, Roi des Rois d'Éthiopie, s'engage, vis-à-vis du Gouvernement Britannique, à empêcher de son mieux le passage à travers de son Empire des armes et munitions aux Mahdistes, qu'il déclare ennemis de son Empire.

Le présent Traité entrera en vigueur sitôt que la ratification de Sa Majesté Britannique sera notifiée à Sa Majesté l'Empereur d'Éthiopie, mais il est entendu que les prescriptions de l'Article VI seront mises en exécution à partir du jour de sa signature.

En foi de quoi Sa Majesté Ménélek II, Roi des Rois d'Éthiopie, en son propre nom, et Rennell Rodd, Esquire, pour Sa Majesté Victoria, Reine de la Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande, Impératrice des Indes, ont signé le présent Traité, fait en deux exemplaires, écrit en Anglais et en Amharique identiquement,

les deux textes étant considérés comme officiels, et y ont affixé leurs sceaux.

Fait à Adis Abbaba, le 14 Mai, 1897.

(Seal of His Majesty the Emperor Menelek II.)

Mr. Rodd to the Emperor Menelek.

Your Majesty, Adis Abbaba, May 14, 1897. I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Majesty's letter inclosing the French translation of the Treaty which we are to sign this day in English and Amharic, and I agree, on behalf of my Government, to the proposal of your Majesty, that, in case a divergency of opinion should arise hereafter as to the correct interpretation to be given either to the English or Amharic text, the French translation, which has been agreed to on both sides as adequate, should be accepted as furnishing a solution of the matter under dispute. In recording this assurance, I have, &c.



Annex 3.

Mr. Rodd to Ras Makunan.

Peace be unto you. Harrar, June 4, 1897 (28 Genbot, 1889). AFTER friendly discussion with your Excellency, I have understood that His Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia will recognize as frontier of the British Protectorate on the Somali Coast the line which, starting from the sea at the point fixed in the Agreement between Great Britain and France on the 9th February, 1888, opposite the wells of Hadou, follows the caravanroad, described in that Agreement, through Abbassouen till it reaches the hill of Somadou. From this point on the road the line is traced by the Saw mountains and the hill of Egu to Moga Medir; from Moga Medir it is traced by Eylinta Kaddo to Arran Arrhe, near the intersection of latitude 44° east of Greenwich with longitude 9° north. From this point a straight line is drawn to the intersection of 47° east of Greenwich with 8° north. From here the line will follow the frontier laid down in the Anglo-Italian Protocol of the 5th May, 1894 until it reaches the sea.

The tribes occupying either side of the line shall have the right to use the grazing-grounds on the other side, but during their migrations it is understood that they shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the territorial authority. Free access to the nearest wells is equally reserved to the tribes occupying either side of the line.

This understanding, in accordance with Article II of the Treaty signed on the 14th May, 1897 (7th Genbot, 1889), by His Majesty the Emperor Menelek and Mr. Rennell Rodd, at Adis Abbaba, must be approved by the two High Contracting Parties. I have, &c.



Ras Makunan to Mr. Rodd.

Sent from Ras Makunan, Governor of Harrar and its

May this reach the Honourable Mr. Rennell Rodd,
Envoy of the British Kingdom.

I INFORM you to-day that, after long friendly discussion, the boundary of the British Somali Protectorate, upon which we have agreed, is as follows:

Starting from the sea-shore opposite the wells of Hadou (as on which the French and the English Governments agreed in February 1888), it follows the caravan-road by Abbassouen till Mount Somadou; from Mount Somadou to Mount Saw; from Mount Saw to Mount Egu; from Mount Egu to Moga Medir; starting from Moga Medir, it goes in a direct line to Eylinta Kaddo and Arran Arrhe on 44° east of Greenwich and 9° north, and again in a direct line until 47° east and 8° north. After this the boundary follows the line on which the English and the Italians agreed on the 5th May, 1894, until the sea.

The subjects of both the Contracting Parties are at liberty to cross their frontiers and graze their cattle, but these people, in every place where they go, must obey the Governor of the country in which they are, and the wells which are in the neighbourhood shall remain open for the two parties.

These two letters on which we have agreed, according to Article II of the Treaty of His Majesty the Emperor of Ethiopia and Mr. Rennell Rodd of the 7th Genbot, 1889 (14th May, 1897), the two Sovereigns having seen them, if they approve them, shall be sealed again (ratified).

Written at Harrar, the 28th Genbot, 1889 (4th June, 1897),


Mr. Rodd to the Emperor Menelek II.

Cairo, August 30, 1897.

From Mr. Rennell Rodd, Special Envoy of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, to His Majesty Menelek II, by the grace of God

King of Kings of Ethiopia.

Peace be unto your Majesty.

I HAVE the honour to announce that the Queen, my gracious

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