III. The Christian Man of Letters: JAMES MONTGOMERY. "The love of Nature, and the power To read her glowing page; The pleasures of each passing hour, In youth, or riper age; The buoyant, bounding pulse of health; The strength for duty's task; Bright thoughts, and garnered mental wealth More than thy soul didst ask; These are the gifts of God-Rejoice! rejoice!" "The hope of better things to come, Of higher joys in store; The vision of a brighter home, Where change shall vex no more; All that the present brings to thee Can yield beyond the tomb; These are the gifts of God-Rejoice! rejoice!" "A soul redeemed demands a life of praise; Hence the complexion of his future days." Ir is recorded of Count Zinzendorf, that in his boyhood he would sometimes write a little note to his Saviour, telling Him how his heart felt toward Him, and would throw it out of the window in the hope that He might find it. And in his manhood, casting aside the boyish romance as to the channel of the fellowship, but realizing even more intensely the fellowship itself, he would often, in his missionary travels, be found diverging into some solitary path, that he might converse more unreservedly with Jesus, speaking to Him face to face, as if He were personally at his side. JAMES MONTGOMERY "learned Christ" in the same simple, heart-touching school. "Whatever we did," he writes, referring to his ten-years' residence at the Moravian Seminary of Fulnec, "was done for the sake of Jesus Christ, whom we were taught to re |