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our nurseries are, they cannot supply the demand. Their trade extends into every State and territory. New York city is one of the chief customers. Indeed the call comes from all quarters-the oldest no less than the newest sections of the Union requiring a supply greater than can be furnished."

Of the general correctness of this statement we are well aware from personal knowledge. The nurseries make very large shipments to San Francisco, and equally distant places. In each issue of the California Farmer some two columns are filled with advertisements of importations from these establishments, etc.


The Edinburgh Medical Journal says that Prof. Boedecker has analyzed the milk of a healthy cow, at various times of the day, with the view of determining the changes in the relative amount of its constituents. He found that the solids of the evening's milk (13 per cent) exceeded those of the morning's milk, (10 per cent,) while the water contained in the fluid was diminished from 89 per cent to 86 per cent. The fatty matters gradually increase as the day progresses. In the morning they amount to 2.17 per cent, at noon 2.63 per cent, and in the evening 5.42 per cent. This fact is important in a practical point of view-for while 16 ounces of morning's milk will yield nearly half an ounce of butter, about double this quantity can be obtained from the evening's milk. The casein is also increased in the evening's milk from 2.24 to 2.70 per cent, but the albumen is diminished from 0.44 per cent to 0.31 per cent. Sugar is least abundant at midnight (4.19 per cent) and most plenty at noon (4.72 per cent.) The percentage of the salts undergoes almost no change at any time of the day.


The Louisville Courier has procured from the assessors complete returns of the number of hogs in Kentucky for 1857. It will be seen that the assessment numbers more hogs in 1857 than at any period for the past three years. The total returns for 1857, 1856, and 1855, were as follows:


1857.............. 1,432,589 | 1856.............. 1,105,185 | 1855...... Excess of 1857 over 1855, 25,383; excess of 1857 over 1856, 318,404. Total packing 1855–6, was 2,489,502 ; total packing 1856–7, 1,818,468; excess packing 1855-6 over 1856-7, 671,034.


An authenticated statement of the production of wine in the kingdom of Wurtemburg during the year 1856 gives the following results :-The whole extent of vineyards at 84,700 acres, (the extent of the whole Zollverein is 321,414 acres,) and the whole produce of the kingdom at 97,835 eimers, or about 1,500,000 gallons. The yield was greater than that of 1855 by 10,844 eimers. The average price was 46 florins. The greater part of it was taken for home consumption; only 1,345 eimers were sold to foreign purchasers. The total net value was estimated at 3,684,398 florins, or 462,993 florins more than in 1851.



The Chief Agent (Mr. A. C. Buchanan) of the Emigration Department of Canada, stationed at Quebec, recently furnished to the government his report for 1857, from which we derive the following:

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The total for 1857 includes 44 children born on the passage. Distinguishing the nationality or origin of the immigrants during the season of 1857, the returns show as follows:

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From these figures it appears that the Irish, who formed only a few years ago nearly two-thirds of the whole of the immigrants arriving in Canada, were in 1857 inferior in numbers not only to the English, but also to the Scotch, the Germans, and the Norwegians. This is the more remarkable when it is remembered that the Irish papers, throughout the whole of the past summer, spoke of the exodus as being as great as in any previous year. The statistics of the mode of conveyance in 1857 are

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One important feature of the immigration of 1857 is, that out of the whole number of adult males, 12,443, rather more than one-half, or 6,279, were skilled laborers;" of "farmers and agricultural laborers," there were 3,518; of "mechanics and tradesmen," 2,185; and of "domestic servants," 134; aggregate of these four classes, 12,116.

Another feature is, that of the 30,257 steerage passengers who landed at Quebec, more than one-third, or 12.489, proceeded to the Western States, leaving the actual immigration to Canada 17,768, in addition to some 1,840 cabin passengers. The agent supposes, from information in his possession, that this loss is more than covered by arrivals through the United States, but he has no correct data on which to frame an estimate.

In regard to the health of the immigrants while at sea, the report states that there was very little sickness among those from the British Isles, and that the average mortality among them was "not more than one-third of one per cent, and chiefly confined to children. The foreign passengers suffered more; but

among them the average mortality, between embarkation in Europe and landing in Quebec, was less than one and three-eighths per cent, children included. The mortality at sea was confined to the sailing ships-not a single death was reported on board any of the steamers; while in the whole there does not appear to have been a single instance of brutality, and only one case of personal illtreatment. On unskilled labor, the Chief Agent remarks :

"Both the past season and that of 1856, have brought a class of immigrants to whom this colony offers but little encouragement. I allude to those having no particular business or calling, and who are unaccustomed to labor; to persons whose sedentary employment has affected their condition and strength, or who have been confined to a single branch of a manufacture until they are incapacitated from taking up other labor; but more particularly to those who have filled the more subordinate offices in government departments, or in bankers' or merchants' establishments, with a routine of duty and confined habits of living. No persons of these descriptions ought to be induced, under any circumstances, to emigrate to this country. In other respects the immigration of the present year is composed, in the main, of a highly respectable class of persons."


Statistics have recently been published in which the following are given as the various employments of the people, under classes :


1. Persons engaged in the general or local government of the country...

2. Persons engaged in the defense of the country..

8. Persons in the learned profession, (with their immediate subordinates,)

4 Persons engaged in literature, the fine arts, and the sciences

65,330 78,496

either filling offices, or in private practice......





5. Persons engaged in the domestic offices or duties of wives, mothers, mistresses of families, children, relatives....


6. Persons engaged in entertaining, clothing, and performing personal offices for man


7. Persons who buy or sell, keep, let, or lend money, houses, or goods of various kinds....


8. Persons engaged in the conveyance of men, animals, goods and messages........


9. Persons possessing or working the land, and engaged in growing grain, fruits, grasses, animals, and other products.


10. Persons engaged about animals....

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11. Persons engaged in art and animal productions, in which matters of various kinds are employed in combination....


12. Persons working or dealing in animal matters.


13. Persons working and dealing in matter derived from the vegetable kingdom......

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16. Persons of rank or property not returned under any office or occupation......


17. Persons supported by the community, and of no specified occupation. 18. Other persons, of no stated occupations or conditions.....



Total of persons, aged 20 and upwards, in England and Wales...



We learn from the Statistisch Yuarbaek voor het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, "Statistical Annual of the Kingdom of the Netherlands," that the increase of the population of Holland during the quinquennial period from 1850 to 1854, was 182,162, or an annual average of 36,432-equal to about one and a quarter per

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cent. This rate of increase will appear considerable, especially if we consider the density of population, which is 100 to the square kilometre in Holland, while in France it is 68; in the United Kingdom, 88; and is much lower in other countries of Europe, if we except Belgium, Saxony, Lucca, and Lombardy. It seems, however, that the increase diminishes as the density of proportion increases, according to the law of inverse proportion, which M. de Baumbauer elucidates in cap. 11 of comparative demography. Thus, the increase of population in Holland, which was 0.0253 (24 per cent.) in the period, 1815-1830, descended successively to 0.0236 in 1830-1840, 0.0188 in 1840-1850, and to 0.0121, (or 1 per cent,) in 1850-1854.


The Friend of India, by far the ablest of the papers in India, some months since had a very able and eloquent examination of the hitherto dominant races throughout the whole continent of Asia. It showed that all were sinking away from inherent and circumstantial reasons. Since then, the Bengal mutiny, which must end in giving British India completely into the hands of its conquerors, serves to confirm the following conclusions of the article referred to :

"All history shows that indigenous Asiatic races require the direction of a dominant class. Industrious, hardy, and with many of the qualities essential in the development of cultivation, they seem to lack social force. India was in the days of Aurungzebe what she was in the days of Ram. China is now what she was a thousand years ago. The Greek rayahs of Turkey are what the Greek peasant was in the days of Cantacuzene. Their numbers do not materially change. They do not advance, and need the directing force of a progressive race. It remains but to speculate on the races to whom this high function must be assigned. They must be Europeans, for Europeans alone have acquired the necessary superiority in arms. Of Europeans, the English and Russians alone display capacity for the permanent administration of subject peoples. It is to their hands that we believe Asia to be intrusted. The advance of Russia will be checked by no bumanity and few scruples. That of England may, but she obeys the irre sistible impulse the more thoroughly for her occasional recoil. Year by year, the two powers close in toward each other; and if the future may be predicted from the experience of the past. another century will see this quarter of the globe governed from London, Washington, and St. Petersburg.”




A writer in the Tribune has at length ascertained what becomes of the bones of beeves, hogs, calves, sheep, and lambs. We could have informed him "long time ago." A Mr. Groen, one of the many engaged in the business of calcining bones in New York. gives the following information, as to the use and value of bones. Mr. Jones' boiling calcining establishment is situated on the Jersey side of the Hudson, sixteen miles up, nearly opposite Yonkers. To collect the bones from the chi onniers he employs in this city eight men. eight horses, and four carts. A laborer invariab y goes with each driver. The largest collections are made in the Eleventh, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Twenty-first, Nineteenth, and Twentieth Wards. They commence their rounds as early as 7 A. M., and by

1 P. M. the collections are deposited in the vessel that is to convey them from the city. The law requires all the carts engaged in this business to be boxed or covered with canvas. The price paid for bones varies according to quality. Thigh bones of bullocks rank first, as they are the only bones in an ox that are fit for turner's use; they are mostly manufactured into handles for tooth brushes, the natural curve of the bone giving the desired shape to that indispensable article for the toilet. They are worth from ten to twelve cents each. The jaw bones rank next, and are worth $18 a thousand. The "short" bones, as they are termed, such as leave the family table, are worth from 40 to 50 cents a basket. To give some idea of the amount of money paid for bones, when we consider the number engaged in the business of bone-boiling, exclusive of the Barren Island business, we will state that Mr. G. pays for bones in this city alone an average of $100 a day. The fore leg and hoof are usually bought by manufacturers of glue, Peter Cooper being the heaviest purchaser of this description of offal; and when they are done with, they are sold to the bone-dealers at two cents a pound. The hoofs are disposed of at the rate of $40 a ton, and are afterward made into horn buttons and Prussian blue. Horse hoofs and sheep hoofs and horns are sold at $15 a ton.

On the arrival of the bones at the factory, the thigh and jaw bones are sawed so as to admit of the removal of the marrow. They are then thrown into a vast cauldron and boiled until all the marrow and fatty substances attached to them are thoroughly extracted. The fat is then skimmed off and placed in coolers, and the bones are deposited in heaps for assortment. The thigh bones are placed in one heap for the turners: the jaws and other bones suitable for buttons are placed in a second pile; the bones suitable for bone black" come No. 3, and the remainder are ground up for phosphates and manures.

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"Bone black" is used by sugar-refiners, and is worth from 2 to 3 cents a pound. To judge of the amount used in this city alone of this article, in the eleven immense sugar refineries in operation here, it is only necessary to state that "Stuart's" and the "Grocers' " refineries pay annually in the neighborhood of $40,000 a year each for "bone black."

Of classes Nos. 2 and 3 we were furnished with no reliable data. No. 2 is used in the manufacture of phosphates. No. 3 is made into manure, and is sold at prices ranging from 38 to 55 cents a bushel, according to quality, but generally averaging about 50 cents, delivered at the factory.

Of the amount of soap-fat produced from bone-boiling, we can only say that our informant showed by his books that the sale of soap-fat from his factory from June, 1856, to June, 1857, amounted to $19,000. Of this amount $14,000 was paid by one house, and we were assured that this was but a moiety of the amount the house annually purchased.



When, in 1847. a panic overtook the trading community of the city of London, England, a committee of bankers, headed by the present Lord Overstone-then plain Mr. Lloyd-waited upon the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and requested him to authorize the Bank of England to issue a few millions more bank-notessuch notes, as is known, being regarded by the British public as the absolute

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