XXXVI. Then shrieking, she arose, and shrieking fell, I have seen such—but must not call to mind. (1) XXXVII. Up Juan sprung to Haidée's bitter shriek, XXXVIII. -yes. And Haidée clung around him; "Juan, 'tis- (1) [MS." I have seen such but they o'erthrew my mind."] (2) [MS." A thousand sharper sabres wait the word."] XXXIX. High and inscrutable the old man stood, He look'd upon her, but gave no reply; 66 XL. 'Young man, your sword;" so Lambro once more said: Juan replied, "Not while this arm is free." The old man's cheek grew pale, but not with dread, And drawing from his belt a pistol, he Replied, "Your blood be then on your own head." Then look'd close at the flint, as if to see 'Twas fresh-for he had lately used the lockAnd next proceeded quietly to cock. XLI. It has a strange quick jar upon the ear, That cocking of a pistol, when you know If you have got a former friend for foe; XLII. Lambro presented, and one instant more Had stopp'd this Canto, and Don Juan's breath, When Haidée threw herself her boy before; Stern as her sire: "On me," she cried, "let death Descend-the fault is mine; this fatal shore He found-but sought not. I have pledged my I love him-I will die with him: I knew [faith; Your nature's firmness-know your daughter's too." XLIII. A minute past, and she had been all tears, (1) XLIV. He gazed on her, and she on him; 'twas strange In the large dark eye's mutual-darted flame; (1) [MS." But a few moments—she had been all tears."] XLV. I said they were alike, their features and Their stature, differing but in sex and years; Even to the delicacy of their hand (1) There was resemblance, such as true blood wears; And now to see them, thus divided, stand In fix'd ferocity, when joyous tears, And sweet sensations, should have welcomed both, Show what the passions are in their full growth. XLVI. The father paused a moment, then withdrew [ill; "Not I," he said, "have sought this stranger's Not I have made this desolation: few Would bear such outrage, and forbear to kill; XLVII. "Let him disarm; or, by my father's head, (1) [The reader will observe a curious mark of propinquity which the poet notices, with respect to the hands of the father and daughter. Lord Byron, we suspect, is indebted for the first hint of this to Ali Pacha, who, by the bye, is the original of Lambro; for, when his lordship was introduced, with his friend Hobhouse, to that agreeable-mannered tyrant, the vizier said that he knew he was the Megalos Anthropos (i. e. the Great Man), by the smallness of his ears and hands. - GALT.] "And if I did my duty as thou hast, This hour were thine, and thy young minion's last."] And rushing in disorderly, though led, And arm'd from boot to turban, one and all, Some twenty of his train came, rank on rank; He gave the word," Arrest or slay the Frank." XLVIII. Then, with a sudden movement, he withdrew His daughter; while compress'd within his clasp, 'Twixt her and Juan interposed the crew; In vain she struggled in her father's graspHis arms were like a serpent's coil: then flew (1) Upon their prey, as darts an angry asp, The file of pirates; save the foremost, who Had fallen, with his right shoulder half cut through. (2) XLIX. The second had his cheek laid open; but His own well in; so well, ere you could look, (1) [MS." He held her like a serpent's folds: then flew (2) [MS." Received a sabre cut, his turban through."] |