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public debt three hundred millions of dollars, with an annual decrease of the interest charge of twenty-two millions, and funded a large portion of the remainder at a lower rate, while at the same time it has reduced taxation to the amount of two hundred millions per annum; it has maintained peace with foreign Powers amid complications of the gravest character, and preserved the honor and dignity of the nation inviolate and inviolable; it has instituted an Indian policy, humane, Christian, and economical; it has checked Mormon insolence and aggression, and by a temperate and firm policy, placed it in process of ultimate and speedy extinction; it has instituted a practical reform in the civil service which is rapidly and surely eradicating the corruptions which have been the outgrowth of many years; and it has accomplished all these results in the face of a persecution and misrepresentation the most unjustifiable and malignant, with a steadiness of purpose and a self-sacrificing devotion to principle worthy the admiration and indorsement of the American people. 3and 4. Indorse U. S. Grant, and S. Colfax.

5. While we view with satisfaction the general prosperity of the country, we are pained and mortified to realize that the State of Delaware, under the rule of a party which has been and still is in antagonism with the great national movement of the last decade, has not relatively participated in the general improvement and progress; but on the contrary has suffered in every material interest, and in her character and reputation as a Commonwealth of free and enlightened people.

6. That having foisted upon the people an enormous debt, necessitating heavy taxation, the ruling party has shown its utter incompetency to devise a system of revenue that shall meet the financial exigencies without oppressing the people and crippling our productive energies, and that relief from ruinous and reckless expenditures and intolerable taxation, demands the removal of this party from power, and its substitution by one pledged to retrenchment and to a revision of one system of taxation, and its adjustment in accordance with the principle of justice and equality.

7. That in the persistentopposition of their Representatives in Congress, their press and their legislators, to all measures looking to the improvement of our school system, this Bourbon party has committed itself thoroughly against popular education, and a reform in this direction that shall place the blessings of good schools within the reach of rich and poor alike can only come through the success of the Republican party, and to this reform we pledge the Republicans of Delaware.

8. That a wise political economy, as well as common justice and humanity, demands that legislation shall protect as far as practicable the poor and unfortunate, and that our present statutes for the collection of debts, under which the last dollar's worth of property may be seized and sold and the helpless victims left to abject penury and want, are unwise and inhuman, and that such a law should be

enacted as will secure a liberal exemption of property from seizure and sale for debt.

9. That security to the public and honesty in officials demand that those intrusted with the people's money shall be required to render frequent, clean, and precise exhibits of all receipts and disbursements, to the end that those interested may ascertain at all times, and easily, what disposition is made of the funds committed to their custody; and that the determination manifested by our public servants to hide from the people the financial condition of our State and the counties, is a standing insult to their intelligence, and a sign of conscious incompetence or guilt on the part of those servants well calculated to arouse the fears and incite the vigilance of the people. 10. That the conferring of office upon men for mere party service who are devoid of integrity and capacity, as is constantly done in this State, is a recklessand dangerous perversion of the spirit of popular government, deserving the severest reprobation of every good citizen.

11. That as a practical people we believe that constitutions are made for man, and not man for constitutions and laws, and we owe no tribute of veneration to old institutions except in so far as the same may be adapted to present wants; and that we favor a policy adjusted in all things in harmony with the requirements of the times, and which tends to promote the moral and material advancement of the Commonwealth.

12. That we invite our fellow-citizens who favor an honest, progressive, and economical rule, to lay aside all mere partizan prejudices, and unite with us in rescuing our noble Commonwealth from the corrupt and incompetent hands into which she has fallen, and in placing her side by side with the first and foremost in the nation in character and prosperity, in civilization and patriotism.

13. That the principle of representation according to population lies at the basis of all popular Governments, and we recognize the inequality of representation in the representative branch of the Legislature of this State under the present system, and affirm our desire that this question shall be established on a fair and equal basis whenever in our power to do so.

14. That we affirm our continued devotion to the policy of "protection to American industry" as indispensable to the prosperity of the nation; that the whole history of the country demonstrates its benefits, and the ruinous effect of "free trade" upon all our national interests, and that the unexpected facility with which we have been enabled to surmount the enormous financial difficulties growing out of the war is largely due to the policy so wisely restored at the beginning of the struggle.


Republican, April 11, 1873.

1. Indorses President Grant's administration.

2. Urges the renomination of President Grant.

3. That the Congress of the United States be, and it is hereby, requested to enact such laws as may be necessary to secure to all the citizens of the United States, irrespective of color, every constitutional right.

4. Indorses acting Governor Day's administration.

5 and 6. Praise the Republican State executive committee and the Republican press.

Whereas the patriots of the island of Cuba have been struggling for a national existence for the last fouryears against a foreign and alien Power, and are attempting to establish for themselves a free government and to secure the blessings of free institutions for themselves and their posterity; and whereas the war waged by Spanish despotism against this feeble and struggling people has no parallel for its atrocity and inhumanity in the annals of modern warfare, and should in no manner be countenanced by civilized nations: Therefore, resolved,

7. That the Congress of the United States is hereby requested to adopt such legislation as may be necessary to enable the national Government to extend such aid to the patriots of Cuba as becomes a great and free Republic whose people so ardently sympathize with the struggles and hopes of the oppressed of all nations.

8. That our delegates to the national nominating convention be instructed to incorporate into the platform of the Republican party the sentiment as herein expressed.

9. That this Republican State convention of Florida demand as an act of justice that, with as little delay as possible, such appropriate laws shall be framed and adopted by Congress as shall forever secure and give to colored men in the United States the same rights and privileges, at all times and in all places, as are now possessed and enjoyed by their white brethren.

10. That our delegates to the national nominating convention be instructed to urge the adoption of this resolution by said convention.


Republican, May 8, 1873.

1. That the Republican party of Georgia, in convention assembled, hereby reiterates its former declarations in favor of liberty, union, and equal rights.

2. That a system of public schools, affording the means of education to all the children of the State, is demanded by justice, humanity, and sound policy.

3. That Congress having granted to this State the proceeds of a large quantity of the public lands as an endowment of a college or colleges for instruction in "such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes, M' the appropriation of that grant to the exclusive benefit of one portion of our people is at variance with the purposes of Congress, and we protest against the disposition which the Governor has made of that fund by

bestowing it upon an institution from which colored persons are excluded, unless the State shall promptly make an equal endowment for the benefit of the excluded class.

4. That all political disabilities imposed by the Constitution for participation in the rebellion should be removed; and that the equal rights guaranteed by the Constitution to all citizens alike should be enforced by appropriate legislation.

5. That we indorse the administration of President Grant, and the interests of the whole country will be promoted by his reelection. His vigorous efforts to protect the oppressed against disguised assassins; his reduction of the public debt, while at the same time lessening the taxes of the people; his wisdom, firmness, and statesmanship in the conduct of our foreign affairs; his recommendations of amnesty and civil service reform, and prompt execution of the power conferred by Congress to inaugurate this reform; his faithful collection of the revenues due the Government; his prompt prosecution of offenders who abuse official trusts; his watchful care over the interests of the whole people, and faithful and impartial administration of all the laws of the United States, entitle him to the gratitude and confidence of the people of this nation.

6. Favors renominationof President Grant.

Democratic, June 26, 1872.

1. That the Democratic party of Georgia stand upon the principles of the Democratic party of the Union, bringing into special prominence, as applicable to the present extraordinary condition of the country, the unchangeable doctrine that this is a union of States, and that the indestructibility of the States, of their rights, and of their equality with each other is an indispensable part of our political system.

2. That in the approaching election the Democratic party invites everybody to cooperate with them in a zealous determination to change the present usurping and corrupt Administration by placing in power men who are true to the principles of constitutional government and to a faithful and economical administration of public affairs.

3. Delegates to Baltimore convention uninstructed.


Republican, May 33, 18T3.

1. That the past acts of the Republican party are a better guarantee than the mere resolutions of the new party. The Republican party is the only one in the United States that while in power destroyed, or even tried to destroy, that infamous sum of all villainies, chattel slavery; the only party that questioned the dogma that "to the victors belong the spoils of the vanquished," and endeavored to introduce reforms in the civil service so that honesty, capacity, and faithful attention to official duties might be a better recommendation to office than partisan services, and whosft Pres

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ident has proclaimed this new rule of action to the nation. It is the only party that introduced the eight-hour labor system in the public service. It is the only party that has made treaties with other Governments fully protecting our naturalized citizens from foreign claims of allegiance. It has shown unusual energy in guarding our frontier settlers from Indian raids, and the Indians from the frauds and plunder of Government agents. Under its patriotic, resolute, and statesman-like administration, a deeply-plotted and long-matured rebellion, that was declared by the enemies of our country, domestic and foreign, as unconquerable, has been effectually suppressed, and peace and union, law and order, in a great measure restored, with a magnanimity unparalleled in the history of nations. No one, for rebellion, perjury, or treason in the late conflict, has been deprived of even the right of suffrage, and few of the right to hold office; and, with charity for all and malice toward none, universal amnesty will be proclaimed as soon as it can be done consistently with the public safety.

2. That the national tax and the national debt have been reduced, the public revenue been faithfully collected, and defaulting officers promptly removed and prosecuted for their defalcations. The credit of the nation was never in a better condition, and the people have been furnished with a good national currency, that will soon be made better, and equal to gold and silver; and, above all, the humblest citizens have been defended in their constitutional rights at home and abroad.

3. That the principles of the Declaration of Independence, and of the recent amendments to the Constitution of the United States to secure the enjoyment of natural and civil liberty, adopted by the influence of the Republican party, will not execute or enforce themselves, and no party that does not cor dially sympathize with those principles, or that is chiefly composed of men hostile to those principles and those amendments, is entitled to the confidence or support of patriots and freemen, or can be safely intrusted with the national Government.

4. That by the fundamental principles of the Republican party it is the right and duty of all its supporters to condemn every existing abuse in national, State, and municipal governments, and zealously advocate all needful reforms, as has been done with success from the time the party was first organized. No party that ever existed in the country can justly boast of so much independence of thought, speech, and action. It is this free dom that has drawn to it the enthusiastic support of so many intelligent, unbiased, and generous young men, and repelled so many sordid and disciplined office-hunters, who would make merchandise of their fellow-men by reducing them to political slavery.

5. That all sovereignty emanates from the people,a portion of which they have delegated to the United States Government for national purposes, and to guard the people against oppression in and out of the United States; a still

larger portion of which they have delegated to the State governments for local, domestic, and municipal purposes, and the residue of that sovereignty over natural rights and civil privileges they have expressly reserved for themselves, in bills of rights and restrictions against the encroachments of national, State, and municipal governments, and no sound Republican wishes to deprive the nation, the States or counties, cities, towns, villages, or individuals, of any of their legitimate constitutional rights; and all pretenses that the Republican party desires or intends to establish a consolidated government of unlimited powers are gratuitous slanders unworthy of the age.

6. That the Republican party is the party of progress and human rights and duties. We are for the equality of all before the law and the preservation of constitutional rights, and we disapprove of all unconstitutional legislation for the cure of any of the disorders of society, whether irreligious, intemperance, or any other evil. We oppose the surrender of individual freedom to those who ask that their prejudices, practices, or creed shall be the law of the land. We demand equal and just rights and duties for every human being, and the largest liberty consistent with the public good and the preservation of social order.

7. That the necessities of the Government require so large a tariff upon importation that the question of free trade is not one now before the American people. The only question left is how to so adjust the tariff that it will most promote the labor, industry, and general welfare of the country without being oppressive to any interests of society, and we know of no better way to disposeof this subject than that adopted by the Republican party in Congress, to learn wisdom by experience, reduce taxation as fast as possible, and remove unnecessary burdens upon the necessities of life.

8. That in adjusting the details of a system for raising a revenue to cover the necessary requirements of the Government, and meet its liabilities, care should be taken to so regulate the imports that they will press least upon the growing industries of the country, cheapen the necessaries of life, and afford to labor the fairest promise of permanent reward.

9. That we most heartily indorse the recommendations by President Grant of the adoption of proper measures by the national Government for the protection of immigrants, recognizing as we do in those natives of other countries who flock to our shores a most valuable addition to the population and wealth of our whole country.

10. That the gratitude of the nation is due to our soldiers and sailors, whose patriotism and valor saved the Union, and made our country in fact, as well as in word, a nation of freemen.

11. That the people of the United States owe U. S. Grant a great debt of gratitude for his patriotic devotion to the interests of the people in war and in peace; that we have unabated confidence in his integrity, patriotism, ability, prudence, and good judgment, and hereby instruct our delegates to the Philadelphia convention to vote for and use all honorable means to secure his nomination as the Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United States.

Democratic, June 36, 1873.

1. That the platform of principles adopted by the Cincinnati convention, and the interpretation of the same enunciated in the letter of Horace Greeley, accepting the nomination of that convention for the office of President of the United States, afford a common ground upon which the liberal men of all political parties can consistently unite in opposition to personal government and its attendant official corruption.

2. Instructs delegates to vote in accordance with above.

Liberal Republican, June S6, 1873.

1. That we cordially approve and reaffirm the principles contained in the Cincinnati platform, and that in the success of these principles, and particularly in the thorough reformation of the civil service and the discontinuance of political patronage, whereby the taxes collected from the whole people are employed to overrule the will of the majority, we see the only solution of free government.

2. That in the administration of our State affairs every effort should be made to lighten taxation by the strictest economy in the expenses of the Government; that in the construction of our public buildings and in the management of our public institutions all extravagance should be avoided; that the officers of the Government should be held to a strict accountability in the discharge of their duties, and that all unnecessary and cumbersome legislation should be avoided.

3. That we can never forget the sacrifices made by the soldiers and sailors whose bravery saved the nation, and we deem it our duty to secure to them the full reward of their patriotism. We therefore declare ourselves in favor of the equalization of their bounty, and in favor of the most liberal recognition of their services in the public employments of the country, having regard only to their fitness for such employment and not to the rank they had in the military service.

4. That the cause of equal rights cannot be considered permanently established so long as any organized opposition thereto exists; therefore we hail with unfeigned satisfaction the evidence presented to us of the cessation and disappearance of such opposition in all parts of our common country.

5. Upon this declaration of principles we take our stand before the people of this State as the party of liberal reforms, of reconciliations, of peace, inviting all persons without regard to previous political associations to cooperate with us in the endeavor to insure the success of these principles, which, while just and true in themselves, are broad enough to include all the political necessities of the hour and the aspirations of every patriotic citizen.

6. A resolution placing colored soldiers on the same footing as white soldiers was also adopted.


Republican, February 33, 1873. Resolved, That in the future, as in the past, we will adhere to the principles of the Declaration of Independence, and firmly sustain the Constitution of the United States as the true basis of popular freedom; and will maintain the equal rights of all men before the law, and the authority of the national Government against all false theories of State rights.

2. That we therefore approve of the acts of Congress and of the Administration, which put the rights of all citizens under the protection of the national authority when they aro assailed by hostile legislation or by the violence of armed associations, whether open or secret, and we demand the enforcement of the laws, that these rights may be securely and amply protected wherever and whenever in vaded.

3. That we congratulate the country on the complete restoration of the Union; and now, as heretofore, the Republican party remembers with gratitude our brave soldiers and seamen, who imperiled their lives in the service of the country, and to whom as men who saved the nation in the hour of her peril we owe the highest honor, and we declare that our obligations to them shall never be forgotten; and we demand that the bounties and pensions now, or which may be provided for these brave defenders of the nation, shall be paid without cost to the recipients, and that the widows and orphans of the gallant dead, the wards of the nation, shall receive the nation's protecting care, and while we cheerfully assume all these burdens we cannot forget, and the American people can never forget, that to the Democratic party, South and North, we owe all the calamities of the late slaveholders' rebellion, and the debt now resting upon the industry of our State and nation.

4. That we indorse the action of Congress and of the Administration in maintaining the traditionary policy of the nation, of living in friendly relations with other Governments, yet avoiding entangling alliances with them, as evidenced in checking hostile expeditions from our shores, refusing to interfere in domestic revolutions, even where our sympathies are strongly enlisted, and agreeing to the arbitration of disputed claims, while demanding admission of the wrong done.

5. That we approve the action of Congress and of the present Administration in all their efforts to reduce expenditures in the several departments, and in the reduction of the tariff and internal taxes as rapidly as the exigencies of the Government will admit, while continuing to maintain the public credit by the sure and gradual paymeut of the debt of the nation, and by discharging the obligations due her soldiers, sailors, and pensioners.

6. That we favor all efforts looking to the development of the great industrial interests of the State, and we request our Senators and Representatives in Congress to use their influence in any revision of the tariff to secure to the coal and iron interests of our State all the incidental protection consistent with a due regard to the principles of reducing the burden of taxation.



7. That the adherence of Congress and the Administration to the present financial policy, in spite of the hostility of political opponents, has been fully justified by the payments made on the public debt, and in the stability, security, and increased confidence it has given to all the business affairs of the country.

8. That the financial affairs of the Stateand nation should be conducted on the principles of economy, and to this end all useless offices should be abolished, fees and salaries limited to a fair compensation for the services rendered, and by prohibiting the allowance of all perquisites, and by avoiding all unnecessary appropriations and expenditures; and in this State we favor the abolition of the offices of agent of State and State printer.

9. That we are opposed to granting further donations of public lands to railroads or other corporations, and demand that the public domain be reserved for the use of actual settlers, the discharge of the obligations of the country to its brave defenders, and the purposes of general education.

10. That Congress ought to interfere for the protection of immigrants, to shield them from the unjust exactions levied upon them in the shape of capitation taxes, under the laws of New York and other sea-board States, thetrue policy of the country being to extend a cordial invitation to the citizens of other countries to cast their lot with us and share on terms of perfect equality the blessings which we enjoy.

11. That we approve the efforts being made for the vindication of honest government by the exposure, removal, and punishment of corrupt officials, whether of municipalities, State, or nation. We hail such exposures, undeterred by fears of party injury, as proof of the integrity of the party, and we spurn the attempts of the Opposition to turn these efforts of self-purification into proofs of party venality; and we demand of all public officers honesty, sobriety, and diligence in the discharge of their duties. And we announce our unrelenting hostility to all attempts by corporations, monopolies, or combinations to influence elections or the Legislature of the State by the use of corrupt means.

12. That as a general dissemination of knowledge and learning among the people is essential to the existence of a free republic, we hold the public free schools to be the safe guard of our liberties, and pledge ourselves to cherish and maintain them.

13. That we are in favor of such a revisionof our criminal code as will secure the more speedy and effectual administration of justice, and such wise and judicious legislation as will enforce individual responsibility for all nets affecting public interests.

14. That the efforts now being made by the workingmen of the nation to improve their own condition and more completely to vindicate their independence of class subordination meet our cordial approbation; and for proof that the Republican party is the true friend of the laborer, we point to the fact that while opposing all attempts to array capital and labor against each other, as mutually destructive, it has been by the efforts of this party that labor was emancipated from the ownership of capital, free homesteads provided for settlers on the public domain, the hours of labor reduced, and complete equality of rights established before the law; and therefore we invite workingmen to seek whatever further advantage or melioration they may desire within the embrace of the party of liberty and equality.

15. That the joint resolution passed by the last General Assembly, proposing to amend the constitution so as to prohibit the Legislature from ever assuming or paying the canal debt, which was charged exclusively upon the Wabash and Erie canal under the legislation of 1846 and 1847, commonly called the Butler bill, ought to be adopted by the next General Assembly, and submitted to the people, to the end that it may be ratified and become a part of the constitution.

16. That we indorse the administration of Governor Conrad Baker, and applaud the firm, able, and courteous manner in which he has discharged the duties of his high office, and we greatly regret that he has not had the cooperation of a Republican Legislature, to carry out the various measures proposed for the reformation of abuses, the protection of the people against fraudulent canal claims, and the further development of the immense resources of the State.

17. That our Senators and Republican members of Congress deserve the approbation of their constituents for the firm, able, and energetic manner in which they have discharged their duties.

18. That the administration of General Grant has been consistent with the principles of the Republican party, and eminently just, wise, and humane, and such as fulfills his pledges, and deserves our cordial support; and, therefore, we instruct our delegates to the national convention to vote for the renomination of Grant and Colfax as our candidates for President and Vice President.

Democratic, June 13, 1873.

1. Resolved by the Democracy of Indiana in convention assembled, That the principles of the Cincinnati "Liberal Reform" convention, taken in connection with the propositions contained in Horace Greeley's letter, accepting the nomination of that convention, constitute a platform on which all the elements of opposition to the present corrupt administration of the Federal Government can stand, and which propositions are as follows:

All the political rights and franchises which have been acquired through the late bloody

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