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DEVOTED CHIEFLY TO FINANCE AND CURRENCY, AND TO BANKING AND COMMERCIAL STATISTICS. "It is the interest of every country that the standard of its money, once settled, should be inviolably and immutably kept to perpetuity. For whenever that is altered, upon whatever pretence soever, the public will lose by it. Men in their bargains contract, not for denominations or sounds, but for the intrinsic value."-Locke on Money.

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No. 1.

the fluctuations which from time to time have

thing connected with the concerns of the company is disclosed without reserve. Embracing the substance of the evidence taken Decided differences of opinion prevailed before the secret committee of the house of amongst several of the witnesses who apcommons, digested and arranged under appeared before the committee, with respect to propriate heads. Together with a summary of the law applicable to the Bank of England, to private banks of issue, and joint stock banking companies. To which is added an appendix. By MICHAEL J. QUINN, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister at Law. London, Butterworth, 7 Fleet street; Murray, Albemarle street; Ridgway, Piccadilly and Richardson, Royal Exchange.






taken place in the currency. I found it necessary, therefore, to attempt to clear away the obscurities by which that subject has been heretofore surrounded; and I hope, that, with the assistance of the practical knowledge relating to it which abounds in the minutes of evidence, I have succeeded in simplifying a topic which theorists had previously made almost unintelligible. In order to prepare the reader for this discussion, I have touched on the nature of the foreign exchanges-a theme also hitherto fruitful of perplexity to all persons who have not an immediate interest in their variations, and a practical acquaintance with the causes that elevate or depress them in the course of trade. If the reader go with me through these explanations, I trust that he will then be enabled to

I have endeavoured in the following pages judge how far the management of the bank is to present, in the first place, a general view chargeable with producing contractions or of the origin, privileges, and functions of enlargements of the circulation to the prejuthe Bank of England, of the mode in which dice of the community, and whether any its business is conducted, and of the charac-system of banking can be devised by which ter which it has acquired amongst those such alternations can for the future be prepersons in London, who, from their own ex-vented.

weil as the extent to which the bank has profited by those serious and providential admonitions. The whole of the objections which have been made to its system of management, and the answer given to those objections on the part of the bank, are then exhibited, in order that the reader may decide for himself between conflicting opinions, arguments, and statements of fact, on which side the truth is probably to be found.

perience, are peculiarly competent to bear The lessons afforded to the country by the testimony to the true nature of its operations. catastrophe of 1825 are next alluded to, as I have then proceeded to treat of its branch banks recently established in different parts of the country, collecting from the evidence laid before the committee of the house of commons such information as might enable the public to judge of the value of those institutions. Considering the bank and its branches, then, in one point of view, I have traced out its actual condition as to capital, liabilities, and annual profits, from the accounts which were rendered to the committee. As no similar returns were ever before communicated by the bank, the real state of that corporation can now be examined, for the first time, upon the faith of documents of an authentic description, and in which every

As the enquiry now pending in parliament extends to private and joint-stock banks, the evidence with respect to those establishments is condensed in successive chapters; and they will, perhaps, be found, in connection with those which precede them, to disclose a more

before the committee.

complete view of the banking trade in this Names and designations of the witnesses who appeared country than it was possible for any one writer to collect, without access to the valuable evidence lately published by order of the house "of commons.

The improvements proposed by several witnesses with respect to the banking system are next drawn out from the mass of questions and answers, and I have presumed to conclude the first part of this work with such observations as occurred to me upon a careful and impartial consideration of the whole subject.*

References having been made, in many passages of the evidence, to the present state of the law upon several points connected with banking, I deemed it convenient to add, in a second part, a summary of all the more important statutes which relate either to the Bank of England, to private banks of issue, or Joint-stock Banking Companies.

In the appendix will be found an account of the principal foreign banks, and of those of Ireland and Scotland; and also a series of useful tables compiled, at my request, by Mr. HEPPEL, one of the most accurate accountants in the city of London. I wish I were at liberty to mention the names of two other gentlemen, of great commercial experience and high character, who have done me the favour to revise this volume in its progress through the press. If upon the subject of which it treats it have any pretension to authority, I owe it entirely to their suggestions, and to the kind vigilance with which they have preserved me from falling into material M. J. Q. 10, Gray's Inn Place, Jan. 28, 1833.


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Attwood, Thomas, Esq. banker at Birmingham.
Beckett, William, Esq. banker at Leeds.
Burgess, Henry, Esq. secretary to the committee of
country bankers.

Burt, James, Esq. one of the directors of the Joint-
stock Bank at Manchester.
Dyer, Joseph Chesborough, Esq. one of the directors
of the same establishment.


Easthope, John, Esq. stock-broker in the city of Lon-
Forster, Charles Smith, Esq. banker at Walsall.
Glyn, George Carr, Esq. banker in London.
Grote, George, Esq. banker in London.
Gurney, Samuel, Esq. bill-broker in London.
Harman, Jeremiah, Esq. director of the Bank of Eng-
Loyd, Samuel Jones, Esq. banker in London and in
land for many years previous to 1827.


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CHAPTER II.-Supreme management of the bank by the court of directors-Connection betweenthe bank and government-Practical management-The proprietors-Opinions of the London bankers and others as to the general management of the bank. CHAPTER III.-Origin of branch banks-Their supposed advantages-Places where established-General principles of management-Facilities afforded by them to country bankers, to trade, and to the crown for transmission of revenue-Expenses of the branches, and their losses by bad debts. CHAPTER IV.-Capital of the Bank of England-Dividends-Its liabilities and assets-Annual expenses and net profits.

CHAPTER V. The par of Exchange-Par between England and France-Signs of unfavourable and favourable exchanges-Effects upon the exchanges of foreign loans of the general state of trade, and of the operations of individuals, single or combined. CHAPTER VI.-Nature and amount of English currency-Its advantages-Fluctuations to which every species of currency is liable-Effect upon it of foreign exchanges-Peculiar fluctuations to which the currency of England is exposed. CHAPTER VII.-Issues of the bank during the restriction of cash payments-Consequences of those issues --Interference of the bank with the currency previously to the restriction-Influence of enlarged and

Contracted circulation of bank paper upon the gene-
ral interests of the country.
CHAPTER VIII.-Supposed prosperity of the country at
the commencement of the year 1825-Remote causes
of the panic-Failure of the house of Pole & Co.-
Conduct of the bank-Proposed restriction of cash
payments-Serious difficulties of the period--Dis.
credit of the country bankers-Fortunate effect of
an issue by the bank of one-pound notes-Salutary
consequences of the panic.

CHAPTER IX.-Principles upon which the circulation
of the bank is ordinarily administered-Cases of
exception-Criterion of a sound currency--Cause
of its derangement-Measures for equalising it-
System of the bank with reference to securities and

CHAPTER X.--Objections to the regulation of the bank
issues by the foreign exchanges-Necessity of pro-
viding for their capability of paying gold-Private
sale of exchequer bills--Objections to the manage-
ment of the bank in 1825--Statement of the go-
vernor as to the general conduct of the bank.
CHAPTER XI.-London bankers--Nature of their busi-
ness--Facilities afforded by them to trade--Number
of country bankers--Mr. Beckett's bank at Leeds--
Mode in which its business is conducted--Effect
upon it of the suppression of the one-pound notes--
Management of its circulation.
CHAPTER XII.--Mr. Smith Forster's bank at Walsall
--His mode of conducting business--His statement
of the effect of the political alarm in May 1832,
upon Bank of England paper at Walsall--His
opinion of the influence of the branch banks, with
reference to the private banks and the general trade
of that district--His argument in favour of country
bankers continuing to issue their own notes..
CHAPTER XIII.--Mr. Parry Wilkins's banks in South
Wales--His method of conducting business--Circu-
lation of his banks--Mode in which country banks
in general regulate their circulation--Consequences
thereof Influence of the branch bank of England in
South Wales.

CHAPTER XIV.-System of paper circulation in Lan-
cashire--Consequences of that system with refer.
ence to trade-Method of private banking at Man-
chester--Influence of the branch bank in that


CHAPTER XV.--Effect of the Bank of England circu-
lation at Birmingham upon the banking trade there
--General state of trade in that district--Mr. Att
wood's opinion as to the cause of its depression--
His views with reference to the currency of the

CHAPTER XVI.-Circulation of the country banks--
Mr. Burgess's opinion as to their utility-His answer
to the charge of their having issued to excess in
1825-Ordinary amount of their "rest"-Their
views with reference to one-pound notes.
CHAPTER XVII.-Joint-stock_Banks established in the
country-Mr. Stuckey's Joint-stock bank and its
branches in the counties of Gloucester and Somerset
-Management of their circulation-Importance to
country banks of the power to issue their own notes
-Influence of the branches of the Bank of Eng.
land in that district-Joint-stock Bank at Man-

CHAPTER XVIII.-Improvements suggested-Opinions
of Mr. Horsley Palmer with reference to the pro-
jects of making the Bank of England paper a legal
tender in the interior of the country-Of confining
the paper currency of the kingdom to notes of the
Bank of England-Of having only one issuing
company, and that directed exclusively by commer-

cial individuals-Of obtaining security for the con-
duct of the bank-Of publicity of accounts-And
of giving a legal control over the bank to his ma-
jesty's ministers.

CHAPTER XIX.-Opinions of Mr. Stuckey with refer-
ence to the preceding proposed alterations-Im-
provements as to country banks suggested by Mr.
Stuckey, Mr. Forster, and Mr. Wilkins.

CHAPTER XX.-Opinions of Mr. Norman as to the pro-
priety of making the notes of the bank a legal ten-
der in the country-As to the limitation of issues to
one bank in London-The publicity of the affairs of
the bank, and the expediency of security being given
for country bank issues.

CHAPTER XXI.--Opinions of Mr. Carr Glyn with rc-
ference to the expediency of making the Bank of
England paper a legal tender in the country-Of
having only one bank of issue in London--Of pub-
licity of the bank accounts--Of exacting security for
their issues from country bankers--And of altering
the time for the payment of dividends on a cer.
tain portion of the public stocks.

CHAPTER XXII.--Opinions of Mr. Loyd with reference
to the proposed limitations of the paper currency of
the kingdom to notes of the Bank of England--The
expediency of having only one bank of issue in Lon-
don-Of obtaining security for the conduct of the
bank-Of publicity of accounts--And of repealing
the usury laws.

CHAPTER XXIII.-Opinions of Mr. Gurney with re-
ference to the projects of making the Bank of Eng-
land paper a legal tender in the country-Of having
only one bank of issue in the metropolis-Of ob-
taining security for the conduct of the bank, and of
publicity of its accounts-His objections to the es-
tablishment of Joint-stock Banks, and branches of
the Bank of England.

CHAPTER XXIV.-Opinions of Mr. Tooke with refer-
ence to the projects of making the Bank of England
paper a legal tender in the country-Of having only
one bank of issue in the metropolis-Of obtaining
security for the conduct of the bank, and of pub.
licity of accounts-His views with respect to Joint-
stock Banks, Branch Banks, One-pound Notes,
the payment of the dividends, and a state paper cur-

CHAPTER XXV.-Opinions of Mr. Grote with reference
to the projects of making the Bank of England paper
a legal tender in the country, of having only one
bank of issue in London, and of publicity of ac-
counts-His views with respect to one-pound notes,
and a state paper currency.

CHAPTER XXVI.-Opinions of Messrs. Dyer, Burt, and
Smith, with reference to the exclusive privileges of
the Bank of England, and the project of making its
paper a legal tender in the country-Their views
with respect to improvements in the system of Joint-
stock Banking Companies.

CHAPTER XXVII.-Opinions of Mr. Burgess with re-
ference to the projects of making the Bank of Eng.
land a legal tender-Of confining the paper currency
of the kingdom to notes of that establishment-And
of publicity of accounts-His views with respect to
a demand of security from country bankers-His
objections to Branch Banks and to Joint-stock Bank-
ing Companies.

CHAPTER XXVIII.-Opinions of Mr. Easthope with
reference to the existence of one bank of issue in
London, and to publicity of accounts.

CHAPTER XXIX.-Observations on the improvements
suggested with reference to the trade of banking in

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making such demand may cause the same to be pro-

tested for non-payment by a notary public, under his

seal of office in the usual manner; and the comptroller,

on receiving and filing in his office such protest, shall

forthwith give notice in writing to the maker or makers

of such note to pay the same; and if he or they shall

omit to do so for ten days after such notice, the comp-

troller shall immediately thereupon, (unless he shall be

the payment of such note or notes,) give notice in the
satisfied that there is a good and legal defence against
state paper that all the circulating notes issued by such
person or association will be redeemed out of the trust
funds in his hands for that purpose; and it shall be
lawful for the comptroller to apply the said trust funds
belonging to the maker or makers of such protested
notes to the payment and redemption of such notes,
with costs of protest, and to adopt such measures for
the payment of all such circulating notes put in circu-
lation by the maker or makers of such protested notes,
pursuant to the provisions of this act, as will in his

§2. Whenever any person or association of persons, § 6. The bills or notes so to be countersigned, and

formed for the purpose of banking under the provi- the payment of which shall be so secured by the trans-

sions of this act, shall legally transfer to the comptrol-fer of public stocks, shall be stamped on their face,

ler any portion of the public debt now created or here-

after to be created by the United States or by this § 7. Instead of transferring public stocks as aforesaid

state, or such other states of the United States as shall to secure the whole amount of such bills or notes, it

be approved by the comptroller, such person or asso- shall be lawful for such person or association of per-

ciation of persons shall be entitled to receive from the sons, in case they shall so elect before receiving any

comptroller an equal amount of such circulating notes, of the said bills or notes, to secure the payment of one

of different denominations, registered and counter-half of the whole amount so to be issued, by trans-

signed as aforesaid; but such public debt shall in all ferring to the comptroller bonds and mortgages upon

cases be, or be made to be, equal to a stock of this real estate, bearing at least six per cent. interest of this

state, producing five per cent. per annum, and it shall state, payable annually or semi-annually; in which

not be lawful for the comptroller to take any stock at case all such bills or notes issued by the said person or

a rate above its par value.

association of persons, shall be stamped on their face,

"Secured by pledge of public stocks and real estate."

§3. Such person or association of persons are hereby

authorised, after having executed and signed such cir-

culating notes in the manner required by law, to make

them obligatory promissory notes payable on deinand,

at the place of business within this state, of such per-

son or association, to loan and circulate the same as

money, according to the ordinary course of banking

business as regulated by the laws and usages of this


§4. In case the maker or makers of any of such cir-

culating notes, countersigned and registered as afore-
said,shall at any time hereafter, on lawful demand during
the usual hours of business, between the hours of ten
and three o'clock, at the place where such note is pay-
able, fail or refuse to redeem such note in the lawful
money of the United States, the holder of such note

§8. Such mortgages shall be only upon improved,
productive,unincumbered lands within this state, worth,
independently of any buildings thereon, at least double
the amount for which they shall be so mortgaged; and
the comptroller shall prescribe such regulations for as-
certaining the title and the value of such lands as he
may deem necessary; and such mortgages shall be
payable within such time as the comptroller may direct.

9. The comptroller may, in his discretion, reas-
sign the said bonds and mortgages, or any of them, to
the person or association who transferred the same, on
receiving other approved bonds and mortgages of equal
amount; and when any sum of the principal of the
bonds and mortgages transferred to the comptroller
shall be paid to him, he shall notify the person or asso-

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