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admitted a possibility, for it is possible every mo-, ment: but the calculations upon appearances added so weightily, and multiplied so numerously, as to withdraw almost altogether the practical influence of such a recollection, and to present it rather in the form of a vagrant and transpiring thought, -replete, as to present application, with improbability and extravagance. Yet to realize this improbability, through a fierce and terrible diseaseis our allotted affliction.

By a contemplation from our present circumstances, the short space of time intervening between the day of marriage and the day of dissolution, is almost annihilated; and in contrasting the one with the other, our feelings find it no difficulty to move in painful alternation. The freshness of health, in which we beheld our dear Friend on the former day, is exchanged on the latter for the mortal languor and the cold perspirations of fatal disease;— to the vigour of youth, which enabled her on the one, to step along with firm self-possession, succeeds, on the other, the impotence of death;--and the amiable qualities by which unconsciously she made, on the first, a successful appeal to, the congratulations of surrounding friends, have, on the last, yielded their hold to the unsightliness of a body-which pain and sickness have wasted, and the spirit has abandoned as if it was worthless.

And to ourselves the change is striking and

important: Not to obtrude upon your notice any contrast of individual feeling, for my object is to urge concern for yourselves, and not for me, the effect of these events upon numbers is surely impressive. How many countenances, relaxed on the one day into smiles of congratulation and decorous cheerfulness, were contracted on the other day with expressions of grief, and suffused with tears ;—the bridal ornaments of a pleased and ready participation of joy, are hastily thrown aside, to make way for the black and melancholy funereal vestments which have mantled large families in mourning. On the one day you saw two Persons, whom you intimately knew and loved, united;-you observed with satisfaction the most favouring auspices gather round the happy Pair, and shed upon them the beaming promises of extended felicity;-with delight you beheld them surrounded by an interesting circle of pupils, committed to them to be educated to virtue, and activity, and eminence; and as you believed them married in the Lord,' and thought them, through the abundance of the grace of God, and the kind arrangements of his providence, endowed with the elements of unwearying and extensive usefulness,-you exulted as you calculated that your young relatives would not live either in vain or insecurely. On the other day, alas! the bond of earthly union is forcibly dissevered;-the utter vanity of earthly happiness is loudly proclaimed,-the

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domestic circle is broken up, and its members suddenly scattered by the spreading contagion of disease,-united usefulness on earth is as much at an end to the newly-married Pair as united happiness, --and all the fair prospects on which you, along with themselves, lately delighted to look, are as a dream when one awaketh'-the vision, with all its enchanting loveliness, has at once faded from our view, as if the pestilential breath of some noxious southern wind had passed over the beauties of an eastern garden, and withered, all at once, its verdure and its fruitfulness into a wreck of shrivelled ruins.

And now, to what purpose all these changes? Is it enough to look upon them as calamities, and to regret them as unavoidable ?-This would indicate either great feebleness of mind, or great insensibility of heart.-No.-God has interfered;-and every movement of God is dictated by wisdom, and directed by goodness. To ascertain the appeals of this interference of His authority, and its lessons of grace, is at once an interesting employ, and an imperative duty.

I am well aware these incidents will be contemplated among you, if contemplated at all, with widely differing sensations;-for while some of you know, by the evidences of a very privileged and happy experience, that you are followers of them who, through faith and patience, inherit the pro

mises,' others of you need no conviction but from the silent decision of your own consciences, that you have neither part nor lot, at present, among the

children of God and joint-heirs with Christ.'Perhaps this gives you now very little concern, for you feel, at present, no need of it:-but surely, in the rational exercise of your understandings, you will not be able to parry the vigorous reproaches of your own feelings, for becoming the dupes of a strange and desperate infatuation, if you do not deliberately ask yourselves, what you shall do in that day of heart-searching visitation, the day of death, when you shall be in circumstances similar, as to the most important features of them, to those through which our dear Friend has passed, with a tried, and solemn, and awful triumph. Should you turn away your eyes-and you can do so, from beholding facts which remind you of events, that, if they may be to come upon you directly, must be most unwelcome;--and should you succeed in banishing from your thoughts all the impressive appeals those facts have made, you may perhaps satisfy, or at least silence your suspicions, in the midst of delusions which you may assure yourselves are realities-but there is a moment coming when delusion shall be possible no longer,-when the storming 6 hail' of the Providence of Him-with whom are the issues of life' shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and His waters shall overflow the hiding


place;'-when, along with the awakening impression that you are in danger, shall come the tremendous recollections, armed on purpose to torment you-of calls that have been neglected,—of warnings despised,—of examples forgotten, of religion rejected, of the Holy Spirit resisted,-of a Saviour and a Heaven for ever lost.

It is hopeful and encouraging to reflect, that among you are some who are almost persuaded to be Christians,-to experiment for yourselves what has been strongly recommended to you, as essential both to true religion, and a happy security; and yet the arguments even of truth cannot have prevailed; it is no injury to you to say, that you are not decided; your will has hitherto remained proof against the powerful persuasives that true religion. presents :-yes, before you the world has set its fascinating charms,—and the flesh has preferred its aspiring and imperious claims, and Satan has prompted and inspired your reluctant and tremulous reasonings, and all these together have arrayed such a phalanx of opposition to the treaties, and even to the forces of the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation, as to have checked the progress of Divine Truth in its march to subdue your affections for your Redeemer, and up to this period of your life to have prevented its prevailing. But the contest is yet undetermined;-the forbearance of God leaves it hitherto not fatally resolved: pause

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