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and the second in common time of two crotchets. The subject of the former is remarkably pretty, and the latter, consisting of "summer heats," is arranged with considerable contrivance and judg


Messrs. Samuel Wesley, and Charles Frederic Horn, are preparing for the press a new edition of the first twelve Preludes and Fugues of Sebastian Rach. They are to be published by subscription; and the ingenious editors promise to

bring them out "in a manner superior both in point of perspicuity and exact ness, to any of the copies that have been procured from the continent." Among other advantages announced in the proposals, are those of the number of parts in which every fugue is composed, being pointed out to the young student, and the introduction of explanatory marks to show whether the subject is pursued directly, inversely, by diminution, or by augmentation.

Containing official Papers and authentic Documents.



N the 13th of Jan. at eight o'clock in the morning, the Ministers, the Privy Counsellors, and Senators, assembled, by command of his Majesty the Einperor, at the Palace. His Majesty addressed them from the throne, and after the meeting broke up, a new form of Ad. ministration was announced, of which the following are the most prominent features:

There is to be a Supreme Administrative Council, to consist of 32 Members, and four presidents. His Majesty the Emperor presides in person, when present at their meetings, and when absent, appoints a Com missioner, who is to be changed every year. The Commissioner for the present year is Count Romanzow. The whole of the Administrative Council, consisting of 36 persons, is divided into four section, viz.-1st. Of Legislation; 2nd. Of the Administration of Justice, in spiritual and temporal affairs; 3rd. Of Military Affairs, by sea and land; and 4th. Of Internal Economy, comprising the finances, commerce, manufactures, agriculture, medical superintendance, public instruction, &c. Each of these four sections has a distinct President, and there is to be one Imperial Secretary for the whole. The chief Director of the Chancery is to be Imperial Secretary. He is the bearer of all communications between the Monarch, the Supreme Council, the respective sections thereof, and the Colleges of Government. He also receives all petitions addressed to the Emperor. The existing Ministerial offices are to be retained, but to be subordinate to the Supreme Council.

The Presidents of the four sections are, Count Sawadowsky, Prince Lopuchin, Count Araktschejef, and M. Mordwinoff, formerly Minister of Marine. The Minister for the Home Department has requested permission to resign, and Baron Von Campenhice pa is appointed Imperial Treasurer in the place of M. Golubzoff.

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The Treaty of Peace between Sweden and

France, was signed on the 6th of January, by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Duke of Candore, and the Swedish Plenipotentiary, Count Essen, and Baron Lagerbeilke; it was immediately sent off by M. Von Krassow.

The conditions are as follow:-Pomerania is restored to Sweden; France guarantees the present possession of the Crown of Sweden. Sweden accedes to the Continental system, imported. The exportation of goods from yet with the exception of salt, which may be

Swedish harbours in Swedish bottoms is free: rania, but not yet paid, are remitted; the the contributions, imposed in Swedish Pomegrants made by the French Emperor in Swe dish Pomerania are to be confirmed, Spain, Holland, Naples, and the Confederacy of the Rhine, are included in this treaty of peace; the accession of King Charles XIII. to the all Swedish ships taken or sequestrated since Swedish throne, shall be restored with their cargoes (colonial produce excepted); the an. cient relations of commerce between the two kingdoms are to be restored, and the merchants shall be treated in both countries as the most favoured nations; the prisoners of war shall be returned in a mass, and the ratifications shall be exchanged within 50 days at latest.


the intelligence from the French Empire Little of importance has occurred in during the last month, which we shal! not have rather to state under the names of other countries. The new matrimonial views of Bonaparte appear to be directed to a sister of the Emperor of Russia, and it is said that other impor tant marriages will take place on the occasion. It is expected that Bonaparte will not set out for Spain till after the adjustment and celebration of the union.

The Moniteur, in some long and coarse remarks on the King's Speech, at the opening of the present Session of Parlia ment, makes the following statement on the result of our late expedition:

"The mischief done by the English in the Island

Jsland of Walcheren, is estimated at about 400,000 francs (about 16,7001. sterling); but they have repaired the fortifications of Flushing on the land side, and left them in the best condition. The expense thereby incurred, is estimated by our engineers at 600,000 francs (25,000/.). They have left behind, balls, bombs, and pieces of ordnance, and suffered a great number of their ships to be taken: several of them were laden with clothes; fifteen thousand coats were found in one of them. On calculating the value of these different articles, and taking every thing into account, it will be found that our losses are nearly balanced by our gains; at least, the former do not exceed the latter by 50,000 francs. The mines made to blow up the sluice of the large basin of Flushing were constructed with such ignorance or precipitancy, that they did not effect their purpose; they have not even damaged the groundbeams, which makes a difference of a million. Had they injured the ground beams, two years' labour, and an expense of two millions, would have been required to render it possible for ships to enter the basin, while now 300,000 francs and six months' time, will be sufficient to put the sluice into a serviceable condition. On hearing this Speech, should we not be induced to think that the arsenals and dock-yards of Flushing are the arsenals and dock-yards of Brest? The dock-yards, the arsenals, and port of the Scheldt, are at Antwerp, and not in Flushing; but one 64gun ship and a frigate were on the stocks in Flushing. The English have taken these two ships to pieces, but left us the timber, The expedition of the English has produced one favourable result: it has removed all doubt on the possibility of ships of the line, completely armed, sailing at the Schelat. We have now such an accurate knowledge of that river, that our squadron has arrived at Antwerp armed, and has come there to moorings perfectly safe. The basin of Antwerp will be finished in the course of this year; and thirty sail of the line can be a-flout there, perfectly sheltered from the ice. Our ships will, in future, set sail from Antwerp completely armed, and having their provisions, water, and artillery, on board.

Palace of Thuilleries, Jun. 20,1810.Napoleon, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protector of the Rhenish League, and Mediator of the Helvetic Confederation—Desiring to provide for the security of the northern frontiers of our Empire, and to place out of danger our dock-yards and arsenal at Antwerp, we have decreed as follows:-

Article 1st.-An army shall be formed, to be called the Army of Brabant.

2nd-All the country situated between the Meuse and Scheldt, and the Sea, shall compose the territory of the said army.

3rd-All the French and allied troops,

either naval or military, within this compass, shall form part of the army of Brabant.

4th. The fortresses situated between the Meuse and the Scheldt shall be placed in a state of siege.

5th. The military commanders, and French authorities in Holland, are required to conform to the present orders.

6th. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the present Decree. (Signed) NAPOLEON.


The conquest of Spain is now nearly completed. The French armies, by a series of rapid movements, have passed the Sierra Morena, taken Seville, advanced into Andalusia, and threaten Cadiz, the last refuge of the discomfited patriots.

The following Letter from the Duke of Dalmatia, to the Prince of Wagram and Neufchatel, contains some of the details.

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I have not yet received an official account of the artillery, ammunition, and magazines, which the enemy left us at Jaen. I have only learnt that there are 44 pieces of car.non, half battering, and the rest field artillery. There are also 6000 muskets, a great deal of ammunition, and considerable magazines. At Cordova we also found 6000 muskets, and a cannon foundery, from which the artillery will derive great advantage. The enemy evacuated Castille and Bocar, leaving behind four eight-pounders and a howitzer. He also abandoned six more in the mountains; so that, since the passage of the Sierra Morena, the Imperial army has taken eighty pieces of cannon. I shall have the honour of sending an account of all that has been taken, to your serene Highness, so soon as I receive it.

General Sebastiani was to march this day from Jaen on Grenada. I have received no intelligence from him these two days; but his preparatory moveinent must have been finished yesterday evening.

The division of General Latour Manbourg is this day at Leva; the infantry of the first corps of the army at Rambla and La Carlota. To-morrow, the whole of the first corps will be at the other side of the Leva, on the road to Seville. The fifth corps will unite at Ecija, where his Majesty intends to fix his head-quarters to morrow.

ville. Hopes are entertained that the inhaThe king is determined to march on Sebitanta will make no resistance, and that we shall reach it before Albuquerque's division, and the troops of the Duke del Parque, which we are informed have been ordered from Es. tremadura and the banks of the Tagus. Should we get there before them, it is probable that the fall of Seville will be followed by the surrender of Cadiz, where they cannot be yet in a state of defence, and that we shail thus obttin possession of the Spanish fleet!


The Junta has filed to the Isle of Leon, near Cadiz. It is supposed that inost of the members will embark for America.

Madrid, Feb. 1-The king left Cordova On the 28th, and intended to sleep that night at Ecija.

The Junta has quitted Seville. That city has sent deputies, and his Majesty will doubtless enter it before the end of the month.

Grenada has opened its gates. The enemy's armies are dispersing. Prisoners, cannon, and stores, are incessantly collecting.

The king is every where received as a beloved father, arriving in the midst of his children, after a long and painful absence. This is the infallible effect of the comparison which all the inhabitants make between the tyranny and violence of the Junta, and the beneficence of his Majesty, who brings peace and security to every family.

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The army enjoys abundance. the good reception it meets with from the inhabitants, by the most exact discipline and respect to persons and property.

The troops of his Majesty the Emperor and King have entered Cordova and Jaer. In every part of the army's line of march, the inhabitants testify the greatest satisfaction at being rescued from the tyranny of the Junta. All the citizens remain in the bosom of their families.

The insurgents seem to have had the intention of defending Jaen; where there were found 46 pieces of cannon, and a great quantity of military stores and provisions.

The total of prisoners exceeds 7000, among whom are a number of officers. There are between 3 and 4000 wandering in the mountains, and several of them are hourly brought in, exclusive of a great number who have thrown away their arms, and are returning to their homes, whence they had been carried by violence. Arrizaga, in his flight to the mountains of Grenada, was scarcely able to get 5000 cf the poor wretches to follow him. These happy results afford the consoling hope of seeing the war in Spain terminate speedily, and without bloodshed.

The king contines to enjoy the best state of health. The gratitude of the inhabitants, and the frank expressions of their joy, are, to his Majesty's heart, the most flattering reward of his clemency and paternal bounty.

A column of infantry and cavalry, which left Madrid'three days ago, under the orders of the Chief of Squadron Soubeyran, has fallen in with, and routed, a numerous coups of brigands, near Santa Cruz de la Sarza.

On the 29th, this officer came up with them, from 100 to 159, near the village of Prado. He instantly charged them, at the head of 25 chasseurs of the 26th regiment, killed 20 of them on the spot, and took 18 horses. The rest fled in the greatest disorder. (Signed)



The following return shows the effective strength of the army which embarked for ter

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The sum to be expended in the ensuing their loss. The names of the frigates deghave left each a widow and family to lament quarter is 2,693,6867. 19s. 1ķi.


Pomper, under Marie Galante,

SIR, Dec. 25, 1809. Being at anchor in Fort Royal Bay, Martinique, on the 16th instant, a man of war brig, far in the odling to leeward, appeared with a signal flying that she had been chased by the enemy's frigates; 1 immediately made the signal to the Perlin, then on her way to Guadaloupe, to speak the brig, and to proceed according to the intelligence she might obtain: the Alcmene was ordered to weigh and follow, and the Sceptre, Alfied, and Freija, which had that moment joined me, were not allowed to anchor, but to leave their flat boats, and proceed also. So soon as I heard from Captain Weatherall, of the Observateur, the brig which made the signal, that the enemy's frigates, four in number, had captured and burnt his Majesty's ship Junon (belonging to the Halifax squadron), about 150 miles to windward of Guadaloupe, and that the Observateur had escaped by superior sailing, I proceeded to sea with this ship and the Abercrombie, and arrived off the Saintes early in the morning of the 13th; and about nuon I was informed by Captain Elliott, of his Majesty's sloop Pultusk, that two of the enemy's frigates were at anchor about three leagues to the northward and westward of the town of Basseterre; I then directed Captain Fahie, of the Abercrombie, to remain and guard Point- Petre, and Captain Watson, of the Alfeed, to guard Bassaterre, and made all sail in this ship, with an intention of attacking the enemy; but on approaching nearer, I discovered the Sceptre, of the line; the Blonde, I beris, Freija, and Castor, frigates; and Cynet, Hazard, and Ringdove, sloops; and Elizabeth schooner, ready to commence the attack. I therefore did not interfere with the judicious arrangement of Captain Ballard, of the Sceptre, the senior captain, and had only an opportunity of wit. nessing the engagement. Baffling and light winds preventing the Pompee from getting within gun-shot until the action had ceased, and the two frigates and batteries which de. fended the anchorage, completely destroyed. The Blonde, Thetis, Cynet, Hazard, and Ringdove, bore the brunt of the action from their being a-head of the other ships, and by the animated fire kept up from them, one of the enemy's frigates was very soon disraasted, when the men began to desert their ships, and soon after set fire to them. Upon this, Captain Cameron, of the Hazard, with the boats of the squadron, gallantly landed and stormed the batteries, which were still annoying the ships both with cannon and musketry, and in the act of hauling down the enemy's colours, he fell by a swivel shot. In bim the service has lost a brave and distinguished officer, and who, with Lieutenant Jenkins, first of the Blonde, also killed,

troyed are, I understand, the Loire and Seine, pierced for 40 guns each, but had none mounted on their quarter-decks or forecastles; they were moored in a strong position in Anee Le Barque, with their broadsides towards the entrance, which was defended by a heavy battery, now demolished, and the magazine blown up. I am informed by the seven prisoners brought off from the shore, that these ships had not their full complement of seamer, but that they had 400 troops on board and 50 artillery-men, which all escaped, with the exception of the above seven, and 20 others, taken in a re-captured vessel; but all the warlike stores and provisions intended for the garrison of Guadaloupe, were blown up in the frigates. The Blonde's loss is rather severe, and so is, I have reason to believe, the enemy's, who had time to save nothing but their clothes. I had every reason to be highly pleased in witnessing the emulation and bra very displayed by the several ships, in closing with the enemy; and I request you to make the same known to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. I have not yet been

able to fall in with the other two frigates; but I am in great hopes of preventing their arrival at Guadaloupe.



A popular commotion, amounting in fact, to a total revolution, has taken place in one of the regencies of South America. The people, under the visionary apprehension that their Archbishop and Governor-general were disposed to transfer the sovereignty of the province of La Paz to a Princess of Brazil, assembled in a body, ordered the Governor and Archbishop to resign their functions, erected a bust of Ferdinand VII. called upon the Cabildo, or Town Council, to assist in forming a new government, and taking possession of the Casa Real, or royal treasury. These measures being executed, they assembled round the bust of Ferdinand VII. took an oath " to maintain the rights of their Sovereign, their religion, and their country.” After this solemn and voluntary act of geneine loyalty, they turned their attention to the formation of an army. Two squadrons of cavalry of 500 men each were instantly enrolled; the infantry were to be augmented to 10,000 men, and the heights of the city were to be fortified with 100 pieces of cannon. Not ten days after this patriotic government was established, caciques and deputies from the Indian chiefs arrived, offering 200,000 warriors to assist in defending the country. These events were happily achieved without any effusion of blood, as only one man was accidentally killed, and another wounded; a circumstance, when contrasted with the popular commotions in Europe, which reflects the highest honour on the character of the Spanish Americ.m.



Under the Care of the late Senior Physician of the Finsbury Dispensary, from the 20th of January, to the 20th of February, 1810.

HE last month has not been less pro- artificial excitement of various and high Fasts ought from time to time to be observed, if not from piety, at least from prudence; though not regarded as religious institutions, they ought to be kept with a kind of religious punctuality, as wholesome intervals of abstinence, which give the stomach an occasional holiday, and afford a temporary respite from the daily drudgery of digestion. We are not in general aware of the degree of intestinal labor, which is necessary to exonerate the body of the load which gluttony inposes. The inordinate devourer of foodcuts out more work for his internal machinery, than it can either with ease or impunity perform. It must at length fall a sacrifice to toils of supererogation.

Tigast month not precess it, a seasonex times.

in the production of disease. The scason has been found remarkably sickly by the medical faculty in gener,, in London at least, and in its more immediate vicinity.

Several cases of the Walcheren fever have lately been attended by the Reporter, each of which was a relapse of the inalady, after a distinct and considerable interval. This modification of morbid action seems to have shown a peculiar propensity to recur, after it had once been expelled, and apparently eradicated, from the system; and although it, for the most part, assume the intermittent type and character, it is far from being so obedient, as the ordinary intermittents of our domestic growth, to the influence of the appropriate remedies. Agues, which are the natives of this soil, are, perhaps, as much as any disorder whatever, under the controul and management of medicine. The Peruvian Bark, and where that fails, which is not often the case, arsenic, that most powerful and salutary drug, has an almost infallible power in subduing, and that in no dilatory manner, the operation of the intermittent fever to which we are exposed, more particularly in the marshy regions of our Island. But these medicines, though, in a longer or shorter time, they produce some impression, seem by no means so expeditious or certain in dispossessing the frame of the effects arising from the Walcheren contagion.

The Reporter has lately questioned several dyspeptic patients, with regard to the origin of their complaints, which, by their ingenuous confession, appeared to arise from an habitual excess in eating. Their dinners, were the source of their diseases. This species of indulgence, is, amongst the substantial classes of society, by no means an infrequent occasion of indisposition. The more indigent orders of the community fortunately cannot afford to ruin their constitution by the inordinate quantity and luxury of their ingesta. It is one of the unenviable privileges of the comparatively wealthy, to be able to gorman dise to their own destruction. The appetite may be, and often is, iucreased inuch beyond what is natural, by the

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Convulsive affections, or fits, as they are called, of different kinds and titles, although they all exhibit a certain community of symptoms, prevail more in the present age than in earlier and less effeminate periods of our history. There can be no doubt that we are more liable to tremors, twitches, and spasms, than our more robust ancestors. In consequence of the enervating influence of excessive civilization and refinement, we acquire an additional susceptibility to convulsive, more perhaps than to any other class of diseases. We become like Eolian harps, in being acted upon by the gentlest breeze that passes over us, only that in passing over us it does not awaken such agreeable and harmonious vibrations.

The distinction is not radical or essential between the various species belong ing to the genus of spasmodic affections. Hysteria, epilepsy, chorea, and apoplexy, are all members of the same family: for the most part they arise from similar causes, and often, in the progressive stages of life, attack, at different periods, the same individual. One mixed case, partly of the hysterical, and partly of the epileptic description, is at present under the Reporter's care. The repeated invasion of the paroxysms has made an evident inroad upon the mind. The intellectual faculties of the patient have unequivocally suffered from his corporeal disorder. This, in every nervous concussion, may almost invariably be observed. Of the Archbishop of Grenada's

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