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THE Botanical Magazine for the last month contains:

Crocus serotinus. An autumnal flowering species, approaching the sativus, or cultivated saffron, or perhaps still nearer to nudiflorus of English botany; with which last it seems to have been confounded by Dr. Smith. This plant was well known to the older botanists, but has not been noticed by any modern writer before Mr. Salisbury published an account of it in the Paradisus Londinensis; in whose garden at Mill-hill, formerly belonging to Peter Collinson, it has for many years maintained its ground under a south wall, and continues flowering in a mild season to December. Native of Portugal; and growing on rocks not

far from the sea-coast, where Clusius discovered it.

Found also by Pallas, in the Crimea. To this article Mr. Gawler has added a note on the Gladiolus imbricatus of Linnæus, which from well-preserved specimens in the Pallasian Herbarium, now in the possession of Mr. Lambert, he finds to be the same with G. segetum, of the Botanical Magazine. He remarks that this species, both in its globular seeds and fenestrate interstices between the claws of the petals, has a nearer affinity with Antholyza than with Gladiolus.

Aponogeton angustifolium, a species first distinguished from distachyon, in the Hortus Kewensis. It is a water plant, and a native of the Cape of Good Hope.

Lachenalia orchioides (x). This variety appears to be so different from the one before figured, that most botanists, we apprehend, would have considered them as distinct.

Aloe mitræeformis. This is one of the most beautiful of the aloe tribe.

Diosma speciosa. This species is very nearly allied to uniflora; indeed it appears from the synonimy to have been considered by the ablest botanists as the same, a specimen of it occurring in the Banksian Herbarium under the latter name. As cultivated in our gardens, they appear however to be distinct in their manner of growth, as well as number of flowers; or if varieties, the one named by Dr. Sims speciosa, is by far the handsomest and most worthy of cultivation.

Lomatia silaifolia Native of New Holland. This genus is made out of Dr. Smith's Embothrium, by Mr. Brown, from whose paper on the Proteace the name and characters are borrowed. Mr. Brown has the reputation, and we believe very deservedly, of being one of the ablest botanists of the present day. He is attached more to the system of Jussieu than of Linnæus, for which we would rather applaud than condemn him. The greater dif ficulties which impede the study of the natural affinities of plants, lead to a more philosophical enquiry into vegetable physiology, than the study of mere artificial arrangement can ever do. At the same time we would strenuously recommend to every student in botany, whether he means to devote himself to the study of the natural orders as displayed by Jussieu, or of the more artificial arrangement of Linneus, to make himself thoroughly master of the Phitosophia Botanica of the latter author. He will there learn to express himself with a mathe matical precision, which he will never acquire from the writings of Jussieu; who always seems to bewilder himself in exceptions to general rules, by which means nothing is accurately defined We are led to these reflections by considering Mr. Brown's specific character of Lomatia silaifolia, in which he says "racemis divisis simplicibusve," by which it appears that the racemes are either divided or simple, consequently this circumstance affords no character that can enter into a definition, and ought therefore to have been excluded. If the racemes are usually divided, though not in all instances, in default of a more precise character "sæpius disis," though an imperfect, would have been an admissible character; but to speak of them as indifferently divided, or simple, is to give no character at all.

We were rather struck with an observation of Dr. Sims's, that in these plants, meaning we suppose in the natural order of Proteaceæ, it might as well be said that the flowers have neither calyx nor corolla, but only stamens surrounding the pistil. Certainly in far the greater number of them the parts called by Linnæus corolla, by Jussieu calyx, have the appearance of variously expanded filaments, and as they bear the anthers in depressions of their substance, we do not see why they should not be considered as such. In some genera however, in this natural order, the anthers are supported on filaments which are inserted into the calyx or corolla, whichever it is to be called, and in one instance into the receptacle distinct from the corolla. The remark of Dr. Sims does not therefore appear to apply to the whole natural order, but may nevertheless be worthy of consideration.

Cynanchum discolor. A North American species, of late introduction, which, as Dr. Sims observes, is nearly allied to carolinense and suberosum, but, as he apprehends, is distinct from both. May it not, by the bye, be the Cynanchum birtum of Linnæus?

Dillwynia obovata. The papilionaceous decandrous plants of New Holland seem to be a very numerous family: many of them are very beautiful, and in this respect the present species will yield to few; its habit is so remarkable by the leaves growing in pairs alternately in an opposite direction, that we can but wonder the name of decussata was not applied to this plant. We do not recollect another instance of such a liabit in this natural order. English Botany for March contains:

Hieracium maculatum; formerly considered by Dr. Smith as a variety of Hieracium murorum, and more lately as one of H. sylvaticum. Brought from Westmoreland by Mr. Crowe to his garden in Norwich, from whence it has established itself in die neighbourhood, spreading extensively by seed."


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Hieracium denticulatum. In the Flora Britannica, Dr. Smith gave this as the H. prenanthoides of Villars, which he now discovers from Dauphiny specimens, that it is not. It is here observed that the difficulties relating to this genus are not yet all removed. We gratefully accept every illustration of it.

Carex davalliana. This too was considered by Dr. Smith, in his Flora Britannica, as a variety of C. divica; from which he now says it is abundantly distinguished by its tufted, not creeping, roo's, its rough stem, longer spikes, and long reflexed strongly-ribbed seed-covers, roughish only, not serrated, at the angles.

Carex clandestina. A very small species, which has not yet been observed any where but about St. Vincent's rock Bristol hot-wells, growing in very sunny spots.




Reviving nature seems again to breathe,

As loosened from the cold embrace of death.

THE present has been, upon the whole, a seasonable month. We have had frost, snow, rain, and some fine weather. The 1st, 2d, and 3d, were extremely heavy and uncomfortable days, the wind blowing from the south west, and bringing along with it a continued drizzling rain. On the 5th, the wind changed to the north-east; and about noon of the following day the weather cleared up for a few hours. The whole of the 13th was squally, with occasional gleams of sunshine: the wind, which was south-west, was piercingly cold. The 14th was a fine day; but in the night the wind became easterly: and on the 15th we had a heavy fall of snow, which melted almost as soon as it was upon the ground. The weather was very cold, but there was no frost until the ensuing night. The snow continued for three or four days; and particularly on the 17th, it was deeper than it is usually known to be in the immediate neighbourhood of the sea-coast. From the 18th almost to the end of the month, both the wind and weather were variable. The former on the 18th was westerly, on the 19th south-east, on the 20th and 21st easterly, on the 224 west, and on the 23d south-west. The frost continued till about the 24th.

February 6th. The common or green woodpecker (Ficus viridis) makes its harsh cry; and the woodlarks and blackbirds sing.

Coitsfoot (Tussilago farfara), Ïvy-leaved veronica (Veronica bederdfolia) and barren strawberry (Fragaria sterilis) are in flower.

February 8th. A great number of the seven-spotted lady-bugs (Coccinella septempunctata) were this day remarked to be crawling about the shrubs in warm and sheltered gardens, These insects, which constitute the famous German remedy for the tooth-ach, collect toge ther during the winter in numbers from ten or twelve to sometimes fifty or sixty; and thus, in nearly a torpid state, endure, without injury, the utmost severity of the cold. Their larvæ or grubs are extremely useful in destroying various kinds of aphides or plant lice, which, in the spring of the year, infest our vegetables; and they are themselves great favorites in every country where they are known. The different names by which they are called, are singular and unaccountable. Amongst the common people in several parts of Hampshire they have the denomination of God Almighty's cows; and in other parts of England of lady. bugs, lady-cows, and cow-ladies. In France they are called bête-à-dieu, vache-à-dieu, and bête-de la-vierge.

On February 13th, the peacock butterfly, and brimstone butterfly, (papilio Jo, and papilio Rhamni) were both observed in flight.

The simon which passed up the rivers in the autumn, in order to deposit their spawn, are now returning to the sea.

February 14th. The catkins of the hazel are putting forth their stamina. Tho yew-tree, and procumbent speedwell, (veronica agrestis) are in flower.

February 19th. Rooks, and several species of small birds, hegin to pair. The chaffinch sings.

February 24th. The leaves of the common elder, garden-rose, and lilac, begin to appear; and those of the cuckoo-pint (arum maculatum) and cleavers, or goose-grass (galium aparene) are now out of the ground,

During the warm weather towards the end of the month, several of the early spring insects were seen crawling and flying about.

A gentleman informed me, that he and one of his servants had been surprised at the appearance of a martin, which they observed in flight. This is earlier, by nearly two months, than the usual time of arrival of any of the species of hirundines.

February 27th. The partridges are beginning to pair. The king-doves coo; and domestic pigeons have young ones.

The gooseberry-trees are in flower; and the flower-buds of the Michaelmas peaches ass nearly ready to burst open.



THE cold easterly winds and sharp frosty nights that have prevailed during the greatest part of the month, have continued favourable in checking the over luxuriant state of the early sown young wheat crops, and kept back vegetation in general in a considerable degree.

The weather continuing mostly fair, the operations of this busy month have been carried on with great alertness; and a vast extent of team, as well as other labour, has been performed, which will probably make good the deficiencies of the last month, in these respects, The winter fodder of different kinds has held out better than was expected some time back, in consequence of the season being so remarkably open, both in the beginning and since. The grain stock, probably from the large importations from the continent, continues to hold out better than was supposed about the close of the barvest, and at more reasonable prices. In the corn market, the fluctuations in the prices have not, since our last, been much.-Wheat fetches from 68s. to 80s. per quarter; superfine 104s. to 108s. Rye, 40s. to 52s.; Barley, 30s. to 48s.; Oats, 22s. to 30s.

The fattening stock, both in the stalls and other modes, have been pushed on with talerable success, but still continue high in price. Sheep in many instances have not gone on to well as the meat cattle stock, mutton keeps of course high in price. In Smithfield market the prices were on the last market day.-Beef fetches from 4s. 8d. to 6s. per stone of 81b.; Mutton, 4s. 8d. to 6s.; Veal, 5s. to 7s.; Pork, 5s. to 73.

The ewe stock has in general lambed down pretty favourably from the season being mostly pretty mild and suitable for them; though late dropped lambs have in many places suffered considerably.

Hay keeps pretty well up to its price in the different markets, and fetches from 41. 10s. to bl. 10s.; Straw, 21, to 31. 3s.; Clover, 61. 10s. to 71. 10s.


Observations on the State of the Weather, from the 24th of February 1810 to the 24th of March 1810, inclusive, Four Miles N.N.W. of St. Paul's..



Highest, 29.7. Feb. 28. March 22. Wind W. Highest, 56°. March 9. Wind S. W.
Lowest, 28.55. March 6. Wind East.

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Lowest, 28°.

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N. E.

The thermometer, early in the morning of the 12th inst. stood at 50°. and on the next day at the same hour it was no higher than 389

THE quantity of rain fallen since our last Report, is equal to nearly two inches in depth. This all fell toward the beginning of the month: some slight showers occurred about the middle of it, but during the last twelve days it has been perfectly fair weather; and from the 17th to the 24th inclusive, the days were remarkably brilliant, scarcely a cloud intervening from morning to evening. The heaviest snow that we have experienced during the winter, fell on the 6th of March: the thermometer during the whole fall being several degrees above the freezing point, it could not lay long, and on the following day the rain was as abundant as the snow had been heavy. The wind has been variable, but during the last fortnight it has blown from the easterly points, and from those points we way expect it for some weeks to come. Vegetation fortunately, is not so forward as to be injured by the bleak breezes, nor by the frosts which have occurred, and which may still be expected. The average temperature for the month is 42-952: and the mean height of the barometer is 29-3.

ERRATA IN LAST MONTH'S NUMBER.-Page 108, col. 2, 1.5, for decided, read divided. -P. 115, col. 1. 1. 24, for statement, read document.-P. 134, col. 2, 1. 34, for Edinburgh, read edition of.


A communication having some time ago appeared in the Monthly Magazine of December 1, 1806, reflecting on the members of King's college, of Aberdeen, in regard to the management of their BURSARIES, the Editor feels it his duty to state, that he finds, on satisfactory infor mation, that it contained an unfounded calumny on that learned and respectable body. He thinks it therefore an act of justice to make this explanation.

PRICES OF STOCKS, from the 23d of FEBRUARY to the 24th of MARCH, both inclusive.

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N. B. In the 3 per Cent. Consols the highest and lowest Prices are given; in the other Stocks, the highest only.

WM. TURQUAND, Stock and Exchange Broker No. 9, St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill.




No. 198.]

MAY 1, 1810.

[5 of VOL. 29.

As long as thofe who write are ambitious of making Converts, and of giving their Opinions a Maximum of Influence and Celebrity, the most extensively circulated Mifcellany will repay with the greatest Effect the Curiosity of those who read either for Amufement or InaruЯion.—JOHNSON.


To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.



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AVING for many years contemplated the practicability of two, plans, fraught with public benefit and individual happiness, I can no longer refram, from submitting them to the readers of the Monthly Magazine, who include the ma jority of the public-spirited and intelligent subjects of this realm. 1 am sanguine enough to believe, that my plans will meet with general approbation; and though they may not be immediately adopted, a future age may refer to your valuable miscellany, as the instrument which propagated a knowledge of what may prove to posterity eminent blessings.

My FIRST PLAN is to build cheerful cottages, at requisite distances, by the sides of our public roads, as residences for the labourer, whose employment it should be to repair the road, for a space equidistant in both directions from his cottage.

Every benevolent person will view these smiling cottages in his mind's eye with rapture, and will wish he possessed a magical wand, by which he might, in an instant, bring ten thousand of them into existence; but as Commissioners of Roads, and Parliamentary Committees, are moved only by calculations of interest, I shall briefly enumerate a few advantages which cannot fail to attend them..

1. The roads would be kept in better repair, and at much less expence than at present; because the labourer would live close to his work, instead of spending half his time, and wasting half his strength, as is now the case, in walking several miles to his labour.

2. The cottages would afford an independent asyluin to a class of the labouring poor, who, with their families, are gene rally a burthen to the parish.

3. They would increase the general means of subsistence, if a rood of the waste ground on the road-side were annexed to each cottage, which the cottager MONTHLY MAG. No. 198.

should be expected to cultivate in the most productive way.

4. The numerous families of children thus healthily and independently reared, would add greatly to the effective popu lation of the country; and would afford means of recruiting our armies, far superior to our cripple-making manufactories.

5. They would add to the cheerfulness and security of a road; they might be made to indicate distances, and to supply directions to travellers; and they might be so constructed as to afford shelter in case of accident, sudden illness, or inclement weather.

The expence of each of such cottages in building and fitting-up, would be from 254. to 50l. according to the value of the materials which the neighbourhood afforded; and this, if desired, might be reimbursed to the commissioners, trustees, or farmers, of the roads, by paying the labourer 6d. or 1s. per week below the standard or ordinary price of labour. For such deduction, the cottager would receive ample compensation in the advantages of his cottage and plot of ground; but in acts of parliament for new roads, the building of such cottages might form a special provision.

As the labourers would be elected to the cottages, candidates bearing a known good character would of course be preferred. Married men would be likely to be chosen rather than single ones; and the regular appearance of these, with their families, at church on a Sunday, would be one pledge of their moral conduct. Habitual drunkenness, neglect of their cottages and plots of ground, or any gross depravities, should subject the cottager to the forfeiture of his cottage; while on the other hand, a regular conduct should entitle him, once in seven years, to the benefit of a collec tion at the church, to buy him a cow, to put his children apprentices, and afford him other comforts and benefits.

The SECOND PLAN to which I wish to call the attention of persons possessing

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