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By Robert Fellowes, A. M. 2 vols. 8vo.


Remarks on the Version of the New Testament, lately edited by the Unitarians with the title of An Improved Version upon the Basis of Archbishop Newcome's new Translation, with a corrected Text, and Notes critical and explanatory." By the Rev. Edward Nares. 8vo. 9s.

Elements of Religion, Natural and Revealed. 1s.

A Sermon preached before the Grateful Society, in All Saints' Church, Bristol. By the Rev. George Hunt. 1s. 6d.


An Historical, Topographical, and Statistical, Description of Chelsea and its Environs,

embellished with Views of Public Buildings, Tombs, Monuments, Statues, &c. and a whole sheet map of Chelsea, from an ancient survey. Interspersed with biographical Anecdotes of illustrious and eminent Persons, who have resided in Chelsea during the three preceding centuries. By T. Faulkner, of Chelsea. Royal 21s. demy 15s.

A Description of Britain, translated from Richard of Cirencester, with the original treatise "De Situ Britanniæ," and a Commentary on the Itinerary. 8vo. 185. large paper 11. 16s.


A Trip to Coatham, a Watering-place in the north Extremity of Yorkshire. By W, Hulton, F.A.S.S. 8vo. 9s.



R. Davy has laid before this learned

M society an account of some new

produced by the action of ammonia on
potassium, thus describes them: 1. It is
crystallized, and presents irregular fa-
cets, which in colour are not unlike the
protoxide of iron: it is opaque, when ex-
amined in large masses, but semitranspa
rent in their fins. 2. It is fusible at a
heat a little above that of boiling water,
and if heated much higher, emits globules
of gas.
3. It appears to be consider-

analytical researches on the nature of certain bodies, particularly alkalies, phosphorus, sulphur, carbonaceous mat. ter, and the acids hitherto undecompounded. In these experiments' he employed potassium, procured by electricity; but he soon substituted for at the metal obtained by the action of ig-ably heavier than water. 4. It is a nonmited iron upon potash, in the manner conductor of electricity. 5. When discovered by MM. Gay Lussac and melted in oxygen gas, it burns with great Thenard, because it gave the same re- vividness, emitting bright sparks. Oxysuits, and could be obtained of an uni- gen is absorbed, nitrogen is emitted, and form quality, and in infinitely larger quan- potash is formed. 6. When brought in tities, and with much less labour and ex- contact with water, it acts upon it with pense. When ammonia is brought in much energy, produces heat, and often contact with about twice its weight of inflammation, and evolves ammonia. potassium, at common temperatures, the When thrown upon water, it disappears metal loses its lustre, and becomes white; with a hissing noise, and globules from it there is also a slight diminution in the often move in a state of ignition upon the volume of gas. The white crust proves surface of the water. It rapidly etterto be potash, and the ammonia is found vesces, and dcliquesces in air; but can be to contain a small quantity of hydrogen, preserved under naphtha, in which it Ou heating the potassium in the gas, by seems partially to dissolve. When means of a spirit-lamp applied to the plunged under water, it disappears inbottom of the retort, the colour of the stantly with effervescence; and the noncrust is seen to change, through various absorbable elastic fluid liberated, is found shades, into a dark olive. The crust and to be hydrogen gas. From accurate exmetal fuse together, and the brilliant periment, Mr. Davy has no doubt, - that surface of the potassium appears. In the weight of the olive-coloured subthis state, as the potassium cools, it is stance, and of the hydrogen disengaged, again covered with the white crust; and precisely equals the weight of the potasin the operations a gas is evolved, which sium and ammonia consumed. gives the same diminution by detonation with oxygen, as hydrogen, and the ammonia disappears. Mr. Davy, having examined the properties of the substance

As an inflammable gas alone, having the obvious properties of hydrogen, is given off during the action of potassium upon ammonia; and as nothing but gases apparently

apparently the same as hydrogen and nitrogen, nearly in the proportions in which they exist in volatile alkali, are evolved during the exposure of the compound to heat; and, as the residual substance produces ammonia, with a little hydrogen, by the action of water, it occurred to Mr. D. that it ought, according to the antiphlogistic theory, to be a compound of potassium, a little oxygen, and nitrogen, or a combination of a suboxyde of potassium and nitrogen; for the hydrogen disengaged, nearly equalled the whole quantity contained in the ammonia employed: and it was easy to explain the fact of the reproduction of the ammonia by water, on the supposition, that by combination with one portion of the oxygen of the water, the oxyde of potassiuin became potash; and by combination with another portion and its hydrogen, the nitrogen was converted into volatile alkali. To ascertain this, he made several experiments on various residuuins, procured from the action of equal quantities of potassium on dry ammonia, each portion of metal equalling six grains; and in the trial which he regarded as most accurate, two cubical inches and a half of oxygen were absorbed, and only a cubical inch and onetenth of nitrogen evolved. The solid substance produced, was pure potash. The quantity of nitrogen existing in the aminoma, which this residuum would have produced by the action of water, supposing it had been decomposed by electricity, would have equalled at least two cubical inches and a quarter. "On what," says Mr. D. "could this loss of nitrogen depend? had it entered into any unknown form with oxygen, or did it not really exist in the residuum in the same quantity as in the ammonia produced from it?"

He made an experiment, by heating the entire fusible substance, from six grains of potassium which had absorbed twelve cubical inches of ammonia, in an iron tube. The heat was gradually raised to whiteness, and the gas collected in two portions. The whole quantity generated, making the usual corrections for temperature and pressure, would have been, at the mean degree of the barometer and thermometer, 144 cubical inches. Of these, nearly a cubical inch was ammonia; and the remainder a gas, of which the portion destructible by detonation with oxygen, was to the indestructible portion as 27 to 1. The

lower part of the tube, where the heat had been intense, was found surrounded with potash in a vitreous form; the upper part contained a considerable quantity of potassium. In a similar experi ment, the same elastic products were evolved. The tube was suffered to cool; the stop-cock being open in contact with mercury, it was first filled with mercury, and then the mercury displaced by water, when two cubical inches and three quarters of hydrogen gas were generated; which proved, that at least two grains and a half of potassium had been revived.

"If," says the professor, a calculation be made upon the products in these operations, considering them as nitrogen and hydrogen, and taking the common standard temperature and pressure, it will be found, that by the decomposition of 11 cubical inches of ammonia, equal to 2.05 grains, there is generated 3.6 cubical inches of nitrogen, equal to 1:06 grains, and 9.9 cubical inches of hydrogen, which, added to that disengaged in the first operation, are equal to 382 grains; and the oxygen, added to the potassium, would be of a grain or -6; and the whole amount is 2·04 grains; and 2•J5—2′04 01. But the same quantity of ammonia, decomposed by electricity, would have given 5 5 cubical inches of nitrogen, equal to 1.6 grains, and only 14 cubical inches of hydrogen, equal to 33: and allowing the separation of oxygen in this process in water, it cannot be estimated at more than 11 or 12. So that if the analysis of ammonia by electricity approaches to accuracy, there is a considerable loss of nitrogen, and a production of oxygen and inflam mable gas; and in the action of water upon the residuum, there is an apparent generation of nitrogen.

"How can these extraordinary results be explained?-The decomposition and composition of nitrogen seem proved, allowing the correctness of the data; and one of its elements appears to be oxygen; but what is its other elementary matter?-Is the gas that appears to possess the properties of hydroge», a new species of inflammable aeriform sub. stance?-Or has nitrogen a metallic basis, which alloys with the iron or platina?

Or is water alike the ponderable matte of nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen?—Or is nitrogen a compound of hydrogen, with a larger proportion of oxygen than exists in water?""

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Mr. Davy means to apply himself to the solution of these important questions; but as the enquiry now stands, he thinks it evident that he is correct with respect to the composition and decomposition of ammonia; and that MM. Gay Lussac's and Thenard's idea of the decomposition of the potassium, and their theory of its being compounded of hydrogen and potash, are unfounded: for a considerable part of the potassium is recovered unaltered; and in the entire decomposition of the fusible substance, there is only a small excess of hydrogen above that existing in the ammonia acted


The phenomena of the process prove the same thing. After the first slight effervescence, owing to the water ab. sorbed by the potash, formed upon the potassium during its exposure to the air, the operation proceeds with the greatest tranquillity. No elastic fluid is given off from the potassium. The crystallized substance formed in the first part of the process, may be considered as a combination of ammonium and potassium; for it emits a smell of ammonia when exposed to air; and is lighter than potas. sium. Mr. D. first thought, that a solid compound of hydrogen and potassium might be generated in the first part of the operation; but his experiments do not favour the opinion. Potassium is very soluble in hydrogen; but, under common circumstances, hydrogen does not scem absorbable by potassium.

In the examination of sulphur, Mr. Davy made use of that which had been recently sublimed, and the power applied to it was that of a battery of 500 double plates of six inches highly charged. The action was most intense, the heat strong, and the light extremely brilliant: the sul phur soon entered into ebullition, elastic matter was formed in great quantities, and the sulphur, from being of a pure yellow, became of a deep red brown tint. The gas proved to be sulphuretted hydrogen. In other experiments, upon the union of sulphur and potassium, it was proved, that these bodies act upon each other with great energy; and that sulphuretted hydroden is evolved in the process, with intense light and heat. In heating potassium in contact with com pound inflammable substances, as rosin, wax, camphor, and the fixed oils, it was found that a violent inflammation was occasioned; that hydrocarbonate was evolved; and that when the compound

was not in great excess, a substance was formed, spontaneously inflammable at comnion temperatures, the combustible materials of which were charcoal and potassium. Here was a strong analogy between the action of these bodies and sulphur on potassium. Their physical properties likewise resemble those of sulphur; for they agree in being non-conductors, whether fluid or solid; in being transparent when fluid, and semi transparent when solid, and highly refractive. Their affections by electricity are likewise similar to those of sulphur; for the oily bodies give out hydrocarbonate by the agency of the voltaic spark, and become brown, as if from the deposition of But the resinous carbonaceous matter. and oily substances are compounds of a small quantity of hydrogen and oxygen with a large quantity of a carbonaceous basis.

The existence of hydrogen in sulphur, is fully proved; and the substance which can be produced from it in such quantities, cannot be considered as an accidental ingredient.

The reddening of the litmus paper by sulphur that has been acted on by voltaic electricity, might be ascribed to its containing some of the sulphuretted hydrogen formed in the process; but even the production of this gas is an evidence of the existence of oxygen in sulphur. Mr. D. heated four grains of potassium, in a retort of the capacity of twenty cubical inches; it had been filled with sulphuretted hydrogen, dried by means of muriate of lime: as soon as the potas sium fused, white fumes were copiously emitted, and the potassium took fire, and burnt with a most brilliant flame. A small quantity of the residual gas only was absorbed. The non-absorbable gas was hydrogen, holding a minute quantity of sulphur in solution. A yellow subli mate lined the upper part of the retort, which proved to be sulphur. The solid matter formed was red at the surface, like sulphuret of potash; but in the interior it was dark grey, like sulphuret of potassium. The piece of the retort containing it, was introduced into a jar inverted over mercury, and acted upon by a small quantity of dense muriatie acid, diluted with an equal weight of


when there were disengag ed two cubical inches and a quarter of gas, which was sulphuretted hydrogen.

This, and other experiments, concur in proving the existence of a principle in sulphuretted

sulphuretted hydrogen, capable of de-
stroying partially the inflammability of
potassium, and of producing upon it all
the effects of oxygen. Sulphuretted hy
drogen may be formed, by heating sul-
phur strongly in hydrogen gas. Now if
we suppose sulphuretted hydrogen to be
formed by sulphur dissolved in its unal,
tered state in hydrogen, and allow the
existence of oxygen in this gas, its exist
ence must likewise be allowed in sul-
phur; for we have no right to assume that
sulphur in sulphuretted hydrogen, is
combined with more oxygen than in its
common form: it is well known, that
when electrical sparks are passed through
sulphuretted hydrogen, a considerable
portion of sulphur is separated, without
any alteration in the volume of gas.
Hence the intense ignition produced by
the action of sulphur on potassium and
sodium, must not be ascribed merely to
the affinity of the metals of the alkalies
for its basis, but may be attributed like
wise to the agency of the oxygen that it
contains. The minute examination of
the circumstances of the action of po-
tassium and sulphur, confirms these
opinions. When two grains of potas-
siurn, and one of sulphur, were gently
heated in a green-glass tube filled with
hydrogen, there was a most intense igni-
tion produced by the action of the two
bodies, and one-eighth of a cubical inch
of gas was disengaged, which was sul-
phuretted hydrogen. Now sulphuret of
potash produces sulphuretted hydrogen,
by the action of an acid; and if the sul
phur had not contained oxygen, the hy
drogen evolved by the action of the
potassium ought to have equalled at
least two cubical inches, and the whole
quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen ought
to have more: and that so much less sul-
phuretted hydrogen was evolved, can
only be ascribed to the larger quantity of

oxygen furnished to the potassium by the larger quantity of the sulphur.

"From the general tenour of these various facts," says Mr. D., “ it will not, I trust, be unreasonable to assume, that sulphur, in its common state, is a com pound of small quantities of oxygen and hydrogen, with a large quantity of a basis that produces the acids of sulphur, in combustion; and which, on account of its strong attractions for other bodies, it will probably be very difficult to obtain in its pure form."

In inetallic combinations, it probably retains its oxygen and part of its hydro. gen. Metallic sulphurets can only be partially decomposed by heat; and the small quantity of sulphur evolved from them in this case, exists in its common state, and acts upon potassium, and is affected by electricity in the same man. ner as native sulphur.

Mr. William Sewel, of the Veterinary College, discovered, some years since, a canal in the medulla spinalis of the horse, bullock, sheep, hog, and dog. Upon tracing the sixth ventricle of the brain, which corresponds to the fourth in the human subject, to its apparent termination, he perceived the appearance of a canal, continuing by a direct course into the centre of the spinal marrow. Upon close examination, he finds its diameter large enough to admit a large-sized pin; from which, by incision, a small quantity of colourless fluid issues, like that contained in the ventricies of the brain. The canal is lined by a membrane, resembling the tunica arachnoidea, and is situated above the fissure of the medulla: it extends as a continued tube through the whole length of the spinal marrow; and a free communication of the limpid fluid which the canal contains, is kept up between the brain and whole extent of spinal marrow.

Including Notices of Works in Hand, Domestic and Foreign.

...Authentic Communications for this Article will always be thankfully received.


R. JONATHAN SCOTT is preparing a new edition of his Persian Tales, entitled, the Babar Danush, or Garden of Knowledge; and we are assured that sir Gore Ouseley, sir William Ouseley, and other orientalists who have collated the translation with the original, have spoken in the highest terms of the utility of Dr.

Scott's literal version to those who study the eastern style of composition, and particularly to those who wish to acquire a knowledge of the manners and customs of Hindoostan.

Mr. GEORGE CUMBERLAND, of Bristol, author of Thoughts on Outline, Hafod, Life of Bonafoni, &c. has in the


press, and will publish next month, two volumes of Original Tales. He is like wise preparing for publication a work with sixty plates, on the Principles of the Composition of the Ancients.

The amateurs of the fine arts will be pleased to learn that it is intended to publish by subscription, a facsimile of Wilson's Sketch Book, being Studies and Designs by that great artist, made in Italy and Rome, in the year 1752. It will consist of fifty Plates, the size of the Originals, to be engraved by Mr. J. WHESSELL, and will form a dewy quarto volume.

Mr. DALLAS is preparing for the press a new edition of the novels of Percival Aubrey, and the Morlands, to be printed in a uniform manner; making together six volumes instead of twelve. To these he proposes to add a seventh volume, containing poems, dramas, and moral


The Royal Free School, Borough Road, Southwark, which is the establishment of Mr. JOSEPH LANCASTER, has in it above one thousand scholars, the expense of whose education last year did not cost four shillings per annum each child. The seminary for training schoolmis. fresses, is under the care of his sister, Miss MARY LANCASTER The governess of the school, in conjunction with her sister, has reduced to practice a recent discovery in the art of teaching needlework, which will soon be published, but at present is not understood by any person except the above, who are anxious to establish its self-evident perfection on the most clear basis, before the details are submitted to the public. By means of this, any girl may teach others to work with the same facility, as they may be taught to read after Mr. L.'s original method. Any school of girls, however large, may be supplied with materials at the most trifling expense; and one mistress may superintend the needlework with as much case to herself, as one master on the British system can teach eight hundred or a thousand boys reading, writing, and arithmetic. This plan is just at present kept from public view, but in a few weeks is intended to be published.

A new volume of essays, by the London Architectural Society, will be ready for the public in a few days.

An historical and scientific disquisition on the Doric Order of Architecture, by Dr. E. AIKIN, in folio, with seven plates, $

in which the examples from antiquity are drawn to one scale, will also appear at the same time, under the auspices of the same society.

Miss LUCY AIKIN has in the press, Epistles on the Character and Condition of Women, in various Ages and Nations, with other poems.

Mr. WALTER SCOTT has in the press a poem, in six cantos, entitled, the Lady of the Lake.

His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has addressed a letter to Lord Grenville, chancellor of the university of Oxford, requesting him to present to the university, in the name of his royal highness, four of the papyri, or rolls from Portici, together with fac-simile copics, plates, and engravings, from other roils.

A life of the late Mr. HoLCROFT is just gone to the press. The carlier part was dictated by himself during his last illness; and it was his intention, had his life been prolonged, to have completed his own biography. The portion which he was unable to finish has been drawn up by a gentleman with whom he was for a considerable time in habits of intimacy.

Translations of the Medea and Octavia of Seneca, with other poems, originally translated by a member of Trinity college, Cambridge, may soon be expected to appear.

A collegiate seminary is establishing by subscription at Llanddew!brefi, under the patronage of the learned and benevolent bishop of St. David's. It is intended to be on a large scale, for the admission of youths designed for the church; who will have all the advantages of an university education, free of expense.

The medical student and practitioner will soon receive from the pen of Dr. G. II. TOULMIN, of Wolverhampton, a work under the title of, Elements of the Practice of Medicine, in which that important subject will, for the first time, assume all the interest of a practical science.

Miss MARY HOUGHTON has a work in the press, in three volumes, entitled, Mysteries of the Forest, which bids fair to rival the best productions of the ad

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